
Sunday, 9 March 2025

MinyakKita dijual di Atas HET dan Isi disunat 3 Perusahan Terancam ditutup

MinyakKita dijual di Atas HET dan Isi disunat 3 Perusahan Terancam ditutup

MinyakKita dijual di Atas HET dan Isi disunat 3 Perusahan Terancam ditutup

Menteri Pertanian (Mentan) Andi Amran Sulaiman memperlihatkan takaran minyak goreng kemasan Minyakita yang tidak sesuai takaran saat melakukan inspeksi mendadak, di Pasar Lenteng Agung, Kelurahan Jagakarsa, Kecamatan Jagakarsa, Jakarta Selatan, hari Sabtu, 08/03/2025. ANTARA/Harianto

Menteri Pertanian (Mentan) Andi Amran Sulaiman menemukan pelanggaran pada sast sidak di Pasar Jaya, Lenteng Agung, Jakarta Selatan, hari Sabtu, 08 Maret 2025, dalam distribusi minyak goreng Minyakita. Mentan menemukan Minyakita dijual di atas HET dan isi tidak sesuai takaran, yang seharusnya 1 liter tapi hanya terisi 750-800 mililiter.

Minyak tersebut diproduksi oleh PT Artha Eka Global Asia, Koperasi Produsen UMKM Koperasi Terpadu Nusantara (KTN), dan PT Tunasagro Indolestari. Selain volume yang tidak sesuai, harga jualnya juga melebihi Harga Eceran Tertinggi (HET) yang ditetapkan pemerintah. Meskipun di kemasan tertulis harga Rp 15.700 per liter, minyak ini dijual dengan harga Rp 18.000 per liter.

“Kami turun langsung ke pasar untuk memastikan pasokan dan kualitas pangan, salah satunya minyak goreng bagi masyarakat, tetapi justru menemukan pelanggaran. Minyakita dijual di atas HET, dari seharusnya Rp 15.700 menjadi Rp 18.000," kata Mentan Andi Amran Sulaiman, hari Sabtu, 08/03/2025.

"Ini adalah bentuk kecurangan yang merugikan rakyat, terutama di bulan Ramadhan saat kebutuhan bahan pokok meningkat," ujarnya, dilansirdari Antara, hari Sabtu, 8 Maret 2025.

Ia meminta agar perusahaan yang terbukti melakukan pelanggaran segera diproses secara hukum dan ditutup.

"Kami turun langsung ke pasar untuk memastikan pasokan dan kualitas pangan, salah satunya minyak goreng bagi masyarakat, tetapi justru menemukan pelanggaran," imbuhnya.

Selain volume yang tidak sesuai, harga jualnya juga melebihi Harga Eceran Tertinggi (HET) yang ditetapkan pemerintah.

Menanggapi temuan ini, Mentan menegaskan bahwa praktik seperti itu sangat merugikan masyarakat dan tidak bisa ditoleransi. Ia meminta agar perusahaan yang terbukti melakukan pelanggaran segera diproses secara hukum dan ditutup.

Menteri Pertanian (Mentan) Andi Amran Sulaiman melakukan inspeksi mendadak di Pasar Lenteng Agung, Kelurahan Jagakarsa, Kecamatan Jagakarsa, Jakarta Selatan, hari Sabtu, 08/03/2025. ANTARA/Harianto


Dia juga menekankan pentingnya pengawasan ketat terhadap distribusi minyak goreng di pasaran, agar kejadian serupa tidak terulang. Ia meminta Satgas Pangan dan Bareskrim Polri segera bertindak untuk menegakkan aturan.

Menurutnya, tidak boleh ada pembiaran mengenai praktik tersebut. Pemerintah berkomitmen untuk melindungi kepentingan masyarakat.

"Saya sudah berkoordinasi dengan Kabareskrim dan Satgas Pangan. Jika terbukti ada pelanggaran, perusahaan ini harus ditutup dan izinnya dicabut. Tidak ada ruang bagi pelaku usaha yang sengaja mencari keuntungan dengan cara yang merugikan rakyat,” katanya menegaskan.

Lebih lanjut, Mentan mengingatkan para pelaku usaha untuk menaati regulasi yang berlaku. Ia menegaskan bahwa pemerintah akan terus melakukan sidak dan memastikan produk pangan yang beredar di pasaran sesuai standar yang telah ditetapkan.

“Saya ingatkan kepada semua produsen dan distributor, jangan bermain-main dengan kebutuhan pokok rakyat. Jika ada yang mencoba mengambil keuntungan dengan cara tidak jujur, pemerintah akan bertindak tegas. Kami tidak segan-segan menutup dan mencabut izin usaha yang terbukti melanggar aturan,” katanya lagi.

Dalam sidak tersebut, Mentan Amran didampingi oleh Penyidik Madhya Pideksus Bareskrim Polri Kombes Pol Burhanuddin.

Burhanuddin memastikan bahwa pihak kepolisian akan segera menindaklanjuti temuan itu sesuai dengan ketentuan hukum yang berlaku.

“Kami dari Bareskrim Mabes Polri hari ini mendampingi Bapak Mentan Amran dalam sidak di Pasar Jaya Lenteng Agung. Kami akan melakukan penyelidikan lebih lanjut terkait temuan ini dan segera menindaklanjuti sesuai aturan hukum yang berlaku,” ujar Burhanuddin.

Dengan adanya temuan ini, pemerintah memastikan akan terus memperketat pengawasan terhadap distribusi minyak goreng di seluruh wilayah.

Masyarakat juga diimbau untuk lebih teliti saat membeli minyak goreng dan segera melaporkan jika menemukan produk yang tidak sesuai dengan ketentuan.

Saturday, 8 March 2025

Elon Musk Is Making Republicans Sweat and Giving Democrats a New Target

Elon Musk Is Making Republicans Sweat and Giving Democrats a New Target

Elon Musk has made himself a constant presence in Washington since President Trump’s inauguration. Credit...Haiyun Jiang for The New York Times

His unusual governing arrangement with President Trump is opening Republicans up to being yoked politically to Mr. Musk, who polls show is broadly unpopular.

He held court in the Oval Office in a T-shirt and blazer with a child clinging to his shoulders. He takes private meetings on Capitol Hill, offering his phone number for senators to voice their complaints, as if they are his constituents. And last month, he brandished a chain saw as he promised to cut spending, to rapturous cheers from conservative activists.

Seven weeks into President Trump’s second administration, Elon Musk has not just upended the government. His omnipresence in Washington has also swiftly become an unpredictable factor that could reshape politics across the country.

Already, the billionaire’s signature slash-and-burn style and showy spending cuts have reverberated far beyond the Capitol, making even lawmakers from deep-red states begin to sweat. He has shown a willingness to shape elections directly, both by spending locally and by threatening to wield his fortune to stifle dissent within the Republican Party.

And he has given a glimmer of hope to Democrats in search of a message they can use against Mr. Trump, playing a starring role in new advertising for their candidates and by several of the party’s major campaign arms. Democratic operatives gleefully swap private polling suggesting Mr. Musk could prove a serious liability for the president.

Mr. Musk brandished a chain saw during an appearance at the Conservative Political Action Conference in National Harbor, Md., last month. Credit... Eric Lee/The New York Times

While many presidents have relied on family members or close friends as advisers, never before has the country seen an unelected billionaire and newcomer to electoral politics gain such a powerful and prominent perch in the White House.

Mr. Musk’s support for Mr. Trump — which came with close to $300 million in financial backing — may well have helped him win the presidency. But their unusual governing arrangement is opening Republicans to being yoked politically not just to Mr. Trump, but also to Mr. Musk, as his Department of Government Efficiency pushes for what could prove to be unpopular cuts to federal programs and government jobs.

Some Republicans are already acknowledging the potential political hazards, voicing a mild but notable word of caution about one of Mr. Trump’s biggest priorities.

“In my state, it’s always about jobs and the economy,” said Senator Shelley Moore Capito, who said she had fielded anguished calls from constituents in West Virginia. “And anytime anybody loses a job, it has political risk for whoever’s in power, there’s no doubt.”

The risks for Republicans extend beyond the possible effects of his cuts on voters. Mr. Musk is an eccentric figure who has long been unrestrained by filter or convention, protected by his wealth and his elite status in the technology industry. In a single interview with Joe Rogan last week, he made puns about Nazis, speculated about A.I.-powered sex robots and slammed the idea of Social Security — giving Republicans who have long looked away from Mr. Trump’s more outlandish public statements something new to avoid.

Now, those ideas appear to have an open door to the Oval Office, through a partnership that is raising eyebrows even among some of their supporters.

“I don’t really know what that relationship entails, with he and the president,” Ms. Capito said. But, she added, she supported the idea of right-sizing government.

“I think we’ll just ride it and see, see what happens,” she said.

Democrats are eager to ride it, too.

Elected officials, strategists and activists across the party are embracing a Musk-first strategy as a way to rally their supporters, sway independents and establish an early line of attack against Republicans.

A Pew survey in late January and early February found that 54 percent of respondents held an unfavorable view of Mr. Musk. Credit... Samuel Corum for The New York Times

“It’s an easy story: Elon Musk and the billionaires have taken over government to steal from the American people to enrich themselves,” said Senator Chris Murphy of Connecticut, a Democrat and one of his party’s earliest critics of Mr. Musk. “That’s the message. It’s true, it’s persuasive, and if we repeat it over and over again, they won’t win.”

Public polling suggests Democrats have reason for optimism. A Washington Post poll last month found that 49 percent of American adults disapproved of the job Mr. Musk was doing in the federal government, while 34 percent approved. A Pew survey released Feb. 19 found that 54 percent of respondents held an unfavorable view of Mr. Musk and just 3 percent had not heard of him. And a Marist College poll released Monday found that half of respondents had an unfavorable opinion of Mr. Musk. A slightly smaller share — 44 percent of respondents — had an unfavorable opinion of his department, but only 39 percent had a favorable opinion of it.

A survey released by the progressive-leaning Navigator Research showed that Mr. Musk is less popular than the president — particularly among Mr. Trump’s less educated and less engaged supporters — and better known than many in the administration. One poll by a Democratic organization in February found that Mr. Musk had significantly stronger name recognition than Vice President JD Vance.

Mr. Musk’s imprimatur alone makes the administration’s initiatives less popular, another private survey found: When his name was explicitly linked to his marquee effort, the Department of Government Efficiency, voters expressed a more unfavorable view of the program.

Mr. Musk has already become a big factor in political battles outside Washington. In Wisconsin, Democrats quickly seized on a $1 million donation by his political action committee on behalf of a conservative candidate running for a hotly contested State Supreme Court seat. Wisconsin Democrats are now framing the entire contest as “The People vs. Musk.”

In Virginia, Democrats in the House of Delegates are running advertisements featuring Mr. Musk’s face and accusing Mr. Trump of cutting benefits and driving up costs. Mr. Musk is also figuring in at least one high-profile Democratic primary. In the New Jersey governor’s race, candidates like Representative Mikie Sherrill frequently evoke Mr. Musk on the stump. Footage of Mr. Musk making a gesture that looked like a Nazi salute also appears in an ad by an outside group supporting Ms. Sherrill. She and Representative Josh Gottheimer, another contender, have also been attacked for receiving donations from SpaceX’s corporate political action committee in previous campaigns.

And House Majority Forward, a super PAC supporting Democrats running for the House, released ads this week targeting 23 vulnerable Republican lawmakers with a message that prominently featured Mr. Musk and made no mention of Mr. Trump. One of the ads says the Republicans would gut Medicaid, force the closure of rural hospitals and eliminate health insurance for low-income children to “fund massive tax cuts for Elon Musk and billionaires.” It ends with video footage of Mr. Musk shouting and waving a chain saw at last month’s Conservative Political Action Conference.

In February, House Majority Forward advised Democrats running for Congress to focus on how Mr. Musk’s cuts could harm popular programs like Social Security and Medicare. “While we shouldn’t chide Musk, Trump and others for being rich, audiences should know that the programs working families and seniors rely on are in danger so those in the administration can get rich,” the group wrote.

Still, there are some signs that the politics around Mr. Musk are already shifting in Washington. Republicans on Capitol Hill have pressed him to help them better explain his actions, and some of them insist they are standing up for constituents worried that their jobs or their funding could be on the chopping block.

Mr. Trump said on Thursday that his cabinet secretaries, not Mr. Musk, had the authority to carry out cuts. Credit... Doug Mills/The New York Times

“We are making sure to elevate our voice and elevate, you know, the good work that’s being done in the state,” said Senator Katie Britt, Republican of Alabama.

Even that gentle pushback — which Ms. Britt bookended with praise for Musk and his cost-cutting effort — is rare in a Republican Party that has learned to march in lock step with Mr. Trump.

Other Republicans have expressed reservations about the role Mr. Musk might play in government budget talks — particularly with the possibility of a shutdown looming.

“Everybody, particularly Elon, needs to take into account how unproductive it is,” Senator Thom Tillis of North Carolina said of a potential shutdown. In an interview, he said that most of what Mr. Musk was doing with the Department of Government Efficiency made sense, but that there were “unique characteristics to our democracy that don’t make all of the things work.”

There are some indications that Mr. Trump himself could be moving to rein in Mr. Musk. Though he showered him with praise during his joint address to Congress on Tuesday, Mr. Trump on Thursday said that his cabinet secretaries, not Mr. Musk, had the authority to carry out cuts.

“We say the ‘scalpel’ rather than the ‘hatchet,’” Mr. Trump wrote in a social media post.

But as his cuts affect the lives of a wider swath of Americans, Democrats are preparing to make their opponents pay a price, in this year’s elections and then in the midterms.

“This isn’t a debate about a bill in Congress that never passes and never actually impacts people,” said Jesse Ferguson, a Democratic strategist. “If you don’t get your V.A. benefits or your Social Security check, or your disease doesn’t get researched, they now own it.”

Even in an unpredictable political environment, Mr. Ferguson said, “Pottery Barn rules still apply.”

Friday, 7 March 2025

Jembatan Noyo Penghubung di Nias Barat Roboh, Bupati Minta Percepatan Pembangunan Jembatan Darurat

Jembatan Noyo Penghubung di Nias Barat Roboh, Bupati Minta Percepatan Pembangunan Jembatan Darurat

Jembatan Noyo Penghubung di Nias Barat Roboh, Bupati Minta Percepatan Pembangunan Jembatan Darurat

Hujan yang mengguyur sejak dini hari membuat Jembatan Sungai Noyo yang terletak di Desa Tawuna, Kecamatan Mandrehe, Kabupaten Nias Barat, Sumatera Utara, roboh setelah dihantam banjir pada hari Rabu, 05/3/2025.

Ambruknya jembatan tersebut melumpuhkan akses utama menuju 3 daerah yakni Nias, Gunungsitoli, dan Nias Utara, terputus total.

Menanggapi insiden ini, Pemerintah Kabupaten Nias Barat segera menurunkan tim tanggap darurat untuk memantau lokasi kejadian.

Menurut mantan Kepala Desa Tuwuna, Ama Marcel Zai, air sungai mulai naik sejak pukul 04.30 WIB, dan sekitar 30 menit kemudian, jembatan mulai rusak hingga akhirnya ambruk sebagian. Dengan panjang 90 meter, sekitar 60 meter dari jembatan ini hanyut tersapu banjir.

Robohnya Jembatan Noyo bukan hanya menghambat akses transportasi, tetapi juga berdampak pada ekonomi warga.

“Saat ini, akses utama masih terputus, dan pemerintah daerah bersama tim teknis sedang melakukan asesmen untuk mencari solusi darurat,” kata Bupati Nias Barat Ellyunus Waruwu pada hari Kamis, 06/03/2025.

“Kami telah melaporkan kejadian ini ke Pemerintah Provinsi Sumatera Utara karena jembatan tersebut merupakan kewenangan provinsi. Kami mendorong agar segera ada pembangunan jembatan darurat guna memulihkan akses masyarakat sembari menunggu pembangunan jembatan permanen,” jelas dia.

Jembatan Noyo selama ini menjadi jalur utama kendaraan roda dua dan empat yang melintasi wilayah Nias Barat. Setelah roboh, jalur tersebut tidak bisa lagi digunakan, memaksa warga untuk mencari rute alternatif yang lebih jauh dan memakan waktu lebih lama.

“Sebagai langkah darurat, Polres Nias dan Polsek Mandrehe telah memasang garis polisi dan tanda peringatan agar tidak ada warga yang nekat melintas di jembatan yang rusak. Pihak berwenang juga telah berkoordinasi dengan dinas terkait untuk mencari solusi perbaikan,” kata Kepala Seksi Humas Polres Nias Aipda Motivasi Gea dalam keterangan tertulisnya, hari Kamis, 06/03/2025.

Tim dari Badan Penanggulangan Bencana Daerah (BPBD) dan Dinas PUPR Nias Barat saat ini masih berada di lokasi untuk melakukan asesmen dan mencari solusi sementara.

"Kami berencana berkolaborasi dengan Pemprov Sumut untuk membangun jembatan darurat, sembari menunggu pembangunan jembatan permanen," tandas Ellyunus.

Polisi memasang police line di Jembatan Noyo di Kecamatan Mandrehe, Kabupaten Nias Barat, Sumatera Utara, Rabu (5/3/2025). Jembatan itu roboh karena diterjang banjir. (Dok Polres Nias )

Sementara itu, Kasi Humas Polres Nias, Aipda Motivasi Gea, menjelaskan bahwa robohnya jembatan menyebabkan aktivitas transportasi, baik kendaraan roda dua maupun roda empat, lumpuh total.

Thursday, 6 March 2025

Lavrov compares Macron to Hitler and Napoleon

Lavrov compares Macron to Hitler and Napoleon

Lavrov compares Macron to Hitler and Napoleon

FILE PHOTO: French President Emmanuel Macron speaks during a press-conference.
©Getty Images/Artur Widak

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov has compared French President Emmanuel Macron to Adolf Hitler and Napoleon Bonaparte, saying that he is also looking to impose a defeat upon Russia.

During an address to the nation on Wednesday, Macron labeled Russia a “threat to France and Europe” and announced that he was considering expanding Paris’s nuclear deterrent to cover other EU member states.

He insisted that the bloc needs to strengthen its independence when it comes to defense as there are doubts about the US continuing to protect the EU after the administration of President Donald Trump “changed its position” on the Ukraine conflict and became “less supportive” of Kiev. The French president insisted on further assistance to the government of Vladimir Zelensky, claiming that Russian President Vladimir Putin will not stop if he is allowed to defeat Ukraine.

When asked to comment on Macron’s statements by journalists on Thursday, Lavrov mentioned Hitler and Napoleon, describing them as the French president’s “predecessors, who also wanted to fight Russia.” The two European dictators sent their armies into Russia in 1812 and 1941, respectively, but ended up suffering crushing defeats.

The difference is that Hitler and Napoleon “said directly: ‘We must conquer Russia, we must defeat Russia.’ And he [Macron], apparently, wants the same thing, but for some reason says that we must fight Russia so that it does not defeat France; that Russia is creating a threat to France and Europe,” he stressed.

The minister refuted the French leader’s claims that Moscow has plans to attack Western Europe, calling such notions “unreasonable.”

“President (Vladimir) Putin has said many times that this is absolute nonsense. I think that any sane person would understand that [by launching its military operation] Russia only wants to eliminate the root causes of the situation created by the West in Ukraine,” he explained.

Lavrov also said that Moscow views Macron’s statement about widening France’s nuclear umbrella as a “threat towards Russia.”

“If he considers us a threat, if he is calls a meeting of the chiefs of staff of the [Western] European countries and Britain; if he says that it is necessary to use nuclear weapons; if he prepares to use nuclear weapons against Russia – this is, of course, a threat,” he insisted.

Earlier in the day, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov described the French president’s speech as “highly confrontational,” saying that it has shown that France does not want peace, but “is thinking more about war, about the continuation of the conflict.

Lavrov weighs in on US decision to halt intel sharing with Ukraine

Ukraine is entirely incapable of launching long-range missile strikes on Russia without direct support from Western nations, Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov has said, citing the recent US decision to pause intelligence sharing with Kiev as proof.

FILE PHOTO: Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov.
©Sputnik/Sergey Guneev

On Wednesday, CIA Director John Ratcliffe confirmed that the US had halted intelligence sharing with Kiev, adding that the restrictions could be lifted if Ukraine demonstrated a commitment to peace negotiations with Russia. Washington has also frozen military assistance to Kiev, with both moves following a public spat between US President Donald Trump and Ukrainian leader Vladimir Zelensky during an Oval Office meeting last week. The talks ended with Trump accusing Zelensky of “disrespect” and reluctance to seek peace with Moscow.

Speaking to reporters on Thursday, Lavrov highlighted the consequences of the US decision on intel sharing. “Without the direct involvement of the West – namely the United States, Britain, France, Germany, and other countries – Ukraine would not be able to use these technologies and data to launch long-range missiles at our territory. This is a very important acknowledgment,” the minister said.

At the same time, Lavrov declined to speculate on how long the freeze would last, stressing that Russia is focused on eliminating the root causes of the conflict, including securing guarantees that NATO “will not continue to absorb Ukraine as a territory that could later be used to create permanent threats against the Russian Federation.”

Ukraine has long used advanced Western-made weapons, including US-supplied HIMARS and ATACMS, and British Storm Shadow missiles, to target Russian facilities, including civilian ones. In the fall of 2024, the administration of then-US President Joe Biden authorized Ukraine to use American long-range missiles for strikes deep into Russian territory despite Moscow’s warnings that this would escalate the conflict.

In response to Ukrainian long-range strikes using Western weapons, Russia deployed its newest intermediate-range ballistic missile system, the Oreshnik, to target Ukraine’s Yuzhmash military-industrial facility in the city of Dnepr. Russian President Vladimir Putin described the Oreshnik as impossible to intercept, noting its warheads travel at ten times the speed of sound.

Putin has said that Ukraine could launch missile strikes deep into Russia only if it receives reconnaissance data from satellites operated either by the EU or the US.

CIA confirms suspension of intelligence sharing with Ukraine

CIA confirms suspension of intelligence sharing with Ukraine

CIA confirms suspension of intelligence sharing with Ukraine

FILE PHOTO: John Ratcliffe.
©Tom Williams/CQ-Roll Call, Inc via Getty Images

Washington has brought all intelligence sharing with Ukraine to a halt, CIA Director John Ratcliffe confirmed to Fox Business on Wednesday. The development came just a day after several American media outlets reported that the US had suspended military assistance, including both the purchase of new weapons and shipments already in progress.

When asked by host Maria Bartiromo whether the US had “cut off” its cooperation with Ukraine, Ratcliffe said that US President Donald Trump had “asked for a pause” to see if Kiev was ready to work toward resolving the conflict with Russia.

“President Trump had a real question whether… Zelensky was committed to a peace process,” Ratcliffe said, claiming that the halt to assistance and information sharing contributed to Zelensky publicly stating that he was “ready for peace.”

On Tuesday, the Ukrainian leader said that Kiev was ready for an immediate POW release and a temporary ceasefire with a “ban on missiles, long-ranged drones, bombs on energy and other civilian infrastructure.” Last week, Trump told reporters that Zelensky needed to be ready for an immediate ceasefire before he could be welcomed back to the US following their Oval Office debacle on Friday.

”On the military front and on the intelligence front, the pause… allowed that to happen,” Ratcliffe said, adding that he expected the US to resume cooperating with Ukraine soon.

The halt to intelligence sharing was “selective,” Sky News initially reported on Wednesday, citing a Ukrainian source. However, the move made it difficult for Ukraine to launch attacks against targets deep inside Russia, the source said. The British outlet reported later the same day that Washington had halted the flow of intelligence completely. “A few hours ago, the exchange of all information was stopped,” a Ukrainian source told Sky.

Washington reportedly also barred its allies from sharing with Ukraine, Financial Times reported on Wednesday, citing sources familiar with the matter. Recipients with assets inside Ukraine itself were likely to continue to pass on relevant information, the paper said, but Kiev would likely miss out on time-sensitive and high-value intelligence it needed to strike moveable Russian targets.

Trump and Zelensky had a heated verbal exchange on Friday, when the US president accused the Ukrainian leader of ingratitude and “gambling with World War III” by refusing to work towards a halt to hostilities.

Several US outlets, including Bloomberg, the New York Times, and CNN, reported that Trump had paused military aid after the fall out. According to the NYT, the president’s order affected more than $1 billion in “arms and ammunition in the pipeline and on order.”

Moscow commented on the reports by saying that if the US were to suspend supplies altogether it would “probably be the best contribution to the cause of peace.”

Poland confirms US has suspended military aid to Ukraine

The US has suspended military assistance to Ukraine, including the delivery of weapons that were already in shipment, Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk has told journalists. Earlier, the move was reported by several US media outlets.

FILE PHOTO: Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk
©Global Look Press / Fot.Tedi / Newspix.Pl

“Today, a decision was announced to suspend American aid for Ukraine,” Tusk told reporters ahead of a government meeting on Tuesday. Washington has not made any official announcements on the issue.

“Reports that are coming from the border, from our hub in Jasionka, have confirmed the announcements of the American side,” the Polish prime minister stated. Located in the southeastern Poland, Jasionka airport has been transformed into a major supply and transport hub for Ukraine-bound Western military aid.

Several US media outlets, including Bloomberg, the New York Times and CNN, then reported that US President Donald Trump had paused military aid following the falling out with Ukraine’s Vladimir Zelensky in Washington last Friday. According to the NYT, the president’s order affected more than $1 billion in “arms and ammunition in the pipeline and on order.”

According to Tusk, American weapons which had already reached Poland were not expected to be sent to Ukraine following Trump’s decision. The prime minister also claimed that the US actions suggest the Trump administration could possibly “start lifting” anti-Russian sanctions.

Last month, Trump held a phone call with Russian President Vladimir Putin, with discussions aimed at resolving the Ukraine conflict and restoring bilateral ties. The US president then announced that he was “trying to do some economic development deals” with Moscow. He also signaled that sanctions could be lifted “at some point.”

Moscow responded by saying that it was open to economic cooperation with the US and called for the restrictions to be lifted.

According to Tusk, such developments were putting the EU and Ukraine “in a more difficult situation.” He also stated that the bloc’s task was “to increase its defense capabilities as quickly as possible” and in close coordination with “neighboring” NATO states.

On Wednesday, CIA Director John Ratcliffe confirmed to Fox Business that Washington has suspended intelligence sharing with Kiev as well. He called the measure temporary and argued that it was aimed at ensuring Kiev was committed to the peace process. Sky News initially reported on the same day that the suspension was “selective” only to say that it became total hours later.

Moscow had previously welcomed the reports about the suspension by saying that if Washington stuck to this decision, it would “probably be the best contribution to the cause of peace.”

Wednesday, 5 March 2025

Mushala Teredam Hanya Atap dan Kubah yang Terlihat hingga setinggi Lutut Air di lantai 2 Banjir di Pejaten Timur Jaksel

Mushala Teredam Hanya Atap dan Kubah yang Terlihat hingga setinggi Lutut Air di lantai 2 Banjir di Pejaten Timur Jaksel

Mushala Teredam Hanya Atap dan Kubah yang Terlihat hingga setinggi Lutut Air di lantai 2 Banjir di Pejaten Timur Jaksel

BANJIR TANGSEL- Salah satu musala di RW 08 Kelurahan Pejaten Timur, Kecamatan Pasar Minggu, Jakarta Selatan, terendam banjir pada hari Selasa, 04/03/2025. Ketinggian banjir beragam di Tangsel mulai 30 sentimeter hingga beberapa meter. ( AL FARISI)

Kali Ciliwung yang meluap membuat sebuah mushalaa yang berada di sekitar kali terendam. Mushalaa yang berada di Musala di RW 08 Kelurahan Pejaten Timur, Kecamatan Pasar Minggu, Jakarta Selatan itu terendam hingga atap. Mushalaa tersebut terendam karena hanya berjarak sekitar 15 meter dari bantaran sungai Kali Ciliwung.

Luapan air hingga membuat tidak terlihat lagi batasan Kali Ciliwung dengan bantaran sungai karena seluruhnya sudah tertutup air, dilihat atas Jembatan Condet, bangunan mushalaa satu lantai tersebut hanya terlihat atap genteng dan kubah saja. Di sekitar mushala hanya terlihat air berwarna coklat yang mengepungnya, pepohonan, dan satu tiang pengeras suara.

“Kemarin juga terendam, cuma enggak sampai segini,” kata seorang warga bernama Salim (56) saat ditemui di Jembatan Condet, Pejaten Timur, Pasar Minggu, Jakarta Selatan, Selasa

Lantai 2 Rumah Air Banjir Sudah Selutut Orang Dewasa, Warga Pejaten Timur Mengungsi ke SMPN 46 Jakarta

Ratusan warga terdampak banjir di Kelurahan Pejaten Timur, Jakarta Selatan terpaksa mengungsi di ruang kelas Sekolah Menengah Pertama Negeri (SMPN) 46, Jakarta Selatan, Selasa, 4 Maret 2025.

Warga mengungsi di dua ruang kelas sekolah setelah dievakuasi tim SAR gabungan karena lokasi banjir yang cukup parah hingga lantai dua rumah.

Suasana di pengungsian di SMPN 46 Pejaten Timur, Jakarta Selatan, Selasa, 4 Maret 2025. (Sumber: Poskota/Ali Mansur)

Dewi, 55 tahun, warga RT 5, Pejaten Timur mengaku rumahnya hampir tenggelam akibat luapan air dari sungai Ciliwung yang tak jauh dari kediamannya.

Bahkan di lantai dua rumahnya, air sudah setinggi lutut orang dewasa. Jika diukur dari dari tanah, tinggi air kemungkinan mencapai 4 meter lebih.

"Air sudah masuk ke lantai dua, itu sudah segini (lutut). Udah biasa di sini banjir, kalau yang paling besar itu 2007, sampai wuwungan. Saya bertiga sama suami sama anak," ujar perempuan satu anak itu saat ditemui di lokasi pengungsian, Selasa, 4 Maret 2025.

Menurut Dewi, air mulai masuk ke pemukiman pada hari Minggu, 2 Maret 2025 malam. Air luapan sungai terpanjang di Jakarta itu perlahan-lahan merangsek mengisi setiap ruangan rumah hingga Senin, 3 Maret 2025.

Namun ketika itu, ketinggian air masih belum menyentuh lantai dua. Sehingga dirinya bersama suami belum terpikirkan untuk mengungsi.

"Apalagi kemarin siang itu air sudah mulai surut. Kita udah mulai bersih-bersih, eh semalaman sebelum sahur air datang lagi, puncak tadi pagi masuk ke lantai dua," katanya.

Tidak banyak perlengkapan mengungsi yang dibawanya. Dewi mengaku hanya sempat membawa surat-surat berharga dan satu tas pakaian salin.

Dia berharap alat elektronik yang tertinggal masih bisa berfungsi atau setidaknya masih bisa diperbaiki untuk kembali digunakan. Namun ia memastikan semua peralatan elektronik yang ada di rumahnya sudah dievakuasi ke lantai dua.

"Sekarang enggak tahu sudah surut apa belum air lantai dua, rice cooker, televisi terakhir saya tinggal sih masih aman. Tapi enggak tahu sekarang, saya pasrah saja, mau bagaimana lagi," ucap Dewi.

Saat ini Dewi bersama ratusan pengungsi lainnya membutuhkan bantuan makanan untuk buka puasa dan sahur. Apalagi sampai dengan Selasa, 4 Maret 2025 pukul 14.00 WIB belum ada tanda-tanda air bakal surut dengan cepat.

Kemudian juga sampai saat ini belum ada informasi apakah bakal ada bantuan dari Pemprov Jakarta atau lainnya untuk makan buka puasa.

"Pasti kami yang di pengungsian butuh bantuan untuk buka nanti, juga sahur nanti. Kalau malam sore kering juga belum sempat buat sahur," ujar dia.

Badan Penanggulangan Bencana Daerah (BPBD) Jakarta melaporkan, hujan dengan intensitas tinggi pada malam hari, hari Minggu, 02/03/2025, mengakibatkan kenaikan air di Bendung Katulampa, Bogor Timur, Kota Bogor.

Akibatnya, Kali Ciliwung meluap dan merendam permukiman warga. Berdasarkan catatan BPBD pada hari Selasa, 04/03/2025, pukul 07.00 WIB, sebanyak 59 RT di Jakarta terdampak banjir.