
Monday 3 May 2021

Bukan Tanpa Sebab Kasus Covid-19 India Kritis

Bukan Tanpa Sebab Kasus Covid-19 India Kritis

Bukan Tanpa Sebab Kasus Covid-19 India Kritis

Men walk past burning pyres of persons who died due to the coronavirus disease (COVID-19), at a crematorium ground in Tavarekere on the outskirts of Bengaluru, India, May 2, 2021. REUTERS/Samuel Rajkumar

Kian kritis kasus covid-19 di India, PM Narendra India Modi telah dikritik karena tidak bergerak lebih cepat untuk membatasi penyebaran dan membiarkan jutaan orang yang sebagian besar tidak bermasker menghadiri festival keagamaan dan rapat umum politik yang ramai di lima negara bagian selama Maret dan April.

Pada awal Maret, sebuah forum penasihat ilmiah pemerintah memperingatkan para pejabat tentang varian baru dan lebih menular dari virus corona, kata lima anggotanya kepada Reuters.

Jauh sebelum bulan Maret, di bulan Februari, India saat itu masih memberlakukan pembatasan pergerakan warga India. Dan masih ingat pada bulan Januari 2021, dan saat itu di India kasus corona melandai .

Sementara itu India sebagai produsen vaksin terbesar di dunia, India tidak memiliki cukup vaksin untuk dirinya sendiri. Hanya 9% dari populasi 1,35 miliar yang telah menerima dosis.

Dan kemudian mendekati awal pertengahan bulan Maret kasus corona mengalami grafik peningkatan yang tajam, saat negara tersebut sedang menggalakkan vaksinasi anti covid-19.

Pada saat itu dua media yang pertama kali menyebarluaskan kasus covid di India, yaitu situs MSN yang mana situs ini milik microsoft dan tentunya milik bill gates. Dan satu lagi asal Perancis daily motion.

Awal Maret 2021, India mulai menjalankan program vaksin, selain itu India juga membolehkan penggunaan remdisivir buatan GAVI yang disupport oleh bill gates foundation.

Satu minggu kemudian, berjatuhan mereka yang terinfeksi covid-19 di tengah India sedang melakukan program vaksin dan pelonggaran pengetatan yang bias, yaitu kerumunan kampanye dan pelanggaran penggunaan masker.

Secara kasad mata, bisa saja dapatbdisimpulkan sementara bahwa, penyebab kasus corona meningkat oleh karena masalah di atas.

Namun ada apa MSN menyebarkan ini?

Dan ini cuplikan artikel :

"Enter one obscene billionaire who has appointed himself over the world and the people as having the answer to all the world’s ills without possessing one medical degree or any college degree at all – Bill Gates. In other words, it boils down to money. And, Bill Gates has plenty of it to throw at the most eccentric of scientific ideas, most bad for the world’s population. From funding experiments to block out the sun to thwart the myth of anthropogenic global warming, aka climate change, to funding experimental mRNA injections with a 20 to 1 return on investment, Bill Gates, through the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and a hefty “positive” advertisement campaign years ago, remade his image into one of benevolence from one of malevolence. The money from Bill Gates and his foundation bought the ethics of the medical profession, as well as the scientific community. Gates is the media “go to” man when needing “expertise” on mRNA injections, climate change/global warming, social morays, and developing science.

Now, Bill Gates wants to release “genetically modified” mosquitoes that can inject individuals with “vaccines”.

Great Game India reported the story on February 26, 2021.

Flying Syringes is a phrase that is used to refer to a proposed project funded by Bill Gates to create genetically modified mosquitoes that inject vaccines into people when they bite them.

In 2008, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation awarded $100,000 to Hiroyuki Matsuoka of Jichi Medical University in Japan to do research on genetically modified mosquitoes.

Hiroyuki Matsuoka at Jichi Medical University in Japan thinks it may be possible to turn mosquitoes that normally transmit disease into “flying syringes,” so that when they bite humans they deliver vaccines.

Professor Hiroyuki Matsuoka will attempt to design a mosquito that can produce and secrete a malaria vaccine protein into a host’s skin. The hope is that such mosquitoes could deliver protective vaccines against other infectious diseases as well.

If Matsuoka proves that his idea has merit, he will be eligible for an additional $1 million of funding. The Washington Post referred to flying syringes as a “bold idea”.

In fact, Bill Gates once did actually released a swarm of mosquitoes on unsuspecting crowd at a TED conference in 2009.

“There’s no reason only poor people should have the experience,” Bill Gates said, before adding that the mosquitoes were not infectious.

Flying syringes? Where does Bill Gates derive the authority to remove the right of an individual to choose or refuse any type of medical procedure? Why is the medical profession, or most of the medical profession, bowing to a man that has no medical degree or any concept of health care whatsoever? It’s called money. Bill Gate, by virtue of his money, believes he has the authority to laud as lord and king over those who don’t have as much. His arrogance is on public display except to those blinded by the greenbacks. Releasing a swarm of mosquitoes on unsuspecting individuals is arrogant. It matters not whether the insects were infectious or not. And, how did he know the insects weren’t infectious? Then, to claim that only “poor people” risk exposure to mosquitoes shows his level of arrogance. In the southern united States, people of all socio-economic backgrounds risk exposure to mosquitoes if spending time outdoors. In fact, all individuals who live where mosquitoes thrive risk exposure to these insects if spending time outdoors.

Jadi bukan tidak mungkin, negara lain pun dapat diperlakukan demikian termasuk Indonesia.

Lalu bagaimana mencegahnya ?

Ikuti di artikel berikutnya.

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