
Wednesday 30 November 2022

Washington's Approach Could Destroy Ukrainian State, Ex-Pentagon Adviser Macgregor Says

Washington's Approach Could Destroy Ukrainian State, Ex-Pentagon Adviser Macgregor Says

Washington's Approach Could Destroy Ukrainian State, Ex-Pentagon Adviser Macgregor Says

Col. Douglas Macgregor, a former senior adviser to then-US Defense Secretary Christopher Miller, said on Tuesday that the United States' approach to the conflict in Ukraine could destroy the Ukrainian state in the next phase of Moscow's special military operation.

"(US President Joe) Biden’s 'take no prisoners' conduct of U.S. foreign policy means the outcome of the next phase of the Ukrainian War will not only destroy the Ukrainian state. It will also demolish the last vestiges of the postwar liberal order and produce a dramatic shift in power and influence across Europe, especially in Berlin, away from Washington to Moscow and, to a limited extent, to Beijing," Macgregor wrote for The American Conservative magazine.

Macgregor also believes that the US actions will lead to an increase in Russian military power after the end of the conflict in Ukraine - the opposite result from what Washington expected. The US military leaders "viewed Russia through a narrowly focused lens that magnified US and Ukrainian strengths but ignored Russia’s strategic advantages—geographic depth, almost limitless natural resources, high social cohesion, and the military-industrial capacity to rapidly scale up its military power," the colonel wrote.

Since Russia launched a military operation in Ukraine on February 24, Western countries have been providing Kiev with humanitarian, military and financial aid. Moscow has denounced the flow of weapons to Ukraine from its Western allies, saying it adds fuel to the fire and warning that any arms shipments on Ukrainian territory would be "legitimate targets" for Russian forces.

While the United States and its NATO allies have so far been fairly eager to provide a steady flow of money and weapons to Kiev, effectively fanning the flames of the conflict, quite a few people have expressed concerns that this situation may develop into a global war between Russia and NATO.

While some critics of the Biden administration do not seem fond of the role the US plays in this conflict, there are also people who wonder aloud whether remaining a part of NATO – an alliance created decades ago solely to oppose the Soviet Union – is such a good idea.

Bruce Fein

Prominent US lawyer Bruce Fein, who served as associate deputy attorney general under the Reagan administration, has suggested that the United States could put an end to the conflict in Ukraine simply by withdrawing from NATO.

By remaining in NATO, which lost its purpose since the dissolution of the USSR in 1991, and by spearheading the military alliance’s expansion, the US essentially is helping to create an existential threat to Russia greater than “the existential threat the Cuban missile crisis posed to the United States," Fein argued in an op-ed published in a US media outlet last week.

Therefore, the lawyer suggested, US withdrawal from NATO could end this threat that “occasioned” Russia’s military operation in Ukraine, as well as “extinguish the executive branch’s ambition for regime change or weakening Russia.”

He also outlined a potential mechanism for this hypothetical withdrawal, noting how US Congress annulled a defense treaty with France in 1798.

Marjorie Taylor Greene

US politician and former Republican Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene voiced similar concerns a few months earlier when she slammed the Biden administration for the military support it provides to Ukraine.

Arguing that the US leadership and NATO are basically dragging the United States into a war with Russia, Greene tweeted in June that there would be no winners in such a confrontation.

“Escalation over Ukraine, a non-member nation, risking nuclear war is a power play endangering the entire world,” she wrote. “We should pull out of NATO.”

Donald Trump

While the 45th president had been a vocal critic of the way other NATO members allegedly shirk their responsibilities, demanding that they pay their alliance dues in full, he also apparently questioned the US presence in that organization.

In June, former US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton told media she has no doubt that the US would have left NATO if Trump were reelected in 2020.

In a book Trump penned in 2000, long before he became president, the then-real estate mogul argued that conflicts between warring factions in Europe simply aren’t worth US lives.

In June, former US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton told media she has no doubt that the US would have left NATO if Trump were reelected in 2020.

In a book Trump penned in 2000, long before he became president, the then-real estate mogul argued that conflicts between warring factions in Europe simply aren’t worth US lives.

“Pulling back from Europe would save this country millions of dollars annually. The cost of stationing NATO troops in Europe is enormous. And these are clearly funds that can be put to better use,” he wrote.

Collective Defense Issue

The concerns voiced by the proponents of US withdrawal from NATO got thrust into the limelight this month when an errant Ukrainian missile struck Poland, a NATO member.

While the NATO leadership and Poland concurred that the missile came from Ukraine, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky was quick to blame this incident on Russia, describing it as an attack on NATO members’ “collective security”.

If Zelensky’s accusations were true, this incident could have devolved into a full-blown direct conflict between the military alliance and Russia due to NATO’s collective defense mechanism that obliges all members to treat an attack against one of them as an attack against them all.

Members Only

The situation where at least some people advocate for the US leaving NATO can perhaps be considered somewhat ironic in light of the fact that, in the years following the demise of the Soviet Union, Russia proposed joining the military alliance on several occasions.

Though relations between Russia and NATO cooled following NATO’s attack on Serbia in 1999, Vladimir Putin, who became the president of Russia the following year, brought up the prospects of Moscow becoming a part of the alliance during the early years of his presidency.

Yet even as these initiatives ended being torpedoes by the NATO leadership, that did not deter the current NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg from claiming during his opening speech at the Aspen – GMF Bucharest Forum on Tuesday that it was Russia who “walked away” from constructive dialogue with NATO.

“There is no way we can continue the meaningful dialogue we tried to establish for many years with the behavior and the aggressive actions by Russia against Ukraine as we see now," he said.

Poland Preparing Claims for Western Ukrainian Lands, Russian Intel Chief Says

Poland Preparing Claims for Western Ukrainian Lands, Russian Intel Chief Says

Poland Preparing Claims for Western Ukrainian Lands, Russian Intel Chief Says

©Photo : Sgt. Anthony Jones (US Army)/Ukrainian Defence Ministry

Polish President Andrzej Duda has instructed the relevant departments to promptly prepare an official justification for Polish claims to Western Ukrainian lands, Russian Foreign Intelligence Service Director Sergei Naryshkin told Sputnik.

"Duda instructed the specialized services to prepare an official justification for Polish claims to western Ukraine in a short time," Naryshkin said.

The reference point in the ongoing archival research is the Volyn massacre of 1943, which the Polish authorities believe prove the involvement of the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists - Ukrainian Insurgent Army in the genocide of the Polish people, the official added.

The United States and Poland are hammering out plans for Warsaw to establish control over its "historic territories" in Ukraine.

"According to information received by Russia’s Foreign Intelligence Service, Washington and Warsaw are working on plans to establish Poland’s tight military and political control over ‘its historic territories’ in Ukraine," the SVR’s press service quoted the agency’s director Sergey Naryshkin as saying.

Based on the intelligence agency’s information, the first stage of this "reunification" would be Polish troops entering western Ukraine under the slogan of "defending it from Russian aggression." Currently, the details of the future mission are being discussed with the Biden administration.

"According to preliminary agreements, it would be conducted without a NATO mandate, but with a ‘coalition of interested’ states. Warsaw has not yet been able to gather any potential participants for this ‘coalition of the willing’," the SVR noted.

That said, the Russian state agency noted that the Polish government is not interested in "extra witnesses" to its operation. "Plans are in store to deploy a so-called peacekeeping contingent to areas of Ukraine where they would have practically next to no chances of encountering Russia’s Armed Forces. And the priority ‘combat tasks’ of the Polish military would be to gradually take over strategic facilities located there from Ukraine’s National Guard. Polish intelligence is already seeking out members of the Ukrainian elite ‘that can be negotiated with’ in order to shape a ‘democratic’ pro-Warsaw counterbalance to nationalists," the statement noted.

The Polish leadership hopes that this preventive deployment in western Ukraine will most likely lead to Ukraine’s break-up, while the territories that ‘Polish peacekeepers’ enter would come under Warsaw’s control.

In essence, this is an attempt to repeat what Poland considers to be a historic post-WWI deal, when the collective West represented by the Entente, at the outset, recognized Warsaw’s right to occupy a part of Ukraine to protect the population from the ‘Bolshevik threat’ and then annex these territories by Poland.

The events that ensued became a vivid illustration of colonial attitudes and forced Polonization as the main methods of building ‘Great Poland’, the SVR concluded.

5 Hotel Murah Di Kota Bogor Untuk Libur Natal Ada Yang 100 ribuan

5 Hotel Murah Di Kota Bogor Untuk Libur Natal Ada Yang 100 ribuan

5 Hotel Murah Di Kota Bogor Untuk Libur Natal Ada Yang 100 ribuan

Wilayah Bogor, Jawa Barat mungkin bisa menjadi pilihan terdekat bagi warga Jabodetabek yang ingin merayakan libur Natal dan Tahun Baru 2022/2023. Pilihan daftar hotel murah di Bogor pun jadi incaran para pelancong yang datang untuk berlibur.

Berikut daftar hotel murah di Bogor untuk Libur Natal dan Tahun Baru ;

1. Delta Inn Bogor

Delta Inn Bogor juga bisa dijadikan pilihan jika mencari daftar hotel murah di Bogor untuk liburan Natal dan tahun baru.

Lokasi guest house ini ada di Jalan Riau No.12D, Baranangsiang, Kecamatan Bogor Timur, Kota Bogor.

Menurut sejumlah situs OTA, tarif menginap per malamnya dibanderol sekitar Rp 130.000-an.

Tarif tersebut sudah termasuk fasilitas standar, seperti akses WiFi, perlengkapan mandi, dan kamar dengan AC.

2. Urbanview Sagara

Hotel Lokasi hotel ini ada di Jalan Pamoyanan Sari Sari No.7A, Ranggamekar, Kecamatan Bogor Selatan, Kota Bogor atau sekitar 5,5 kilometer dari Kebun Raya Bogor.

Tipe kamar paling standar, yakni supperior room dibanderol mulai dari Rp 250.000-an.

Tarif sudah termasuk fasilitas standar, seperti akses Wifi, perlengkapan mandi, dan AC.

3. GIO Guesthouse Baranangsiang

Guest house berlokasi tepatnya ada di Jalan Riau No.56, Baranangsiang, Kecamatan Bogor Timur, Kota Bogor, bisa jadi referensi daftar hotel murah di Bogor untuk Libur Natal dan Tahun Baru.

Jaraknya sekitar 1,7 kilometer dari Kebun Raya Bogor, dekat dengan atraksi seperti Botani Square Mall, Alun-alun Bogor, serta Stasiun Bogor.

Tarif menginap per malamnya, menurut sejumlah situs Online Travel Agent (OTA) dibanderol mulai dari Rp 130.000 hingga Rp 160.000-an, tergantung periode menginap.

Adapun fasilitas yang didapatkan termasuk AC, koneksi WiFi, perlengkapan mandi, serta pancuran air hangat.

4. Hotel Ririn

Hotel Ririn berlokasi di Jalan Ciburial Indah 1, Baranangsiang, Kecamatan Bogor Timur, Kota Bogor.

Hanya sekitar 1,5 kilometer dari Terminal Baranangsiang jika ditempuh dengan berjalan kaki.

Tarif menginap per malamnya dibanderol Rp 295.000, sudah termasuk sarapan untuk dua orang, serta terdapat fasilitas kolam renang yang bisa digunakan bersama.

Sekadar catatan, tarif bisa berubah sewaktu-waktu. Untuk mendapatkan harga terbaik, kamu bisa memesan kamar sejak jauh hari.

5. RedDoorz

Lokasi pilihan hotel murah di Bogor ini ada di Jalan Pangeran Sogiri, Tanah Baru, Kecamatan Bogor Utara, Kota Bogor. Hanya sekitar 1 kilometer dari exit tol Tanah Baru

Jika mencari penginapan yang Instagramable, hotel ini bisa menjadi alternatif.

Menurut situs resminya, tarif menginap per malamnya dibanderol mulai dari Rp 153.000-an untuk tipe kamar standar tanpa sarapan.

Sementara kamar dengan sarapan dibanderol Rp 176.000-an.

Demikian 5 daftar hotel murah di Bogor untuk Libur Natal dan Tahun Baru yang bisa kamu tentukan dari sekarang.

Tuesday 29 November 2022

Video Suara Menggelegar Pemandangan Mengerikan Pipa PLTMH di Garut Jebol

Suara Menggelegar Pemandangan Mengerikan Pipa PLTMH di Garut Jebol

Video Suara Menggelegar Pemandangan Mengerikan Pipa PLTMH di Garut Jebol


Sebuah video yang memperlihatkan semburan air dalam jumlah besar menjulang ke udara beredar dengan suara menggelegar dari kebocoran pipa Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Mikrohidro (PLTMH) Cirompang di Kecamatan Bungbulang, Kabupaten Garut, Jawa Barat.

Dari video yang viral di Instagram terlihat, air menyembur ke udara disertai suara yang cukup keras. Terdengar suara beberapa warga yang menjelaskan beberapa saung di sekitar pipa yang jebol rusak terkena semburan air.

Kini sekitar area telah dilakukan pengamanan oleh Polsek Kecamatan Bungbulang an olah tempat kejadian perkara untuk penyelidikan kebocoran pipa PLTMH yang videonya viral itu.

"Upaya yang telah dilakukan melaksanakan pengecekan TKP, mencari baket (bahan keterangan) terkait awal kejadian tersebut," kata Kepala Polsek Bungbulang Iptu Usep, di Garut, hari Selasa, 29/11/2022.

Ia menuturkan sejumlah personel kepolisian sudah diterjunkan untuk mengecek kebocoran pipa PLTMH Cirompang yang terjadi di Kampung Rancateureup, Desa/Kecamatan Bungbulang, Garut pada Senin sekitar pukul 14.20 WIB.

Peristiwa itu, kata dia, mengakibatkan semburan air kemudian merusak Power House PLTMH Cirompang dan lokasi di sekitaran pipa, meski begitu kondisi masyarakat sekitar dipastikan aman dari peristiwa tersebut.

"Alhamdulillah masyarakat aman," kata Iptu Usep.

Ia mengungkapkan hasil penyelidikan sementara kebocoran pipa tersebut, karena berada di kawasan tanah labil dan juga terjadi pergeseran tanah sehingga pipa tertekan mengakibatkan pipa bocor.

"Hasil penyelidikan dan bahan keterangan yang dihimpun bahwa kejadian tersebut, pipa tersebut berada di atas tanah yang labil, kemudian adanya pergeseran tanah sehingga pipa tertekan yang mengakibatkan pipa bocor," katanya pula.

Dia menyampaikan petugas PLTMH sudah menangani kondisi kerusakan pada peralatan tersebut, dan sementara kegiatan operasional dihentikan.

kebocoran pipa PLTMH tidak ganggu pasokan listrik di Garut

PLN UP3 Garut menyampaikan adanya kebocoran pipa air pada Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Mikrohidro (PLTMH) Cirompang, Kecamatan Bungbulang, Kabupaten Garut, Jawa Barat, dipastikan tidak mengganggu pasokan listrik ke masyarakat, khusunya di Garut.

"Untuk dampak ini tidak sampai membuat pelanggan padam," kata Manajer Bagian Jaringan PLN UP3 Garut, Said Haryadi saat dihubungi wartawan di Garut, Selasa.

Ia menuturkan kebocoran pipa PLTMH Cirompang di Kampung Rancateureup, Desa/Kecamatan Bungbulang, Garut, dipastikan tidak mengganggu suplai aliran listrik ke masyarakat, terutama di wilayah selatan Garut.

"Aliran listrik tidak terdampak, suplai listrik tetap lancar ke masyarakat," katanya.

Ia menjelaskan alasan tidak terganggunya aliran listrik ke masyarakat karena pasokan dari pembangkit listrik itu sifatnya paralel, jadi masih bisa disuplai dari sumber pembangkit listrik lainnya.

"Karena pembangkit ini sifatnya sinkron atau paralel dengan jaringan PLN 20Kv dari GI," katanya.

Sebelumnya, peristiwa kebocoran pipa mengakibatkan semburan air kemudian merusak Power House PLTMH Cirompang dan lokasi di sekitaran pipa, meski begitu kondisi masyarakat sekitar dipastikan aman dari peristiwa tersebut.

Personel kepolisian sudah diterjunkan untuk mengecek kebocoran pipa PLTMH Cirompang yang terjadi di Kampung Rancateureup, Desa/Kecamatan Bungbulang, Garut pada Senin sekitar pukul 14.20 WIB.

Kapolsek Bungbulang Iptu Usep menyampaikan, hasil penyelidikan sementara kebocoran pipa tersebut karena berada di kawasan tanah labil dan juga terjadi pergeseran tanah sehingga pipa tertekan mengakibatkan pipa bocor.

Terkait kerugian, kata dia, belum dapat diketahui secara pasti, namun hasil pemeriksaan di lapangan diperkirakan kerugian sebesar Rp2 miliar.

"Perlengkapan Power House PLTMH Cirompang rusak berat, seluruh kerugian belum terdeteksi, diperkirakan Rp2 miliar," katanya.

PLTMH Cirompang telah beroperasi sejak 17 April 2016 dengan tarif penjualan tenaga listrik sebesar Rp 850/kWh dan rata-rata produksi tenaga listrik sekitar 63.72 juta kWh per tahun, telah memberikan kontribusi pendapatan operasional kepada PT Tirta Gemah Ripah Badan Usaha Milik Daerah (BUMD) Pemerintah Provinsi Jawa Barat.

Kasus Anak Bunuh Orang Tua dan Kakak di Magelang, Polisi: Diduga Diracun Arsenik atau Sianida

Kasus Anak Bunuh Orang Tua dan Kakak di Magelang, Polisi: Diduga Diracun Arsenik atau Sianida

Kasus Anak Bunuh Orang Tua dan Kakak di Magelang, Polisi: Diduga Diracun Arsenik atau Sianida

Korban ditemukan tewas sekitar pukul 07.30 WIB di dalam 3 kamar mandi yang terpisah. Korban adalah pasangan suami-istri, Abas Ashar dan Heri Riyani, serta anak perempuan pertama bernama Dea Khairunisa. ( Angga Haksoro Ardi)

Polisi menduga satu keluarga korban pembunuhan di Jalan Sudiro, Gang Durian, Desa Mertoyudan, Kabupaten Magelang, dibunuh dengan cara diracun arsenik atau sianida. Organ dalam para korban rusak.

Dugaan itu merujuk pada tanda-tanda kerusakan organ dalam pada korban pasangan suami istri, Abas Ashar (58 tahun) dan Heri Riyani (54 tahun), serta anak pertamanya, Dea Khairunisa (25 tahun).

Kabid Dokkes Polda Jateng, Kombes Pol Sumy Hastry Purwanti mengatakan, pada ketiga korban ditemukan tanda-tanda kerusakan organ yang umum ditemukan pada korban tewas akibat diracun.

Dari 3 jenazah, meninggal tidak wajar. Setelah kita outopsi semua (korban) minum air atau cairan yang ada racunnya. Dari saluran nafas atas, bibir, sampai lambung ada (bekas) merah seperti terbakar sehingga dia (menandakan) meminum zat beracun," kata Kombes Pol Sumy Hastry Purwanti, usau olah TKP, pada hari Selasa, 29/1/2022.

Menurut Kombes Hastry, kerusakan ditemukan pada organ otak, hati, jantung, dan paru-paru. Jenis racun yang digunakan dalam kadar sangat mematikan.

"Tenggorok, lambung, usus, hati, jantung, paru-paru, dan otak. Merah seperti terbakar. Karena prosesnya cepat memasuki pembuluh darah sehingga mematikan. Kadarnya sangat tinggi."

Dari ciri-ciri penyebab kematian dan ditemuknnya tanda kerusakan organ, mengarah pada jenis racun arsenik atau sianida yang memiliki kadar sangat mematikan.

Polisi menduga jeda waktu korban meminum racun hingga tewas hanya membutuhkan waktu 15-30 menit. "Durasinya 15 sampai 30 menit. Kadarnya sangat mematikan karena bisa 3 orang dewasa meninggal meminum cairan tersebut. Zat beracun bisa jenis golongan sianida. Arsenik atau yang lain," ujar Kombes Hastry.

Sebelumnya, Plt Kapolresta Magelang AKBP Mochammad Sajarod Zakun mengatakan, pihaknya telah menahan DD (22 tahun), putra kedua keluarga korban pembunuhan, Abas Ashar dan Heri Riyani.

DD diduga membunuh orang tua dan kakak perempuannya dengan cara mencampur racun pada minuman teh dan kopi. Hasil outopsi polisi menemukan bekas racun pada gelas dan sendok yang digunakan DD sebagai sarana memberikan racun. "Yang bersangkutan beli secara online," kata AKBP Mochammad Sajarod Zakun.

Bukti itu dikuatkan dengan pernyataan DD yang mengakui sudah mencampurkan racun pada minuman yang diberikan kepada orang tua dan kakaknya.

"Untuk racunnya yang berhasil kami identifikasi berdasarkan hasil outopsi dan sisa pada barang bukti yang ada di TKP. Jenisnya arsen (arsenik)."

Satu keluarga ditemukan tewas di rumahnya di Jalan Sudiro, Gang Durian, Dusun Prajenana, Desa Mertoyudan, Kecamatan Mertoyudan, Magelang, Jawa Tengah, pada hari Senin, 28/11/2022.

Korban ditemukan tewas sekitar pukul 07.30 WIB di dalam 3 kamar mandi yang terpisah. Korban adalah pasangan suami-istri, Abas Ashar dan Heri Riyani, serta anak perempuan pertama bernama Dea Khairunisa.

22 Rumah Rusak Diterjang Angin Puting Beliung di Kaltim

22 Rumah Rusak Diterjang Angin Puting Beliung di Kaltim

22 Rumah Rusak Diterjang Angin Puting Beliung di Kaltim

Angin Puting Beliung Terjang Penajam Paser Utara. ©2022

Sebanyak 22 rumah warga di RT 11, 12, dan 17 Kelurahan Petung, Kecamatan Penajam, Kabupaten Penajam Paser Utara, Kalimantan Timur, rusak akibat dihantam angin puting beliung pada hari Senin, 28/11/2022, sekira pukul 13.30 Wita.

Peristiwa itu terjadi sekitar pukul 13.30 WITA. Ketiga RT yang diterjang puting beliung itu adalah permukiman di RT 11, 12 dan RT 17 berjumlah 22 bangunan. Kerusakan bervariasi, rata-rata puting beliung menerbangkan atap rumah warga.

Dari informasi yang masuk ke jajaran Pusdalops BPBD PPU Senin sekira pukul 14.24 Wita, dari 22 bangunan yang rusak, di antaranya terdapat bangunan sarang walet yang ikut ambruk dihantam angin. Kerusakan yang dirasakan bervariasi, mulai dari atap yang terbang, hingga plafon warga yang rusak.

"Bangunan sarang walet roboh di RT 11. Di RT 12, bagian dapur rumah warga tertimpa pohon tumbang," kata Kabid Kedaruratan dan Logistik BPBD Kabupaten Penajam Paser Utara, Nurlaila dikonfirmasi

Sebelum kejadian, BMKH telah mengeluarkan peringatan dini potensi hujan sedang hingga lebat disertai kilat dan petir, serta angin kencang di Penajam Paser Utara.

“Hujan disertai angin ini terjadi sekitar satu sampai dua jam. Banyak atap rumah warga yang terlepas dan terlempar. Juga ada pohon tumbang. Tim sudah bergerak membantu di beberapa titik lokasi,” ungkapnya

Diketahui memang cuaca di Penajam Paser Utara menurut prediksi BMKG akan terjadi hujan lebat disertai angin dan petir pada hari Senin, 28/11/2022. Warga yang tidak pernah menyangka terjadi angin kencang itu pun kaget melihat atap rumah mereka berterbangan.

Warga pun diminta tetap waspada terhadap musibah angin kencang. Sebab prediksi BMKG hujan disertai angin masih akan terjadi beberapa hari ke depan.

Hujan dengan kilat petir dan angin kencang, terjadi di kelurahan Petung sekitar jam 1 sampai jam 2 siang ini tadi. Jadi atap rumah warga terlepas dan terlempar," ujar Nurlaila.

"Jadi setelah kejadian dan laporan masuk ke kami di BPBD, tim langsung ke lokasi bersama tim terkait dan melakukan pendataan korban terdampak. Di lokasi dilakukan pembersihan puing seng dan material pohon tumbang," Nurlaila menambahkan.

Selain merusak atap rumah warga, angin puting beliung juga mengakibatkan pohon bertumbangan menutip akses jalan di Kelurahan Tanjung Tengah.

"Ada tujuh pohon tumbang. Tim bersama warga melakukan penebangan dan pembersihan pohon tumbang di lokasi kejadian," tandas Nurlaila.

G7 no longer dominates G20, Russia’s sherpa says

G7 no longer dominates G20, Russia’s sherpa says

G7 no longer dominates G20, Russia’s sherpa says

Russia’s G20 sherpa Svetlana Lukash
©Artyom Geodakyan/TASS

The adoption of the outcome declaration during the G20 Bali summit indicated that the G7 no longer dominates this association, Russia’s G20 sherpa Svetlana Lukash said in an interview for Vedomosti.

"The G7 is, of course, more consolidated (compared to other G20 states - TASS). They gather in advance and make some joint decision like the one how they intend to ignore someone. But they fail, and the declaration shows once again, by the way, that their voice no longer dominates the G20," Lukash said.

According to the sherpa, the main issues that required consensus for the outcome declaration to be adopted were the situation in Ukraine and the grain deal agreements.

"Those were the two key elements and, at the end of the day, the two key victories by Russia and developing economies," the Sherpa said.

She underscored that the adopted language fully complies with Russia’s interests and "do not allow the voice of the West to dominate."

"Throughout this entire year, the West sought to prove that Russia and its special military operation are to blame for all ongoing crises on food and energy markets. The declaration’s text proves the opposite, though," Lukash underscored.

The Sherpa noted that that the countries have already expressed their positions on the situation in Ukraine, including in the UN Security Council and the UN General Assembly, which "made it possible to avoid making specific assessments of the Ukrainian conflict by the G20 itself.

"Meanwhile, it was "cemented that there is no dominance of the Western concept, which accuses Russia of all negative processes."

The document does contain "condemnation, but not of Russia, but the war itself," the official said. Lukash noted that the Bali declaration "acknowledges the existence of different opinions both regarding the conflict in Ukraine and regarding the role of sanctions."

But, I believe, the G20 has managed to completely balance the language in the interests of the emerging economies as well.

This year’s declaration is different in that the voice of the G7 no longer dominates, ”she said in an interview with RIA Novosti.

According to Lukash, Russia, together with its BRICS colleagues and other friendly countries, has managed to achieve a balance on all topics.

“Gradually, slowly, but the balance of power is changing.

Maybe it would be possible to somehow do this business faster, preferably, but at least, even though this is happening, it’s already good, ”she added.

Earlier it was reported that at the G20 summit, in bilateral contacts through the Ministry of Finance, they discussed the transition to settlements in national currencies.

Press Secretary of the Russian President Dmitry Peskov said that Russia is satisfied with the wording of the final declaration of the G20 summit in Indonesia.