
Wednesday 30 November 2022

Poland Preparing Claims for Western Ukrainian Lands, Russian Intel Chief Says

Poland Preparing Claims for Western Ukrainian Lands, Russian Intel Chief Says

Poland Preparing Claims for Western Ukrainian Lands, Russian Intel Chief Says

©Photo : Sgt. Anthony Jones (US Army)/Ukrainian Defence Ministry

Polish President Andrzej Duda has instructed the relevant departments to promptly prepare an official justification for Polish claims to Western Ukrainian lands, Russian Foreign Intelligence Service Director Sergei Naryshkin told Sputnik.

"Duda instructed the specialized services to prepare an official justification for Polish claims to western Ukraine in a short time," Naryshkin said.

The reference point in the ongoing archival research is the Volyn massacre of 1943, which the Polish authorities believe prove the involvement of the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists - Ukrainian Insurgent Army in the genocide of the Polish people, the official added.

The United States and Poland are hammering out plans for Warsaw to establish control over its "historic territories" in Ukraine.

"According to information received by Russia’s Foreign Intelligence Service, Washington and Warsaw are working on plans to establish Poland’s tight military and political control over ‘its historic territories’ in Ukraine," the SVR’s press service quoted the agency’s director Sergey Naryshkin as saying.

Based on the intelligence agency’s information, the first stage of this "reunification" would be Polish troops entering western Ukraine under the slogan of "defending it from Russian aggression." Currently, the details of the future mission are being discussed with the Biden administration.

"According to preliminary agreements, it would be conducted without a NATO mandate, but with a ‘coalition of interested’ states. Warsaw has not yet been able to gather any potential participants for this ‘coalition of the willing’," the SVR noted.

That said, the Russian state agency noted that the Polish government is not interested in "extra witnesses" to its operation. "Plans are in store to deploy a so-called peacekeeping contingent to areas of Ukraine where they would have practically next to no chances of encountering Russia’s Armed Forces. And the priority ‘combat tasks’ of the Polish military would be to gradually take over strategic facilities located there from Ukraine’s National Guard. Polish intelligence is already seeking out members of the Ukrainian elite ‘that can be negotiated with’ in order to shape a ‘democratic’ pro-Warsaw counterbalance to nationalists," the statement noted.

The Polish leadership hopes that this preventive deployment in western Ukraine will most likely lead to Ukraine’s break-up, while the territories that ‘Polish peacekeepers’ enter would come under Warsaw’s control.

In essence, this is an attempt to repeat what Poland considers to be a historic post-WWI deal, when the collective West represented by the Entente, at the outset, recognized Warsaw’s right to occupy a part of Ukraine to protect the population from the ‘Bolshevik threat’ and then annex these territories by Poland.

The events that ensued became a vivid illustration of colonial attitudes and forced Polonization as the main methods of building ‘Great Poland’, the SVR concluded.

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