
Thursday 24 November 2022

‘Don’t get your hopes up’: Medvedev skewers claims of Russia running out of weapons

‘Don’t get your hopes up’: Medvedev skewers claims of Russia running out of weapons

‘Don’t get your hopes up’: Medvedev skewers claims of Russia running out of weapons

Russian Security Council Deputy Chairman Dmitry Medvedev
©Yekaterina Shtukina/POOL/TASS

Russian Security Council Deputy Chairman Dmitry Medvedev said on Wednesday that contrary to the expectations of "enemies", Russia has sufficient inventories of weapons to continue strikes.

"Enemies continue to carefully count our launches and our stockpiles. They should know better than to hope for a depletion of our resources," he said on Telegram on Wednesday. "To be continued. There’s enough for everyone!"

Medvedev said he had traveled to the state-owned company Region where he discussed "a ramping up of supplies of high-precision weapons to the Russian armed forces." The official also posted a video filmed inside the workshops that shows bombs and torpedoes.

The company, which was established in 1969, is one of Russia’s largest developers of torpedoes and bombs.

NATO’s military buildup around Belarus provokes arms race — foreign minister

Minsk is concerned about the unprecedented militarization of NATO’s member-states bordering on Belarus, because it is fanning tensions and provoking a further arms race, as follows from a news release the Belarusian Foreign Ministry issued after Belarusian Foreign Minister Vladimir Makei’s participation in the joint meeting of the CSTO foreign and defense ministers and security councils’ secretaries and the session of the Collective Security Treaty Organization in Yerevan on Wednesday.

"In his speech, Makei underscored the deepening crisis of the existing world order, which has already affected all spheres of international relations. He pointed to the discrediting of the most important institutions of maintaining peace, security and stability, such as the UN and the OSCE, and the destruction of international instruments in the field of arms control and non-proliferation. He also expressed deep concern over the unprecedented scale of militarization of the NATO member-countries bordering on Belarus, which contributes to the growth of military-political tensions and provokes a further arms race," the statement reads.

Earlier, Minsk repeatedly pointed to the strengthening of NATO’s forces and national armies in Poland and the Baltic states. Minsk believes that the forces deployed near its borders can be used as strike groups against Belarus and Russia.

Beijing: NATO Must Stay Within Geographic Boundaries

NATO must stay within its geographic boundaries and not exceed the alliance's authority by imposing its own rules on other states as it has been trying to do since the end of the Cold War, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian said on Wednesday.

On Monday, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said that Beijing was seeking to strengthen its control over critical infrastructure, supply chains and key industrial sectors of Western countries. Stoltenberg added that allegedly authoritarian states must be prevented from using the West's weaknesses to carry out subversive activities.

"NATO has extended its collective defence clause to the domains of cyberspace and outer space, which should be handled by the UN and specialized international institutions. It has also stepped up intervention across a full range of civil domains including climate change, infrastructure, technological innovation, supply chains, health and energy. As a regional organization, NATO needs to stay within its geographical parameters and not attempt to impose rules that suit itself or seek to push or even cross the boundary," the Chinese diplomat told a press briefing.

He also dismissed Stoltenberg's allegations by saying that in recent years, Beijing had established positive and equal cooperation with countries and enterprises in various regions, including NATO member states. According to Zhao, such interaction has been beneficial to all sides.

Meanwhile, bringing ideological differences and value systems, and drawing dividing lines in economic cooperation will not only harm common interests of the international community, but will also be "backfire," he said.

Russia for arming CSTO peacekeepers with advanced weapons — Putin

Russia supports the decision to arm the CSTO peacekeeping forces with modern weapons, Russian President Vladimir Putin said at the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO) summit on Wednesday.

"It can be stated with satisfaction that the very valuable practical experience gained during the peacekeeping operation in Kazakhstan was analyzed by us and the organization’s secretariat. Russia unconditionally supports the important decision, submitted for our approval, to equip the CSTO peacekeeping force with modern weapons, military equipment, and also special gear," Putin said.

Russia firmly supports the decisions to improve the CSTO communications system, create a joint radiation, chemical, biological protection and medical support unit, and the functioning of a unified technical support system the CSTO railways.

The Russian leader also mentioned the expansion of military-technical cooperation among the CSTO member states. The CSTO interstate military-economic commission participates in activities along this track. Putin said that the special services and law enforcement agencies were taking joint action in combating extremism and terrorism, transnational crime, illegal migration and drug trafficking, and in providing protection from natural and man-made emergencies.

"Of course, all of us are firmly united by the common work for preserving the memory of the common history of our states and of our peoples’ common victory in the Great Patriotic War," Putin stressed.

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