
Friday 25 November 2022

Electricity in Kiev to Be Restored for Two-Three Hours for Now, Says Energy Company

Electricity in Kiev to Be Restored for Two-Three Hours for Now, Says Energy Company

Electricity in Kiev to Be Restored for Two-Three Hours for Now, Says Energy Company


Executive director of the Ukrainian energy company DTEK Dmytro Sakharuk said on Thursday on air on the national television that electricity in Kiev would be restored for only two-three hours.

“We will start switching a little bit, for two-three hours, until the energy volume coming to Kiev is restored,” Sakharuk said.

He confirmed reports of the military administration of Kiev that about 70% of the city had no power at the moment.

“We have approximately 30% of people connected [to the powergrid],” he said. Ukraine’s Ministry of Energy reported earlier in the day that Russian missile strikes had temporarily disconnected all nuclear power plants as well as majority of thermal and hydropower stations from the national powergrid, which left millions of people with no electricity.

Russia has been delivering air strikes on Ukraine's military and energy infrastructure since October 10, two days after the bombing of the Crimean bridge, which Moscow has blamed on the Ukrainian special services.

On Wednesday, the Russian Armed Forces launched a massive attack on the Ukrainian military command and control system and related energy facilities, the aim of the attack was achieved, says the Russian Defense Ministry.

Russia Slams 'Unacceptable' US Bio Weapons Research Near Its Borders

Russia believes that the US has been researching pathogens near the Russian border for use in its biological weapons program, the deputy Russian foreign minister in charge of arms control said Thursday.

"Russia has every reason to believe that components of biological weapons have been developed in the immediate vicinity of Russian borders. In particular, we have observed the US and its allies conducting biological warfare research beyond their national borders, including on our neighbors' territory, " Sergei Ryabkov told reporters in Moscow.

Statement of Vladimir Putin at a meeting with the heads of the security services and special services of the CIS countries:

  • Ukraine has been turned into a testing ground for biological experiments, and now they are pumped up with weapons.

  • The potential for conflict in the world and the region around Ukraine is still very high. The world is becoming multipolar, but some participants try to maintain hegemony by any means necessary.

  • On the Nord Stream sabotage: a pan-European energy network is being destroyed.

  • The deployment of foreign mercenaries with combat experience in the region poses a threat to the CIS countries.

  • About the spread of weapons from the Ukrainian black market: there is still a risk of MANPADS and high-precision weapons falling into the hands of terrorists.

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