
Monday 26 December 2022

Era of US unipolarity is over — Russian Foreign Ministry

Era of US unipolarity is over — Russian Foreign Ministry

Era of US unipolarity is over — Russian Foreign Ministry

Russian Foreign Ministry
©Sergei Bobylev/TASS

The era of the unipolar world, when the United States dictated conditions to other countries and even "broke" their political systems, is coming to an end, Russia’s Deputy Foreign Minister Mikhail Galuzin told TASS in an interview.

"The geopolitical realities in which we exist today have a serious impact on the entire system of global and regional processes, including integration ones. The era of a unipolar world, when the United States and its European satellites used intimidation tactics that they had polished to perfection over the years to dictate conditions to other countries and determine their course of development in accordance with their selfish interests and even break their state systems, is coming to an end," Galuzin said.

He is certain that tectonic shifts are taking place around the world towards multipolarity and mutually beneficial cooperation based on the principles of equality, respect for the interests of and non-interference in the internal affairs of other states. However, this process has turned out to be a painful one, primarily due to Washington’s resistance.

"Unilateral illegitimate restrictive measures, unprecedented in their scale, that are introduced indiscriminately, sometimes to the detriment of its own partners, have become an integral part of its (Washington's) foreign policy," Galuzin said. "In response to pressure on us and on our allies in these conditions we are working to strengthen multilateral cooperation within the framework of regional integration. Russia remains an honest and reliable ally both in political, trading and economic terms. The relations of trust that remain among the CIS, CSTO and EAEU countries contribute to the fulfillment of obligations and the achievement of new goals."

"Today, the focus is on ensuring the stable functioning of our economies and the formation of financial mechanisms that are resistant to external factors," Galuzin concluded.

Ukrainian troops suffering massive losses in Artyomovsk — LPR militia

The Ukrainian Armed Forces are suffering huge losses in the city of Artyomovsk in the Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR), Andrey Marochko, an officer with the Lugansk People’s Republic’s (LPR) People’s Militia, told the Soloviev Live TV channel on Monday.

"The situation along the line of contact does not favor Ukrainian troops, so to say, they are suffering catastrophic losses in various areas, primarily, in the city of Artyomovsk," he specified.

According to Marochko, Ukrainian forces are currently losing up to a battalion a day in the Artyomovsk area and the situation is similar near Soledar and Svatovo "because our troops are beginning to deliberately eliminate the enemy’s manpower and equipment."

Mission to JCCC reveals number of DPR casualties due to Ukrainian shelling since Feb 17

More than 4,000 civilians have been killed in the Donetsk People's Republic (DPR) since February 17, when tensions escalated, as a result of Ukrainian shelling, the DPR mission to the Joint Control and Coordination Center on issues related to Ukraine’s war crimes (JCCC) reported on Monday.

"According to official information provided by the DPR mission to the JCCC, since the beginning of the escalation of conflict (since February 17 - TASS) as of 11:30 Moscow time on December 26, over 312 days of escalation, 4,400 civilians have been killed, including 132 children," the mission said in a message on its Telegram channel.

It specified that the Ukrainian armed forces fired 149 rockets from HIMARS multiple rocket launchers on the territory of the DPR during this period. "During 312 days of escalation, the DPR mission to the JCCC recorded 13,927 facts of shelling. In total, the enemy fired 91,249 munitions of various calibers, including 149 HIMARS rockets, 32 missiles from Tochka-U MLRS, 255 BM-27 Uragan rockets and 12,281 Grad rockets (122 mm), as well as 16,444 shells of 155 mm caliber," the report specified.

According to the mission, 3,956 people, including 249 children, were injured during this period. The PFM-1 Lepestok mines exploded 87 times. Some 9,336 residential buildings and 2,242 civilian infrastructure facilities were damaged.

Russian MoD: Three Russian Soldiers Killed as Ukrainian Drone Downed Over Military Airfield

The incident comes as Russia continues its special military operation in Ukraine, which was launched on February 24.

The Russian Ministry of Defense (MoD) has stated that air defense systems downed a Ukrainian unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) over Russia's Engels Air Base on Monday

The MoD said that “on December 26, at about 1:35 Moscow time (22:35 GMT on December 25) the air defenses of the Russian Aerospace Forces shot down a Ukrainian UAV as it was approaching the Engels military airfield in the Saratov region at low altitude.”

According to the MoD, three Russian servicemen, who were at the airfield, had been fatally injured as a result of falling wreckage from the Ukrainian drone. The aviation equipment, inluding Russian strategic bombers, was not damaged in the incident, the MoD added.

He stressed that the goal is "the protection of people who had been subjected to bullying and genocide by the Kiev regime for eight years." The Russian armed forces are tasked with liberating eastern Ukraine’s Donbass region and guaranteeing Russia's security.

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