
Wednesday 28 December 2022

Merkel Rules Out Her Participation in Ukraine Conflict Settlement

Merkel Rules Out Her Participation in Ukraine Conflict Settlement

Merkel Rules Out Her Participation in Ukraine Conflict Settlement

Former German Chancellor Angela Merkel ruled out her participation in the settlement of the conflict in Ukraine.

Asked by Italian weekly Sette whether her role in resolving this crisis is completely out of the question, Merkel said that "the question is not being posed." She also admitted that she does not know exactly how the conflict in Ukraine could end.

"One day it will end with negotiations. Wars end at the negotiating table," the ex-chancellor said. "There is a difference between a forced peace, which I, like many others, do not want, and an open and friendly conversation," she said.

Merkel defended her policy towards Russia and Ukraine, saying: “The talk was about trying to prevent such a war. Just because it didn’t work doesn’t mean the attempt was wrong.”

Merkel expressed her belief that the possible accession of Georgia and Ukraine, which was discussed at the NATO summit in 2008, would be regarded as a “mistake”.

Merkel considered that the reaction of the West to the annexation of Crimea to Russia in 2014 was “not strong enough and fast enough.”

Earlier, Merkel said in an interview with the German newspaper Zeit that the Minsk agreements were “an attempt to save time for Ukraine” in 2014 and questioned NATO’s ability to provide the same amount of assistance to Ukraine at that time

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