
Tuesday 6 December 2022

US Congressman Gosar Calls Washington's Support for Kiev 'Immoral'

US Congressman Gosar Calls Washington's Support for Kiev 'Immoral'

US Congressman Gosar Calls Washington's Support for Kiev 'Immoral'

©AP Photo / Matt York

Republican Congressman Paul Gosar, in response to the shelling of a church by Ukrainian troops in the city of Donetsk, called Washington's support for Ukraine "immoral", adding that the Kiev regime is "authoritarian".

"Our continued support of this war in Ukraine is immoral. The deaths continue and Ukraine (in addition to comprising nazi regiments) has become an authoritarian regime not worthy of any support. I support peace talks, not death and destruction. Not bombing churches," Gosar tweeted.

On Monday, a Sputnik correspondent reported that the Church of Nativity of Christ in Donetsk was shelled by Ukrainian troops.

In late October, the US congressman invited Russian President Vladimir Putin and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy for peace talks in the state of Arizona. Two weeks later, Gosar said he would continue opposing additional US aid to Ukraine.

Paul Gosar believes Washington is not acting in its self interest during the ongoing Russia-Ukraine crisis.

Paul Gosar has called on Washington to cut foreign aid to Ukraine, which he argued is being used to fund a conflict that the US should have “no involvement in.” On Capitol Hill, a number of Republican lawmakers have condemned President Joe Biden’s open checkbook for Kiev.

“NO MORE Foreign Aid, especially not to fund a war that we should have NO involvement in,” Gosar tweeted on Monday. “Biden and his crime family may owe Zelensky, but America doesn't owe him a damn thing,” the lawmaker added.

A staunch anti-interventionist and a member of the Republican Party’s unofficial ‘America First’ caucus, Gosar has emerged as one of the loudest critics of the Biden administration’s Ukraine policy. The Arizona congressman voted against a $40 billion military and economic aid package for Kiev in May, and against a spending bill offering Kiev another $12 billion last month.

“The border is open, fentanyl is killing hundreds of thousands and inflation is raging,” he wrote as his colleagues voted to pass the latter bill. “Yet the left and the establishment right just voted to send another 12 billion to Ukraine? This is more America Last policy.”

Gosar’s mentioning of Biden’s “crime family” owing Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensy a favor is likely a reference to the theory held by some US conservatives that Zelensky aided Biden’s 2020 election win by refusing a request by former President Donald Trump to reopen a corruption investigation into Biden’s son’s lucrative position on the board of a Ukrainian energy firm.

Gosar bukan satu-satunya anggota Partai Republik yang meminta kedua belah pihak untuk menutup aliran dana dan senjata ke Ukraina. Perwakilan Georgia Marjorie Taylor Greene menyatakan minggu lalu bahwa bantuan AS ke Kiev telah “membunuh ribuan dan ribuan orang (dan) secara drastis meningkatkan biaya hidup di seluruh dunia,” sementara Perwakilan Florida Matt Gaetz menulis pada hari Minggu bahwa “mempertahankan Ukraina sebagai pencucian uang internasional Mekkah tidak sebanding dengan ancaman perang nuklir.

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