
Friday 13 January 2023

The Connections Between Capitalism, Coronavirus, and War

The Connections Between Capitalism, Coronavirus, and War

The Connections Between Capitalism, Coronavirus, and War

Biden Doc Scandal Demonstrates Double Standard, Japan and US Agree To More Military Cooperation, Environment Activists Killed In Honduras In this episode of By Any Means Necessary, hosts Sean Blackmon and Jacquie Luqman discuss the ongoing saga surrounding sensitive and classified documents found at Joe Biden’s home and other sites associated with him, the corporate media’s attempts to differentiate this incident from the finding of documents at Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago resort, how these incidents demonstrate how the two parties operate in similar ways, and the double standard that Biden and Trump are being judged by in comparison to the treatment that anyone else would receive if they were found with documents.

In the second segment, Sean and Jacquie are joined by K.J. Noh, a scholar, educator and journalist focusing on the political economy and geopolitics of the Asia-Pacific. He’s also a member of Veterans for Peace, and senior correspondent with Flashpoints on KPFA to discuss discussions between the US and Japan on military cooperation against China, the changes being made to a marine regiment on the island of Okinawa and how that relates to the US occupation of the island, how Japan’s rearmament and cooperation with the west against China will affect the geopolitics of east Asia, and how this fits into the broader global trend toward multipolarity.

In the third segment, Sean and Jacquie are joined by Annie Bird, Director of the Rights and Ecology Program at the Center for Political Ecology to discuss the recent killing of two environmental activists in Honduras, the mining project that the activists were campaigning against and why the company behind it might have been involved in their killings, the recent history of killings of environmental activists in Honduras following the 2009 coup.

Later in the show, Sean and Jacquie are joined by Dr. Radhika Desai, a Professor at the University of Manitoba, Director of the Geopolitical Economy Research Group, and author of Capitalism, Coronavirus and War:

A Geopolitical Economy to discuss how the COVID-19 pandemic and how the neoliberal response to it in the US and other capitalist countries demonstrated the brutality of capitalism, how that response actually weakened the economies of capitalist countries while socialist China’s economy continued to grow while saving lives, how the pandemic contributed in part to the global trend to multipolarity and how that was accelerated by the proxy conflict in Ukraine.

For many years capital has been accumulating faster than there could be found an outlet for it. For a time a partial easing of the sit nation was obtained by conquest and colonization; but that has reached its limit and capital is still accumulating with no opportunity of investment.

This, to the syndicated interests, is an intolerable situation and one which must be met no matter at what cost of life and property to the present generation, or at what cost of privation and misery to posterity.

Since practically the whole earth has been exploited and as yet no way has been found of reaching the other planets in this solar system, there remains but one way to create new fields for capitalism, and that is to destroy and lay waste all, or as much of the products of labor as is necessary to accomplish this object.

As the quickest way to do this is through war, and a world-wide war, capitalism easily finds a way to bring it about, and the European nations are now engaged in a titanic struggle to destroy the products of the workers and lay waste the lands which they struggled for years to make productive. Into this carnival of murder and destruction the whole world will eventually be precipitated, and all for the purpose of advancing organized oppression for the advantage of a privileged minority.

And the book entitled 'Capitalism, Coronavirus, and War' by Radhika Desai is a book that forms another awareness, namely, aims to cover up the truth of the corona virus. The book makes the connection between modern life and increasing knowledge about health. Increasing economic growth, technology, making life more prosperous and awareness of healthy living getting higher, followed by social inequality, have encouraged the growth of various diseases including the emergence of the deadly corona virus.

And the book entitled 'Capitalism, Coronavirus, and War' is further a trigger for western countries in group 7. Because it explicitly explains that the corona virus occurs naturally, not engineered for lethal purposes, namely biological weapons.

As chemists, physicists, mathematicians, biologists, microorganisms, programmers, Gekami is familiar with various types of viruses, including the SarCov2 virus. In this world there is no type of dangerous virus since the beginning of the creation of this world and the creatures in it until the end of the world unless it is engineered.

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