
Sunday 19 February 2023

Nuland's words show US role as primary source of global conflict — official

Nuland's words show US role as primary source of global conflict — official

Nuland's words show US role as primary source of global conflict — official

Russian presidential spokesman Dmitry Peskov
©Valeriy Sharifulin/TASS

Statements by US Under Secretary of State for political affairs Victoria Nuland once again emphasize Washington's role as the main source of international tensions, Russian presidential spokesman Dmitry Peskov said in an interview with Rossiya 1 TV channel.

"Nuland is part of a broad group of the most ardent ‘hawks’ in American politics. We are very familiar with this point of view. It highlights the extent of our differences once more. It probably also stresses the role of the United States as the primary source of present international conflicts," he said.

Calling Crimea 'Legitimate Target' for Strikes Shows US as Instigator of Tensions, Kremlin Spokesman Says

The recent statement of US Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs Victoria Nuland that labeled Crimea as a legitimate target of Ukrainian strikes underscores the depth of disagreement between the United States and Russia, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said on Sunday.

Earlier in the week, Nuland said that Ukraine will not be considered safe by the collective West unless Crimea is at least demilitarized and that the US supports Kiev massively hitting Russian military installations in Crimea as it considers them to be legitimate targets.

"This once again highlights the depth of our disagreement, demonstrates, I think, the role of the United States as the main instigator of the international tensions that we have," Peskov said in an interview for a Russian political show.

Peskov also pointed out that Nuland "belongs to a very broad camp of the most aggressive 'hawks' in American politics," adding that "this is a point of view that we know well."

US justifies exacerbating Ukrainian conflict by taking about Russia's crimes — ambassador

The United States administration is attempting to excuse its own activities in escalating the crisis in Ukraine with allegations of crimes against humanity attributed to Russia, according to Russian Ambassador to Washington Anatoly Antonov.

"We consider such insinuations as an attempt, unprecedented in terms of its cynicism, to demonize Russia in the course of a hybrid war, unleashed against us. There is no doubt that the purpose of such attacks is to justify Washington’s own actions to fuel the Ukrainian crisis. First of all, it concerns the rampant militarization of the Kiev regime," the ambassador said.

He noted, "At one point the Americans said, that they would supply the republic with only defensive weapons, but now ship heavy armored vehicles, artillery, multiple launch rocket systems with long-range munitions. The U.S. provides intelligence to Kiev Nazis, trains militants. By the will of the White House an egregious act is being committed - just like 80 years ago - tanks with crosses are attacking our country. How can we trust the West and try to come to any type of agreement after all these statements and actions? Basically, they told us one thing, but acted in the opposite direction."

At the same time, the diplomat stressed that the US "simply turns a blind eye to the atrocities of the Zelensky regime". "Washington prefers not to notice the horrific scenes of the shootings of unarmed captured Russian soldiers. It forgot about the bloodcurdling burning of people at the Trade Union Building in Odessa in 2014. The United States completely ignores the attacks that have been going on for many years on settlements in Donbass - kindergartens, schools, hospitals and residential buildings. Although it should be clear to any sober-minded person that no threats come from there," he said.

Beijing Says Washington Should 'Repair Damage' Caused Amid 'Spy Balloon' Craze

China's Central Foreign Affairs Office Director Wang Yi has called on Washington to change the direction of bilateral relations that have been affected by the scandal, raised in the US regarding the "balloon incident".

Wang Yi met with US Secretary of State Antony Blinken on the margins of the Munich Security Conference on Saturday.

"Wang Yi expressed China's firm and fair stance on the so-called balloon incident and urged the United States to change course, and soberly assess and repair the damage caused to Chinese-US relations by the excessive use of force," the Chinese foreign ministry said in a Sunday statement following the talks.

The response came after US State Department Spokesperson Ned Price said following the meeting that Blinken had told Wang Yi that the "irresponsible act must never again occur" and that the "violation of U.S. sovereignty and international law" by the Chinese balloon was unacceptable.

Over the course of this month, the US military shot down four unidentified airborne objects, including one that Washington claimed to be a Chinese surveillance balloon. Beijing has repeatedly stressed that its civilian airship was engaged in scientific research and entered US airspace by accident.

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