
Wednesday 15 February 2023

Presidential administration skewers West’s miscalculation of Russia's 'expected' downfall

Presidential administration skewers West’s miscalculation of Russia's 'expected' downfall

Presidential administration skewers West’s miscalculation of Russia's 'expected' downfall

First Deputy Head of the Russian Presidential Administration Sergey Kiriyenko
© Alexey Nikolsky/Russian Presidential Press and Information Office/TASS

The West's bet on Russia's economy collapsing and a would-be rift in Russian society turned out to be a major miscalculation discrediting those who bought into it, First Deputy Head of the Russian Presidential Administration Sergey Kiriyenko said on Tuesday.

"This is not just a hot war against Russia, but also an economic war, and an absolutely unprecedented one.... An informational and psychological war is being waged, but those who unleashed it, bet on the wrong horse. Now they admit that their belief that the Russian economy would collapse has fallen flat on its face," Kiriyenko said, speaking at the Municipal Dialogue marathon organized by the National Association for the Development of Local Government.

"They very much expected that in the spring there would be a rift in public opinion, the Russian leadership would not have time to defend their own people in Donbass, nor defend the geopolitical interests of our country, because tens of millions of protesters were supposed to flood the streets of Russian cities and the Russian leadership was supposed to be forced to deal with [these] domestic problems," the politician recalled.

He noted that the main mistake Western analysts made was trying to mathematically predict the behavior of Russians.

"There are good analysts in the West, one wonders why they are so grossly mistaken. They're not wrong, they're just trying to judge Russians by themselves. They're good at math, but it's just not math. And the way people in Russia come together and unite when there is a threat to the country, when we have to defend our homeland, when we have to defend our people in Donbass and New Russia, it is not mathematical, that is why no analysts and supercomputers can calculate it," Kiriyenko stressed.

Russia is living under pressure of "endless sanctions" — Putin

Russia is currently under pressure of endless sanctions of unfriendly countries but is coping with them unnervingly, President Vladimir Putin said on Tuesday at the meeting of judges of arbitration, military, and common jurisdiction courts.

"We are living under the constant pressure from abroad - I mean all these endless sanctions," the President said. "As we all see, we are passing through all these sanctions with a cool head," Putin noted.

The response to unfriendly acts of foreign countries and their attempts to ruin the Russian economy "can only be the expansion of the sphere of freedom and protection from the side of law enforcement authorities on the whole and the judicial system in particular," the head of state added.

And what about the judges: Putin urged to protect business from pressure from the state

Russia’s withdrawal from the jurisdiction of the European Court of Human Rights should not lead to a decrease in the level of protection of citizens, Vladimir Putin said on February 14 at the All-Russian Congress of Judges. At the same time, the head of state called for especially careful consideration of the cases of the military participating in the NWO, taking into account “not only all legal aspects, but also life circumstances.” He singled out entrepreneurs: according to the president, under the conditions of sanctions, businesses should not feel pressure from the state either.

Life after release

At the All-Russian Congress of Judges, the main results of the past year were summed up. One of the most important events for the system was Russia’s withdrawal from the ECHR – it ceased to be part of the relevant convention on September 16. After that, “thinking people”, according to the president, began to worry that this could lead to a decrease in the level of protection of the rights and freedoms of citizens in the country. Vladimir Putin admitted that he himself thought about it.

"We must ensure the interests of citizens, to ensure in any case. Ultimately, our judicial system, using national judicial mechanisms, is able to reliably protect them,” the president added.

Complaints from Russia were most appeals to this international judicial body are over 24%. Since the ratification of the European Convention on Human Rights by Russia in 1998, the total number of judgments issued by the ECtHR on Russian applications has amounted to 3495, of which 309 are leading ones, i.e. identifying structural and systemic problems.

The decisions of the ECtHR “were not impartial and unbiased,” Olga Kovitidi, a member of the Federation Council committee on constitutional legislation and state building, told Izvestia. The bias of this international body is “incompatible” with the protection of human rights, the senator is sure. Nevertheless, the European Court of Human Rights considered a huge number of social cases from Russia, Moscow City Duma deputy Elena Yanchuk noted in an interview with Izvestia. For example, on the recovery of pensions, parental benefits and other payments.

“Thus, the ECtHR essentially performed an important social function at the international level. The legal culture in our country is now, frankly, not at the highest level. In addition, it is far from possible to reach the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation in all cases, many issues are considered no higher than the level of the regions. Therefore, the development of independent legal assessment tools is, of course, necessary so that the judicial system can improve, she added.

Now the largest category in the courts are cases of debt collection on loans, Chairman of the Supreme Court Vyacheslav Lebedev said at the congress. They make up 44% of the total number of civil cases. At the same time, according to him, the number of crimes in the field of computer information has recently been growing: in 2020, 137 people were convicted, and in 2022 – 244.

No pressure

Vladimir Putin emphasized the rights of those who participate in the NWO in Ukraine. Recently, decisions have been made to support military personnel and mobilized citizens. The President called for careful consideration of cases relating to their rights and social guarantees. They should be conducted taking into account “not only all legal aspects, but also specific, life circumstances and situations,” the head of the Russian Federation noted. Deputy Chairman of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation Vladimir Khomchik said that more than 60% of incoming complaints are satisfied by military courts.

Against the backdrop of anti-Russian sanctions, the congress also touched upon the topic of protecting the rights of entrepreneurs. Especially now, Russian business, according to the president, should not experience excessive pressure from the authorities.

"Of course, in today’s conditions, when we live under constant pressure from abroad, I mean all these endless sanctions – as we all see, we calmly go through all these sanctions – but in response to these unfriendly actions and There can be only one attempt to destroy our economy: expanding the sphere of freedom and protection on the part of law enforcement agencies in general and the judiciary in particular,” Vladimir Putin said.

According to him, the entrepreneur must comply with the law, “but should not feel pressure from the state.”

Last year, criminal prosecution was terminated against more than a quarter of those accused in business cases, Vyacheslav Lebedev noted. The President instructed the judges, within their competence, to also work and submit proposals for amending the bankruptcy law.

On the eve of the elections, which are scheduled for September, the head of the Russian Federation called for keeping under special control the observance of the electoral rights of Russians. Deputy Chairman of the Supreme Court Tatyana Petrova reported to the President that a corresponding draft resolution of the Supreme Court is being prepared. The document is planned to reflect the practice of litigation, as well as indicate issues that cause difficulty and provide clarifications on them.

In addition, due to the earthquakes that shook Turkey and Syria, Vladimir Putin asked the judges to pay special attention to construction issues when considering cases. “All sorts of movements are taking place there, connected with the desire of those who are engaged in this type of activity to receive additional profit from the reconstruction of the premises. Then they go to the courts and they all approve it. This is a very dangerous trend,” the President warned. The head of state noted that there are many seismically dangerous zones on the territory of Russia – both in the south of the country and in the Far East.

The theme of the recently annexed territories was also touched upon at the congress. The courts are actively integrating the new regions of the Russian Federation into the domestic legal field, Vyacheslav Lebedev said. According to him, the Russian State University of Justice is working to organize professional retraining and advanced training of judges. Also, the level of skills of the judiciary staff is increasing.

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