
Tuesday 28 March 2023

Russia reserves right to take countermeasures amid total war, diplomat says

Russia reserves right to take countermeasures amid total war, diplomat says

Russia reserves right to take countermeasures amid total war, diplomat says

Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova
©Russian Foreign Ministry/TASS

Moscow reserves the right to take the necessary additional steps to ensure national security amid the West’s total hybrid war, Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said in a statement on Monday.

"It would be naive to expect that we will not take any military and technical countermeasures in this field after the West launched a total hybrid war against Russia and the US and NATO announced plans to inflict ‘a strategic defeat’ on us. We reserve the right to take the necessary additional steps to ensure the security of Russia and its allies," the diplomat stressed.

Diplomat says 'Summit for Democracy' reflects US’ neocolonial practices

The US-conceived ‘Summit for Democracy’ is nothing but a manifestation of Washington's neocolonial practices, as the summit seeks to legitimize American instruments of control, Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said on Tuesday.

"The so-called ‘Summit for Democracy’ is a clear manifestation of neocolonial practices in US foreign policy. Behind the efforts to organize the summit is the desire to update and legitimize the American instruments of external control and interfere in the domestic affairs of other countries, forcing everyone to see the world through the prism of the ‘rule-based order’ promoted to serve Washington's global interests," the diplomat pointed out in her commentary in connection with the "Summit for Democracy" organized by the United States on March 28-30 under the pretext of supporting democracy in the world.

According to Zakharova, the summit is all about forming an ideological platform for combatting those countries whom the American political elite labels as autocracies, primarily Russia and China. "Washington is trying to consolidate the Western community and bring its rivals over to its side under the slogan 'combatting autocratic regimes'," the diplomat stressed.

"The US has decided to take thematic sessions to regional platforms and appoint co-chair countries to pretend that its pseudodemocratic summit is universal. At the same time, the whole process is controlled either by the Americans themselves or by large non-governmental organizations (NGOs). These NGOs supervise the compliance of member states with the obligations undertaken by them. Apparently, they know nothing about the principle of sovereign equality of all states based on the UN world order," Zakharova pointed out.

The diplomat underscored that she regretted the decision of the UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres to take part in such an "unworthy spectacle." "On the whole, it is hard to expect from the American organizers of the ‘Summit for Democracy’, as well as from their ideological partners, anything other than pompous hypocrisy amid democratic messianism and certainly anti-Russian statements in the context of the Ukrainian crisis. Especially considering the fact that the tone of the summit will be set by a former comedian (Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky - TASS), not a democrat, who is the head of a criminal Nazi regime which deliberately violates all democratic values in his country. The fact that such people are invited to take part in the event clearly demonstrates how far Americans are from their declared goal of promoting democratic values," she stressed.

Imposing democracy As the Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman pointed out, Moscow was against American democracy being imposed as "infallible, the only way."

"The US has no moral right to lecture others amid chronic domestic issues. This binary way of thinking in 'black-white' or 'good guys vs bad guys' does not work in real life. And it is in no way good for building long-term relations with sovereign countries," Zakharova emphasized.

The diplomat also pointed out that a multipolar world order in international relations was actively being formed with the help of the global majority. "Responsible participants in international communication must not engage in 'democratization' and division. The US and its allies have to return to complying with the norms of international law and get involved in creating conditions for peaceful coexistence and mutually beneficial cooperation," Zakharova concluded.

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