
Monday 27 March 2023

Russian Security Council Chief: US 'Champion' In Number of Wars It's Unleashed Around the World

Russian Security Council Chief: US 'Champion' In Number of Wars It's Unleashed Around the World

Russian Security Council Chief: US 'Champion' In Number of Wars It's Unleashed Around the World

©Sputnik/Said Tsarnaev/Go to the mediabank

The US has long been the "champion" in how many wars it has unleashed in different parts of the world and the number of times it has violated the sovereignty of other nations, Russian Security Council Secretary Nikolai Patrushev said on Monday.

"Although proclaiming democratic slogans both opportunistically and inappropriately, Washington has long claimed top place in violating the sovereignty of states, in the number of wars and conflicts it has unleashed, in the brutal and illegal pursuit of citizens of other countries," Patrushev said in an interview ahead of a second 'Summit for Democracy' launched by the United States. Patrushev added that "if the US really decides to move towards democracy and stop humiliating its vassal allies, we will only welcome it."

According to the Russian Security Council chief, corporations in the US have been shaping Washington's foreign policy as they seek to create hotbeds of tension in the world for the sake of billion-dollar profits.

NATO countries have made no secret of their main goal in the Ukraine conflict - that is to defeat Russia on the battlefield and then dismember it, Patrushev asserts.

"In fact, NATO countries are a party to the conflict. They have made one big military camp out of Ukraine. They send Ukrainian troops weapons and ammunition, provide them with intelligence, including with the help of a constellation of satellites and a significant number of drones," Patrushev stressed.

NATO instructors and advisers are training the Ukrainian military, and mercenaries are fighting as part of neo-Nazi battalions, he added.

Washington's confidence that a preventive missile strike on Russia will go unanswered in the event of a direct conflict is "a very dangerous mistake" - Russia has a unique weapon that can destroy any enemy, including the United States, if its existence is threatened, Patrushev warned.

According to the official, the main task of the present US political regime is to scare the people during the systemic crisis into which the United States fell.

"After all, the main task of the political regime in today's United States is to mislead its own population in the systemic crisis in which they find themselves," Patrushev explained.

It is "self-evident" that the United States will not want to hear criticism against itself, Patrushev claims.

He went on to say that China is the main economic competitor of the United States, and after attempts to suppress Russia, the United States will take on China. According to him, Russia irritates the US because "not only does it pursue an independent policy of bolstering the multipolar world, but in many ways surpasses America in spiritual, moral and military spheres.

Russia not going to isolate its economy from world — security chief

Russia will develop economic cooperation with sovereign nations, Secretary of the Security Council Nikolay Patrushev said in an interview with the Rossiyskaya Gazeta newspaper.

"Russia is not going to close its economy from the world. It will remain open and will be integrated with economies of sovereign nations taking care of their prosperity, including owing to cooperation with us," the official said.

"Our country is capable at present not merely to support the internal stability but also the security of our nation from outside threats," Patrushev added.

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