
Tuesday 28 March 2023

Serbian leader admits he is 'very afraid' about current situation in the world

Serbian leader admits he is 'very afraid' about current situation in the world

Serbian leader admits he is 'very afraid' about current situation in the world

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said on Tuesday that he was ‘very afraid’ about what is going on in the world.

"I am not much of an optimist, I am a small leader of a small country. There are many leaders from big countries in Europe who know better about everything," Vucic said at a joint news conference with Greek President Katerina Sakellaropoulou. "I fear that the consequences of this will be far worse than what we have seen so far," he stressed.

"But I am a small man from a small country, and I believe that the giants from other countries know better and can solve things. As for our little Serbian ship, we will steer it with a firm hand to preserve peace and stability," Vucic stressed.

On March 17, the Slovak government approved the transfer of 13 MiG-29 fighters to Ukraine, Prime Minister Eduard Heger said. At the same time, it was stressed that the fighters were transferred for defense purposes, not for attacking. The country’s Defense Ministry announced that for the shipment of MiG-29 to Kiev, Slovakia expects to be paid back by the European Union in the amount of $900 million. Earlier, Polish authorities also said they were planning to supply MiG-29 to Ukraine.

West’s labeling of Russia as ‘imperialist’ disgusts most Africans – senior Russian diplomat to RT

African countries are beginning to recognize their own national interests and are breaking away from the West’s forcefully imposed democratic world order, Oleg Ozerov, the head of the Secretariat of the Russia-Africa Partnership Forum, claimed in an exclusive interview to RT.

Speaking to RT host Oksana Boyko, Ozerov noted that African-Russian relations have been on a significant upswing in recent years and that Russia is treating its African partners in a dramatically different manner than Western countries, which have retained a colonial mindset in their dealings with the continent.

This mindset “manifests itself in the form of patronizing attitudes, lecturing and moralizing, insisting that the Western model alone should be accepted as a gift from the gods by our African friends” the diplomat explained, adding that this “aura of arrogance” is backed by a desire to keep African nations dependent and subservient to the West.

Meanwhile, Ozerov pointed out that many African people are “aware of the role Russia has played in liberating them from colonial bondage,” which is why the majority of Africans feel nothing but “disgust and revulsion” when they witness attempts to label Russians as imperialist or claims that Russia aims to plunder the continent.

According to Ozerov, contrary to the West’s belief that its political model is the only acceptable one, Russia, as well as China, is promoting a new model of international order that recognizes different forms of political governance and treats them with respect.

Deputy Director of the African Department of the Russian Foreign Ministry Oleg Ozerov
©Nina Zotina; RIA Novosti

Ozerov noted that while Russia uses the same diplomatic tools to negotiate with Africa as the West, what sets it apart is that Moscow has no hidden agendas in its dealings.

One example provided by Ozerov is the West’s attempts to impose green energy policies on the African continent while simultaneously “sucking out” its natural resources such as oil, gas and coal to use back in Europe. The diplomat argued that African nations are beginning to realize that this approach is ultimately meant to prevent real industrialization on the continent.

Russia, however, is instead offering its extensive expertise in nuclear power to help the continent establish a reliable source of clean energy and further develop its industry, Ozerov said.

The diplomat also touched upon the issue of hunger in Africa, stating that Russia has a large amount of agricultural and fertilizer products that it is willing to offer to the continent, but noted that such exports are currently blocked by the West’s “illegal” sanctions.

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