
Saturday 29 April 2023

Medvedev urges full rout of Kiev regime, retaliatory acts against its key figures

Medvedev urges full rout of Kiev regime, retaliatory acts against its key figures

Medvedev urges full rout of Kiev regime, retaliatory acts against its key figures

Russian Security Council Deputy Chairman Dmitry Medvedev
©Ekaterina Shtukina/POOL/TASS

Russia’s Security Council Deputy Chairman Dmitry Medvedev said on his Telegram channel on Saturday about the need to fully rout the Kiev regime and take retaliatory acts against its key figures.

The Russian politician commented, in particular, on Kiev’s statements about the need of new arms deliveries, the intention "to go to return Crimea" and that "the war may last for decades."

"The Kiev dog keeps barking. The saliva drools across its hairy muzzle so that its masters can see its fighting properties," Medvedev remarked.

"What is it? The contradictory gloom of the drug-permeated conscience? Delirium of uncertainty? Pressure on its patrons? General persisting paranoia? No doubt, all this together," he said.

However, "even delirious statements should not be underestimated," he said. "This is also the Kiev regime’s hysterical manifesto with the aim of consolidating the Nazi elite, supporting the troop fighting spirit and receiving new support from its sponsors," Medvedev explained.

The sole response must be as follows:

"The mass destruction of the personnel and military equipment involved by the Neo-Nazi regime in the counteroffensive, with a maximum military defeat inflicted on Ukrainian troops. A full rout of the enemy and the final deposition of the Neo-Nazi Kiev regime with its full de-militarization on entire Ukrainian territory. Retaliatory acts against the Neo-Nazi regime’s key figures, regardless of the places of their location and the limitation period," Medvedev said.

"Otherwise, they will not calm down and drug-induced delirious statements may turn into reality and the war will stretch out for long. Our country does not need this," the Russian politician said.

US blackmails nations into confronting Moscow and Beijing – Shoigu

Washington is resorting to various forms of coercion as it pushes to create regional alliances aimed against its geopolitical rivals, including Moscow and Beijing, Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu has claimed.

FILE PHOTO: Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu.
©Sputnik/Pavel Bednyakov

He was speaking to his counterparts representing other members of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) at a meeting in New Delhi. The group, which was established by Russia and China, has six other members, including India.

“Unprecedented pressure is being applied to independent nations through the use of open blackmail, threats, ‘color revolutions,’ coups, and dissemination of blatant disinformation. All those tools long ago became the Western calling card,” the minister said on Friday.

The goal of the US and its allies is to undermine the emerging multipolar world and preserve their dominance, according to Shoigu. Washington chose to dismantle the system of global security in pursuit of its ambition and withdrew from multiple treaties with Russia, the minister told his audience.

Shoigu said that Moscow had attempted to defuse tensions with NATO through diplomacy in 2021, but its proposals were rejected by the West, proving that it is unwilling to have a partnership of equals with Russia.

Today, Washington and its accomplices are executing a strategic plan to provoke other nations into military confrontation with the states they don’t like, primarily Russia and China.

The minister interpreted the Ukraine conflict as a vivid example of American “criminal policy.” The US goal in it is to “inflict a strategic defeat on Russia, create a threat to China and preserve its (hegemonic) position,” said Shoigu.

The official blasted Western supplies of weapons to Kiev, stating that they only prolong hostilities and create additional risks to Europe and the entire world. He said the arms “make their way to the black market and further into the hands of terrorist organizations.”

The SCO, a Eurasian intergovernmental organization, includes China, India, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Pakistan, Russia, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan among its members.

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