
Wednesday 26 April 2023

Tucker Carlson Could No Longer Be Tolerated by Corrupt US Media, Political Elite

Tucker Carlson Could No Longer Be Tolerated by Corrupt US Media, Political Elite

Tucker Carlson Could No Longer Be Tolerated by Corrupt US Media, Political Elite

CC BY-SA 2.0 / Gage Skidmore / Tucker Carlson

Tucker Carlson posed a "threat" to those powers and institutions in the US that didn't want Americans to be transformed into "researchers and thinkers" by his broadcasts, according to US counter-terror expert Scott Bennett.

Tucker Carlson's ouster spells "the death of American media," Scott Bennett, a former US Army psychological warfare officer told Sputnik.

With his raw honesty, Carlson has been a leading conservative voice for Americans, bringing to cable news an “intellectualism, truthfulness, and an analytical depth that no other news personality has ever done in the history of the United states as far back as I can remember,” Bennett stated.

As such, the seasoned journalist had become a tremendous threat to the “powers and principalities, institutions and agendas that seek an unenlightened uninformed semi lobotomized quasi retarded population that do not question, do not research, do not analyze but simply digest and follow instructions,” and, accordingly, needed to be "silenced."

Tucker Carlson’s departure from Fox News has generated a huge splash in the headlines, both, in the US, and beyond. While the 53-year-old news anchor himself has yet to comment on his exit from the network, the decision to part ways was reportedly made on Friday evening by Fox Corporation chief executive Lachlan Murdoch.

Prime-time host Tucker Carlson, who joined the network as a contributor in 2009, and had hosted his talk show "Tonight with Tucker Carlson" since 2016, had been a strong opposing figure, and built up a wall against the 1984 George Orwell-type idiocy that the US elite and corporations have been trying to degenerate Americans into, believes Bennett. He added: "And it is for that reason the wall had to be detonated it had to be secretly exploded and this secret explosion was engineered by the Dominion Voting Machines - Fox News false lawsuit which sought to cover up the election fraud against Donald Trump... "

Indeed, Carlson's ouster comes less than a week after Fox News agreed to pay $787 million in settlement money to Dominion Voting Systems as part of a defamation suit brought by the company in connection with former US President Donald Trump’s claims about the "rigged" 2020 election and the system's software.

“Tucker Carlson also exposed the fraud and money laundering racketeering crimes of FTX and the Democrat Party in Ukraine involving the United States government. He exposed the US biochemical labs in Ukraine and their connection to the Democrat Party, President Barak Obama, Vice President Biden, Hillary Clinton, George Soros, Bill Gates, and other US government agencies and pharmaceutical companies.”

Scott Bennett is convinced that for all of these reasons Tucker Carlson “could no longer be tolerated by the corrupt American media and political establishment.” Speculating that senator Chuck Schumer had threatened and, no doubt, initiated secret government operations against Fox News involving CIA, FBI, IRS, and other agencies if they would not fire Tucker Carlson, Bennett said that all this affirms that "voices of truth are hated and opposed by the voices of lies and deception."

Pentagon top brass pleased with Carlson exit – Politico

Senior Pentagon officials have welcomed the departure of Tucker Carlson from Fox News, Politico has reported. The popular host regularly criticized the US military’s diversity and inclusivity policies, claiming they were imposed at the expense of battle readiness.

“We’re a better country without him bagging on our military every night in front of hundreds of thousands of people,” a senior Defense Department official told the news outlet, on condition of anonymity. The source claimed Carlson had “made a mockery” of the free press and “repeatedly cherry-picked department policies and used them to destroy DoD (Defense Department) as an institution.”

Commenting on Carlson’s exit from the conservative network, another official reportedly said: “Good riddance.”

The popular former prime-time host regularly accused the Pentagon of undermining US fighting capabilities for the sake of ideologically-motivated inclusivity, imposed under pressure from President Joe Biden’s administration.

In a March 2021 segment, Carlson blasted the introduction of flight suits for pregnant aviators, suggesting that Washington was heading in entirely the wrong direction – unlike its rival Beijing.

“While China’s military becomes more masculine as it assembles the world’s largest navy, our military needs to become, as Joe Biden says, more feminine,” Carlson said. “This is a mockery of the US military and its core mission, which is winning wars.”

The remarks triggered a rare direct rebuke by the Pentagon, with then-spokesman John Kirby responding: “What we absolutely won’t do is take personnel advice from a talk show host or the Chinese military.”

“We know we’re the greatest military in the world today and even for all the things we need to improve, we know exactly why that’s so,” Kirby insisted.

When asked by Politico what he thought about the reported glee at his departure among senior Pentagon officials, Carlson replied in a text message: “Ha! I’m sure.”

The news that Carlson and Fox News were parting ways broke on Monday, shortly before his prime-time show was due to be broadcast. Neither party has offered an explanation for the split.

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