
Friday 26 May 2023

Jeff Monson: US Elite Mutes Russian Media to Keep Ukraine Conflict Raging On

Jeff Monson: US Elite Mutes Russian Media to Keep Ukraine Conflict Raging On

Jeff Monson: US Elite Mutes Russian Media to Keep Ukraine Conflict Raging On

© Sputnik / RIA Novosti

Legendary mixed martial arts (MMA) fighter Jeff Monson, who has renounced his US citizenship in opposition to Washington's Ukraine policies, told Sputnik that the American elite is cashing in on the Ukraine conflict and silencing alternative narratives to keep the standoff going.

"You don't have to be a political scientist to understand what's really going on, because we see this happening live," Jeffrey William Monson, 52, the legendary "Snowman," who scored a whopping 61 victories in 89 fights, told Sputnik.

Jeff believes that Washington's attempt to prolong the Ukraine conflict for as long as possible benefits no one but the American elites.

"This (conflict) benefits the big corporations of America, which benefits the leaders of America, the government leaders who get money from these corporations for the reelection campaigns, for their political parties," Monson told Sputnik. "So very, very few people benefit from this, the Congress people, the big businesses. And that's why America is in this conflict, not because ordinary Americans want this [proxy] war. No, because the media has sold this to ordinary Americans that they think they're supporting something good."

The MMA legend obtained Russian citizenship in May 2018 and became a lawmaker in the city of Krasnogorsk, near Moscow. Earlier, he proved to be an ardent supporter of Donbass, which resisted the Kiev regime after the illegitimate ouster of Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovich in February 2014.

"I've been to Donetsk and Lugansk, maybe 11 or 12 times already," he said

In late April this year, Jeff announced that he would renounce his American citizenship because of his opposition to the current policies of the US government, including the militarization of Ukraine. He walked the talk in May and handed his American passport to the US Consulate in Istanbul, Turkiye.

Ukraine 'Put Up for Sale'

The thing is that Zelensky put Ukraine up for sale – that is how he is going to pay the bills, according to Monson.

"He sold the public utilities, he sold the transportation," the MMA legend continued. "He's selling the penal system. He's selling the transportation; he's selling the water supply. He's selling the physical and utilities to American corporations. So after the conflict, these American corporations [will] come in, help 'rebuild' Ukraine. But they will own Ukraine."

US Elites Don't Want Ukraine Conflict to End

Generally, the US establishment is fanning the conflict to exhaust Ukraine, bleed Russia white, and undermine Europe, thus making it even more dependent on the US, according to Monson.

"America destroyed the Nord Stream pipeline, now America is the new supplier, not Russia, but America is the new supplier of gas to Europe, which needs it badly. But they're selling it at four times the price that Russia sold it to them for."

Since a protracted conflict is exactly what the American elite and its associates want, it is hardly surprising that they ruined the concurrent Russo-Ukrainian peace talks and then-Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett's settlement effort in March 2022, according to Monson. In his bombshell interview in February 2023, Bennett recalled that Russia and Ukraine had proved to be pragmatic negotiators; France and Germany were ready to reach a compromise; but the UK and US pushed for continuing hostilities.

"Now China has also tried to negotiate a peace agreement," Jeff continued.

"America's saying: 'Go away, go away. Don't listen to them, we don't want to end this conflict'. America doesn't literally want to end this conflict. It is allowing people to die because they want these corporations to make money. And that's the opinion they have in America: corporations before people."

US Government Censoring Alternative Narratives

How does the US elite manage to sell its proxy war in Ukraine to the American public? According to Monson, they made this possible by muting inconvenient truths and killing alternative narratives. "The reason is that, what's the number one thing America, or especially an American politician, is going to say about America? 'We have democracy, we have freedom. The world doesn't have freedom. We have. Freedom, Freedom, Freedom.' Well, how is that freedom? If the people who live in America are censored and they're only shown one position and they're told what to think. Americans literally have no idea, the bulk of Americans have no idea of what's going on in the world. It's just what they hear on mass media."

For its part, US media corporations are not just "misinforming" the people, but blatantly lying to them, the MMA legend said.

"And so you can control the people. You don't have to force people with a gun. In America, they don't take a gun to your head and say, 'Hey, you need to do this.' No, no, no. They educate you and tell you what's going on, what they want you to believe. And then you're going to freely do what they want."

As a result, Americans are buying into the establishment's narrative and are "freely" supporting the US proxy war in Ukraine. They think that Russia is a "bad guy," they think that it "invaded" Ukraine, and they haven't got the slightest idea of Kiev's nine-year-long war against Donbass civilians, Monson said.

"You never heard of it because the American media doesn't tell you," he noted, addressing the American audience. "And so when the media can control the situation, the government is able to do what they want without the people rebelling. And so that's why they blocked Sputnik. That's why they blocked RT, that's why they blocked the different outlets in Russia, because they don't want people to have an alternative, to see a different perspective. Look, if this is the only way that you know, then of course you're going to believe that because that's all you're told. That's all you believe."

'This is Our Land'

"I talked Having visited Donbass many times, Jeff knows what he is talking about.

"I've been on the front line, I've seen what the soldiers do," he said. The last time, maybe five or six weeks ago, he went to Donbass and talked to soldiers who have been fighting for their land for the last nine years.

"I talked to a man, a soldier, and I said, 'Why are you here?' He picked up the ground and he kissed it and he said, 'This is Russia. This is ours, man. We've got to protect this. My relatives live here, my grandparents, their grandparents. This is us. This is my love. I'll give my life for this place. I'll give my life for my country, for my fellow soldiers, for the people who live here.'"

‘My Country Does Terrible Things’: MMA Fighter Jeff Monson On Why He Renounced US Citizenship

American-born athlete Jeff Monson, known for his skill in a variety of martial arts, renounced his US citizenship earlier this week, having obtained his Russian citizenship in 2018. Sputnik spoke with Monson about the changes in himself and his life through the process of changing from a US citizen to a Russian.

“I felt Russian for a long time in my heart and my soul, even before I got a Russian passport. I'd been coming to Russia for maybe 12, 13 years now, and I felt Russian for a long time. And when I got the passport, it just made it official. You know, it obviously made it easier for me to have jobs here, to do work here, to have family here,” Monsoon told Sputnik.

"But now the American citizenship... It was a difficult decision because I need an American passport to freely go to the USA because I have three children in America. And now, without a visa, it's impossible to go to America. The United States is angry with me, of course. So they're not going to likely give me a visa. So when I meet my kids, it's going to have to be in some other country. So this was a problem with this decision.”

“But I can't support a country that's attacking my country where I live with my family. They're attacking the people of Donbass. They've killed thousands and thousands by supporting Ukraine. They've killed three of my friends in Donbass already. When I went to Donetsk, they had a big bomb that landed in the middle of the city, where people would park, and it didn't explode. They left it there, though. And I went and saw it said "Lockheed Martin". It's the American company that made this bomb. It's from an American company. So, we know this already, but it's just a reminder that America is supporting this war.”

Monson told Sputnik that traveling to Russia in 2011 changed his perception of what kind of people Russians are, helping him realize they’re not the perpetual villains always seen in Western films. However, his friends who haven’t shared his experiences have had trouble with that revelation.

“Luckily, I had a pretty open mind when I came to Russia. Like Red Square, some of the sites of St. Petersburg are exactly how I saw, how I envisioned it. But the people were much different. In America, I thought the Russians were very cold and did not have a big heart and did not care about other people and were very angry, and that was shocking to me, to find out this was absolutely not true, that Russians are very supportive, very oriented towards family, very oriented towards community. And they cared very much about other people.”

“But it's the American movies, American media, Western media, and the American government that portrays this picture. You watch an American movie, if there's a Russian guy in it, he's always, always a bad guy. He's never a good guy, always a bad guy, like - ‘Vladimir - He wants to kill people. He does this.’ He's always bad. Americans don't have any idea about how Russians really are, about how patriotic they are, how they love their country, how they love their community.”

“And when I’ve had American friends, my best friend Shane came from America to Russia and spent one week here and he was shocked. He said the same thing. He was like, ‘Man, I thought Russians were like, this and that’. And my team, American Top Team, my fighting team in Miami, they have now maybe 20 Russians that are part of this team that came from Russia. And all my friends on this team, my American friends said, ‘Man, these Russians are so good guys. They work hard, they're polite, they're respectful, they're funny, they're our friends, that's nothing like we expected.’

“And when I’ve had American friends, my best friend Shane came from America to Russia and spent one week here and he was shocked. He said the same thing. He was like, ‘Man, I thought Russians were like, this and that’. And my team, American Top Team, my fighting team in Miami, they have now maybe 20 Russians that are part of this team that came from Russia. And all my friends on this team, my American friends said, ‘Man, these Russians are so good guys. They work hard, they're polite, they're respectful, they're funny, they're our friends, that's nothing like we expected.’

“My real friends, especially from the American Top Team, support me because they actually see Russians. So they support me. My friends who've come here, I have like three friends who come to Russia, and they support me because they see what I see. Some family members - not so much my children, but some of my cousins, aunts, uncles - they don't support this at all and they don't understand Russia. And so I've unfortunately lost communication with some people from my family and some people who I kind of kept in contact with don't talk to me anymore not just because I'm in Russia, but because I support Russia.”

“My true friends who I communicate with all the time, my children who I communicate with, they want me home, of course. They want me to be there next to them so they don't like me being away. But they support what I believe in. They believe what I see and what I tell them. So in this way I have their support.”

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