
Wednesday 24 May 2023

NATO Gunning to Destroy Russia Through Proxy War in Ukraine - Medvedev

NATO Gunning to Destroy Russia Through Proxy War in Ukraine - Medvedev

NATO Gunning to Destroy Russia Through Proxy War in Ukraine - Medvedev

©Sputnik / Екатерина Штукина / Go to the mediabank

There is nobody in the so-called collective West that Russia could negotiate with to defuse the dangerously escalating conflagration in Ukraine, as Washington and its NATO allies don't want peace, they don't want cooperation, they want confrontation, Russian Security Council Deputy Chairman Dmitry Medvedev told RT.

NATO still stubbornly refuses to accept the fact that the current scenario, where it is fueling a proxy war against Russia in Ukraine, is teeming with the risk of a nuclear apocalypse, Deputy Chairman of the Russian Security Council Dmitry Medvedev told RT in an interview.

"Otherwise, Washington and its NATO allies would not funnel such dangerous weapons to the Ukrainian regime. So, apparently, they believe that a nuclear conflict, or a nuclear apocalypse, is impossible, because it is never possible. They are wrong. And at some point, events can follow a completely unpredictable scenario. And the responsibility will lie entirely with the North Atlantic Alliance."

'Point of No Return'

Weighing in on the amount of arms shipments already sent to prop up the regime in Kiev, including the latest decision by London to transfer its long-range Storm Shadow missiles to Ukraine, Medvedev noted that it was hard to determine if the point of no return had already been passed.

"Nobody knows… And therein lies the main danger. Because, as soon as something is delivered, the response is, we need more… long-range missiles, or now – fighter jets… Then all will be good… Only it won’t… Nothing good will happen... We'll deal with that too. But more and more lethal weapons will be used."

West Wants to Destroy Russia

There is no one in the West that Russia could talk to, seek common ground with, at least "not yet," Medvedev stated. Those waging a proxy war against Russia in Ukraine with such zeal "don't want peace, they don't want cooperation, they want confrontation. They are trying in every possible way to infringe on our country," he stressed.

As it fans the flames of the Ukraine conflict, Washington seeks its ultimate goal of destroying the Russian Federation, the country's former president and prime minister emphasized.

"At minimum, restriction, containment of the Russian Federation. They are doing the same in relation to China. But the ultimate goal is the destruction of Russia as a country. But it won’t work… We will not let them," he said.

Looking back on the sabotage and terrorism that NATO’s proxy war in Ukraine has been replete with, Medvedev noted that the US should compensate Russia for all the damage and destruction it sowed, like the bombing of Nord Stream.

Last September, three of the four lines of the Nord Stream pipeline network running from Russia to Germany along the bottom of the Baltic Sea were damaged in a large-scale sabotage attack, with the long-term economic impact on Europe estimated to be in the hundreds of billions of dollars. Veteran US investigative journalist Seymour Hersh later revealed direct US culpability in this act of sabotage and terrorism. But it went far beyond the Nord Stream attack, of course, added Medvedev.

"Let them return the funds, or at least allocate funds, for the restoration of Artemovsk, Mariupol, and a host of other places that were destroyed with their help and support. With their money," he said, in a reference to the Donbass cities pummeled with billions of dollars-worth of NATO-supplied weaponry.

Medvedev: Kata-kata Kiev Tentang Non-Keterlibatan dalam Serangan Sabotase di Rusia Kebohongan Mutlak

Dmitry Medvedev, has called the Ukrainian government's claims that it was not involved in sabotage attacks on Russian territory 'an absolute lie'. "No matter how much chatter there is in Kiev that they have nothing to do with this - with this kind of sabotage, it is all a lie, of course, an absolute lie," Medvedev said when asked by journalists about the situation in the Belgorod region.

"The Kiev regime, and ultimately its sponsors across the ocean, are responsible for this. That is, Washington and the EU countries, together with countries like Britain and others who have joined them. This is their direct and immediate responsibility," he added.

Speaking about Kiev's subversive groups, Dmitriy Medvedev said:

"As for these scumbags - I can't call them anything else - there are different ways of characterizing them. The only question is what to do with them. They should be destroyed like rats, not even captured," Medvedev said in response to journalists' questions.

The more destructive weapons supplied to Kiev, the more likely the scenario of a nuclear apocalypse, Medvedev said.

"The more weapons are supplied, the more dangerous the world becomes, and the more destructive these weapons are, the more likely the scenario of what is commonly called a nuclear apocalypse becomes," he stressed.

Some of the alliances in the Asia-Pacific region are neutral in nature, while others are almost unfriendly: NATO is involved in global projects, Medvedev said.

Medvedev noted that some of the alliances and partnerships in the Pacific are neutral in relation to Russia and that Russia participates in some of them as an invited participant, such as ASEAN or ASEAN Plus. He stressed that military-technical cooperation with friendly countries did not stop amid a special military operation.

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