
Friday 19 May 2023

Türkiye ‘strongly condemns’ raid of Al-Aqsa Mosque by fanatical Jewish groups

Türkiye ‘strongly condemns’ raid of Al-Aqsa Mosque by fanatical Jewish groups ">

Türkiye ‘strongly condemns’ raid of Al-Aqsa Mosque by fanatical Jewish groups

Fanatic Jewish settlers hold flag march in East Jerusalem ( Mostafa Alkharouf Anadolu Agency)

The Turkish Foreign Ministry on Thursday “strongly condemned” the raid by fanatical Jewish groups on the Al-Aqsa Mosque under Israeli police protection.

“We strongly condemn the storming of the Al-Aqsa Mosque on 18 May by fanatical Jewish groups under police protection and their attempts to perform prayers in this area, violating once again the historical status quo at Haram Al-Sharif,” the ministry said in a statement.

Türkiye urged the Israeli government not to allow such “provocative actions.”

“We expect the necessary measures for the preservation of status quo in the holy places to be taken seriously and without delay," it added.

Hundreds of Israeli settlers on Thursday forced their way into the Al-Aqsa Mosque compound in occupied East Jerusalem.

Palestinians in East Jerusalem were harassed, insulted and beaten by Israeli settlers and police during the provocative ‘flag march’ on Thursday. (WAFA)

This came as Israeli settlers prepared to celebrate the 56th anniversary of occupation of East Jerusalem along with their planned “flag march” to walk through East Jerusalem's Old City areas.

Earlier this week, Israeli extremist groups announced that they were seeking to mobilize nearly 5,000 Israeli settlers to break into the Al-Aqsa Mosque complex on the day of the “flag march” on Thursday.

The “flag march” is staged by Israeli settlers every year to mark what they call the unification of Jerusalem, in reference to Israel's occupation of the city in 1967.

Palestinians attacked as Israeli settlers stage ‘flag march’ through East Jerusalem

Thousands of Israeli settlers stormed Jerusalem on Thursday, on the anniversary of the occupation of the eastern part of the city according to the Hebrew calendar.

The “Jerusalem Day” marches began at 2:30 p.m. and reached the Damascus Gate area. The marchers raised Israeli flags, danced, beat drums and sang songs.

Several senior Israeli politicians, including Minister of National Security Itamar Ben-Gvir, Minister of Finance Bezalel Smotrich, Minister of Transportation Miri Regev and the chairman of the Foreign Affairs and Security Committee in the Knesset, Yuli Edelstein, took part in the so-called flag march.

Protected by Israeli police, the marchers assaulted and hurled insults at Palestinian citizens in the Old City and threw stones and waved sticks at press crews near Damascus Gate. They also called for imposing effective Israeli sovereignty over the West Bank and East Jerusalem.

More than 1,200 settlers stormed Al-Aqsa and raised Israeli flags, while police prevented people under the age of 50 from entering the mosque from the predawn prayer until after 3 p.m.

Palestinians said the march was designed to provoke them and wrest control of the eastern part of the city, something the Israelis have been unable to do for the past 56 years.

Palestinians in East Jerusalem were harassed, insulted and beaten by Israeli settlers and police during the provocative ‘flag march’ on Thursday. (WAFA)

Israeli authorities regard the more than 350,000 Palestinians who live in the east of the city as residents rather than citizens. About 20,000 Palestinians live in the Old City, alongside 1,100 Israeli settlers.

About 3,200 police imposed a tight siege on Jerusalem, especially in the Damascus Gate area, forcibly removing Palestinian men and women from the street and detaining some. They also restricted movement in the streets around Sultan Suleiman, Nablus and Al-Musrara.

Palestinian Prime Minister Mohammed Shtayyeh condemned the march, describing it as “absurd” and “provocative.”

Palestinians in East Jerusalem were harassed, insulted and beaten by Israeli settlers and police during the provocative ‘flag march’ on Thursday. (WAFA)

Nabil Abu Rudeineh, a spokesperson for the Palestinian presidency, said the Palestinian people had legitimacy in Jerusalem, not Israelis or Americans, adding that the flag march was Israeli provocation “that is condemned and rejected.”

He said the US administration “does not give legitimacy to anyone,” and its silence over the Israeli attacks encouraged the occupation forces to persist in their violence against Palestinian people.

Hamas spokesperson Abd Al-Latif Al-Qanua said the extremist Israeli government’s granting permission for settlers to storm Al-Aqsa Mosque and the flag march constituted provocation of Palestinians.

But the march and repeated incursions “cannot change the reality,” he added.

Palestinians in East Jerusalem were harassed, insulted and beaten by Israeli settlers and police during the provocative ‘flag march’ on Thursday. (WAFA)

Palestinian resistance groups in Gaza said the march was a failed attempt by Israel to impose its control and sovereignty over Jerusalem.

The march coincided with the 56th anniversary of the occupation of East Jerusalem in 1967.

Imad Muna, one of the most prominent leaders of the Palestinian East Jerusalem community, told Arab News that East Jerusalem and the Old City were almost empty of merchants and shoppers on Thursday.

Even foreigners did not go to the area for fear of violence and clashes between Palestinians and Israeli police who were deployed in great numbers, he said.

About 1,500 shops inside the Old City were forced to close their doors on Thursday to avoid being attacked by the settlers.

“The intensive Israeli security measures and the fear of attacks by extremist settlers paralyzed commerce,” Muna said.

He warned that if the Palestinians tolerated the march this year, then next year, instead of entering the Old City through two gates, the settlers would enter through seven gates.

After 56 years of occupying East Jerusalem, Israel had “failed miserably” in its efforts to Judaize it and tame the Palestinians, Muna said.

“What is the goal of this march, and what do they want to achieve through it? They are trying to prove something they are not convinced of.”

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