
Friday 23 June 2023

BREAKING: U.S. military admits to altering the weather, according to documents

BREAKING: U.S. military admits to altering the weather, according to documents

BREAKING: U.S. military admits to altering the weather, according to documents

Giant ash cloud from the eruption of Mount Pinatubo, 1991 towering above farms and agricultural lands in the Philippines. USGS ARCHIVES

According to documents, the Department of the Navy and the Department of the Air Force, along with General Electric, have been working together to manipulate hurricanes.

Bombshell information was first unearthed by Peggy Hall in a paper published by General Electric titled History of Project Cirrus from 1947 to 1952, which was a study of how cloud particles and cloud modifications can affect hurricanes.

Hall claims the purpose of government hurricane and forest fire manipulation is to instill fear, uncertainty and inflict hardship on certain population centers, with the purpose of gaining control over people by using FEMA and federal funding.

During the Vietnam war the U.S. military conducted geo-engineering weather modification as a strategy to to muddy the supply roads on the Ho Chi Minh trail by causing it to rain with cloud seeding.

The chemical weather modification program was conducted from Thailand over Cambodia, Laos, and Vietnam and was allegedly sponsored by the then Secretary of State Henry Kissinger and the CIA.

US Modified The Weather During The Vietnam War

During the Vietnam war the US military conducted geo-engineering weather modification as a strategy to to muddy the supply roads on the Ho Chi Minh trail ….by causing it to rain with cloud seeding.

The chemical weather modification program was conducted from Thailand over Cambodia, Laos, and Vietnam and was allegedly sponsored by the then Secretary of State Henry Kissinger and the CIA.

Operation Popeye ( also known as Project Popeye/Motorpool/Intermediary-Compatriot) was a highly classified weather modification program in Southeast Asia during 1967-1972

The operation seeded clouds with both silver iodide and lead iodide, resulting in the targeted areas seeing an extension of the monsoon period an average of 30 to 45 days. As the continuous rainfall slowed down the truck traffic, it was considered relatively successful. However, resultant rain and subsequent flooding of the nearby Song Con River is sometimes blamed for the move of POWs from the prison camp at Son Tay and therefore, the failure of Operation Ivory Coast.

The former U.S. Secretary of Defense, Robert S. McNamara, was aware that there might be objections raised by the international scientific community but said in a memo to the president that such objections had not in the past been a basis for prevention of military activities considered to be in the interests of U.S. national security.

The chemical weather modification program was conducted from Thailand over Cambodia, Laos, and Vietnam and allegedly sponsored by Secretary of State Henry Kissinger and CIA without the authorization of then Secretary of Defense Melvin Laird who had categorically denied to Congress that a program for modification of the weather for use as a tactical weapon even existed

The US Congress has even held it's own hearings on “Geoengineering,” with the U.S. House Subcommittee onEnvironment and Subcommittee on Energy Hearing discussing how the government secretly controls the weather, even though this is still proclaimed a "Conspiracy Theory" to most.

What is geoengineering—and why should you care?

It’s becoming clear that we won’t cut carbon emissions soon enough to prevent catastrophic climate change. But there may be ways to cool the planet more quickly and buy us a little more time to shift away from fossil fuels.

They’re known collectively as geoengineering, and though it was once a scientific taboo, a growing number of researchers are running computer simulations and proposing small-scale outdoor experiments. Even some legislators have begun discussing what role these technologies could play (see “The growing case for geoengineering”).

But what is geoengineering exactly?

Traditionally, geoengineering has encompassed two very different things: sucking carbon dioxide out of the sky so the atmosphere will trap less heat, and reflecting more sunlight away from the planet so less heat is absorbed in the first place.

The first of these, known as “carbon removal” or “negative emissions technologies,” is something that scholars now largely agree we’ll need to do in order to avoid dangerous levels of warming (see “One man’s two-decade quest to suck greenhouse gas out of the sky”). Most no longer call it “geoengineering”—to avoid associating it with the second, more contentious branch, known as solar geoengineering.

This is a blanket term that includes ideas like setting up sun shields in space or dispersing microscopic particles in the air in various ways to make coastal clouds more reflective, dissipate heat-trapping cirrus clouds, or scatter sunlight in the stratosphere.

In November, the Biden administration publicly admitted they were working on a solar geoengineering plan in cahoots with Bill Gates.

A Bill Gates Venture Aims To Spray Dust Into The Atmosphere To Block The Sun. What Could Go Wrong?

Bill Gates is financially backing the development of sun-dimming technology that would potentially reflect sunlight out of Earth’s atmosphere, triggering a global cooling effect. The Stratospheric Controlled Perturbation Experiment (SCoPEx), launched by Harvard University scientists, aims to examine this solution by spraying non-toxic calcium carbonate (CaCO3) dust into the atmosphere — a sun-reflecting aerosol that may offset the effects of global warming. 

Widespread research into the efficacy of solar geoengineering has been stalled for years due to controversy. Opponents believe such science comes with unpredictable risks, including extreme shifts in weather patterns not dissimilar to warming trends we are already witnessing. Environmentalists similarly fear that a dramatic shift in mitigation strategy will be treated as a green light to continue emitting greenhouse gases with little to no changes in current consumption and production patterns.

They thought they could control the earth and sky by geoengineering. And now the effect of all this is extreme climate change, global warming. Then the impact of it all they feel innocent and blame others for their own actions

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