
Wednesday 21 June 2023

Ukrainian troops understand they don’t stand a chance against Russian forces — Putin

Ukrainian troops understand they don’t stand a chance against Russian forces — Putin

Ukrainian troops understand they don’t stand a chance against Russian forces — Putin

©Yegor Aleyev/TASS

Ukraine’s troops understand that they don’t stand a chance against heroic and courageous fighters of the Russian Armed Forces, President Vladimir Putin emphasized on Wednesday.

"Thanks to the courage and heroism of our fighters, thanks to the commanders’ readiness to repel any aggressive actions against Russia, I believe, the enemy doesn’t stand a chance. They understand that and this is why they have stalled now," Putin said at the meeting with military college graduates, answering a question from reporter Pavel Zarubin.

"Ukrainian forces began [the counteroffensive] on June 4, engaging strategic reserves. Curiously, we currently observe certain lull at this moment," the president said, adding that "this is due to the enemy suffering serious casualties in personnel and in vehicles."

According to the president, "there are individual elements of hostilities going on: shelling, reconnaissance-in-force." "But, I repeat, there is currently no active offensive," Putin added.

Meanwhile, he noted: "As of today, we see that the enemy’s offensive potential has not been depleted yet; the enemy has reserves and it thinks where and how to use them."

Speaking about the destroyed Western vehicles, Putin underscored that these numbers keep growing.

"How much - that would require a look at the numbers. The total as of last night was 245 tanks and 678 armored vehicles of various types. Of course, that includes Leopards, French wheeled vehicles, US-made armored vehicles - everything," the president said. "They burn quite well."

Russia's Nuclear Triad Ensures Global Balance of Power - Putin

Earlier this month, the US Department of State said it immediately stops notifying Russia about the status or location of missiles and launchers as required under the New START arms control treaty, stops facilitating New START treaty inspections on its territory by revoking visas issued to Russian inspectors.

Russia's nuclear triad makes it possible to maintain a balance of power in the world, Russian President Vladimir Putin said on Wednesday.

"Russia's nuclear triad makes it possible to effectively and reliably ensure strategic deterrence and maintain a global balance of power. This is an expression of the results of the colossal long-term work of our enterprises, design bureaus, workers and engineers, military and civilian specialists," Putin said at a meeting with graduates of higher military educational institutions.

About half of the units of Russia's strategic missile forces are equipped with Yars intercontinental ballistic missile systems, the president said, adding that Russia will continue the development of the nuclear triad.

On Ukrainian Counteroffensive

Speaking about situation in the zone of the Russian special military operation in Ukraine, President Putin siad that the Ukrainian forces are suffering huge casualties during their counteroffensive.

Putin recalled that Kiev’s offensive started on June 4, and the Ukrainian military is using strategic reserves. "Oddly enough, we are seeing some sort of calmness. This is due to the fact that the enemy is suffering serious losses both in personnel and in equipment," Putin said.

The Russian president also said that Ukraine is afraid of suffering huge losses in the future as it may lead to them losing their military potential.

"Some elements of hostilities, of course, take place - shelling, reconnaissance-in-force. So far, active offensive operations have not been carried out," Putin said.

Vladimir Putin added that Russia will keep supplying strike robotic systems and unmanned aerial vehicles to its national troops, with production of the equipment scheduled to be increased and accelerated.

"The improvement of the production of counter-battery systems will continue, just like the supply to the troops of unmanned aerial vehicles and robotic strike systems, which have acquitted themselves well in combat conditions. We will boost their mass production," Putin said at a meeting with graduates of higher military educational institutions.

Strengthening the army remains Russia's priority, Putin added, adding that the country would continue to improve its armed forces, as well as develop the latest models of armored vehicles, strike combat and air defense systems.

Confronting Russia’s Air Superiority, Ukraine Begs West for 'Even More' F-16s

The long-awaited counteroffensive is now in its third week, but the Ukrainian forces have not even reached the first line of Russia's defense, having gotten bogged down in the so-called "forefield".

This time, Kiev is writing off its failures by saying that the West has not supplied enough, while pleading for F-16s to achieve if not an advantage, then parity in the air.

Earlier this month, the Kiev regime has thrown its troops, bolstered by NATO weapons such as Leopard heavy tanks and Bradley fighting vehicles, into the much-touted 'counteroffensive'. However, the advance has run into formidable Russian defensive lines, resulting in significant casualties for Ukraine.

Ukrainian soldiers and pilots are complaining to Western media that the main challenge for them is Russia’s absolute air supremacy, which makes it difficult for the Kiev regime's ground forces to achieve any results.

“At the moment, we can’t do anything. We can’t fight them at all with our missiles, and with our radars,” a Ukrainian MiG-29 pilot told Western media.

Western mass media, quoting a Ukrainian battalion commander of the 128th Separate Territorial Defense Brigade, note that Russian aviation is using extremely efficient tactics and strategies on the front lines of combat operations.

“Their aviation works in waves… Continuously, all day long, they work either by helicopters or by airplanes. In general, aviation support is sorely lacking.”

Ukraine's Defense Minister Oleksii Reznikov and President Volodymyr Zelensky have both made acquiring F-16s their top priority. Meanwhile, some Western nations, most notably the United States, have balked at the idea, fearing an escalation with Russia, but have agreed to train Ukrainian pilots on the aircraft.

According to Western publications, citing a Ukrainian pilot and his wingman, they started training a long time ago but stressed that Ukraine needs at least a squadron of 12 to 20 F-16 jets to level the playing field, and would need much more to have a real impact on the battlefield.

Since the escalation of hostilities in Ukraine, Western countries have rushed to provide the Kiev regime with extensive military assistance to the tune of billions of dollars. EU members, despite the substantial aid they have provided, are now facing a depletion of their own stocks as a consequence.

Meanwhile, Russian forces have been wiping out ‘Western gifts’, effectively turning NATO weapons into a pile of worthless junk, while simultaneously repelling the ongoing Ukrainian counteroffensive. This situation has created additional challenges and concerns for Western supporters of Ukraine, since their 'assistance' has not yielded the desired impact against Russia.

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