
Friday 23 June 2023

US Bio-Programs Likely Pursuing 'Race-Targeted' Viruses, Russian Security Chief Says

US Bio-Programs Likely Pursuing 'Race-Targeted' Viruses, Russian Security Chief Says

US Bio-Programs Likely Pursuing 'Race-Targeted' Viruses, Russian Security Chief Says

©Sputnik / Sergey Guneev / Go to the mediabank

In February 2022, the Russian Defense Ministry discovered the existence of 30 US-funded military biological laboratories in Ukraine. Russia also said that the labs revealed in Ukraine constituted only a small part of a global network of over 300 similar facilities.

Russian Security Council Secretary Nikolai Patrushev said that Moscow is particularly concerned by the Pentagon's biolabs operating in Central Asia, similar to those it used to run in Ukraine and Georgia. These labs are capable of creating "race-specific" viruses, Patrushev specified.

Patrushev urged his Central Asian colleagues to cooperate and coordinate more closely on biosecurity issues, including within the framework of bilateral memorandums already concluded.

The United States and the United Kingdom seek to destabilize the situation in Central Asian countries in order to warrant the expansion of NATO's military presence in the region, Patrushev said.

"Central Asia has become a priority target of their information influence to establish control over the population. The manipulation of public opinion by Washington and London is aimed at aggravating the internal political situation, pressuring the authorities and forming a stratum of the population that shares values alien to the centuries-old traditions of Central Asian peoples," Patrushev said at the inaugural Russia-Central Asia meeting of security council chiefs in Kazakhstan.

Its purpose is to create ploys to expand NATO's military presence in the region, and this can be done by taking advantage of the security risks emanating from Afghanistan, the Russian security chief said.

"The Americans and the British are trying to manipulate the terrorist insurgency in Afghanistan to their advantage by provoking tensions on the borders with Central Asian countries. Given the interest of Afghanistan's neighbors in strengthening their borders and improving the training and equipping their security forces, the United States and its NATO allies are seeking to expand their presence in Central Asia and create more opportunities to influence them," Patrushev said.

Cholera Pathogens Found in Odessa May Be Associated With US Biolabs

The causative agents of cholera detected in the Odessa and Nikolayev regions may be directly related to US laboratories on the territory of Ukraine, Deputy Chairman of the Russian State Duma Irina Yarovaya said on Monday, 19/06/2023.

"In the course of the investigation, we unequivocally confirmed the fact of Pentagon’s passion for cholera, tularemia and its strive to covertly and deliberately affect areas of the supposedly natural occurrence of foci. The laboratory in Odessa was created by the United States with gross violations of safety requirements. This is confirmed by testimonies," Yarovaya said in a statement.

In February 2022, the Russian Defense Ministry discovered the existence of 30 US-funded military biological laboratories in Ukraine. According to Moscow, Washington has spent over $200 million to develop biological weapons at the facilities. Russia also said that the labs discovered in Ukraine constituted only a small part of a global network of over 300 similar facilities. The United States denies the Russian accusations.

On June 13, Oleg Pavlenko, an official from the Ukrainian State Environmental Inspection, said that the Ukrainian authorities found cholera bacillus and intestinal bacteria in the Kherson region after the flooding caused by the destruction of the Kakhovka dam. At the same time, the head of the Russian troops of radiological, chemical and biological defense, Lt. Gen. Igor Kirillov, said on Monday that the flooding in the Kherson region could complicate the epidemiological situation

US Develops Biological Weapons in Ukraine - Russian Defense Ministry

The data obtained by the Russian Defense Ministry once again proves that the United States is developing biological weapons on the territory of Ukraine, Lt. Gen. Igor Kirillov, the head of the radiation, chemical and biological defense troops of the Russian armed forces, said on Friday.

"The US defense ministry is actively studying these economically significant infections outside the national territory in biolaboratories located along the borders of its geopolitical opponents. This once again confirms that the United States is developing biological weapons components outside of national jurisdiction, including on the territory of Ukraine," Kirillov told reporters.

He added that Russian Defense Ministry specialists have seized documents from a Askaniya-Nova Biosphere Reserve laboratory, confirming that the Kharkov Institute of Experimental and Clinical Veterinary Medicine have worked on military biological projects of the Pentagon.

"Documents seized from a veterinary laboratory of the reserve confirm the involvement of the Kharkov institute in the work within the framework of the US projects Yu-Pi-8, Pi-444 and preparation for the implementation of the Flu-Fly-Way project," Kirillov said.

The projects aim at evaluating of the conditions under which the transmission of pathogens of economically significant infections can become uncontrollable, cause economic damage and create food security risks, the official stated.

Kirillov added that the rising incidence of bird flu in Russia raises concern against the background of a mass death of birds due to biological experiments in Ukraine in 2021.

The ministry has already drawn attention to the documented fact of a mass death of birds on the territory of the Askaniya-Nova nature reserve in 2021, which, according to experts, was of an infectious nature, the official said. The simultaneous death of birds was provoked by ongoing experiments and neglect of safety requirements, he added.

"Against this background, we are especially concerned about an increase in the incidence of bird flu in Russia and in European countries, where, according to the International Epizootics Bureau, the disease has acquired a year-round character, and losses from it since 2021 have exceeded 3 billion euros," Kirillov told reporters.

Since the start of the year, Russia has recorded 32 outbreaks of bird flu across the country, he added.

Lt. Gen. Igor Kirillov stressed that employees of Askaniya-Nova Biosphere Reserve in the Kherson region, before the start of the special operation, collected strains of the avian influenza virus that could overcome the interspecies barrier, including the H5N8 strain with a lethality of up to 40%.

"A task force of the Russian Defense Ministry, together with employees of the Federal Security Service and Rosselkhoznadzor [Russian agriculture safety watchdog], confirmed the facts of the collection and certification of strains of the bird flu virus that have a high epidemic potential and are able to overcome the interspecies barrier, in particular, the H5N8 strain, the lethality of which when transmitted to humans can reach 40%" Kirillov told reporters.

Additionally, Ukraine tried to destroy biomaterials left in a Askaniya-Nova Biosphere Reserve biolaboratory, but Russian military scientists managed to identify traces of highly pathogenic bird flu there, the official said.

US Biological Warfare and Ukraine

Kirillov stressed that the facts indicate that the United States viewed Ukraine as a foothold for the deployment of NATO contingents.

The Walter Reed Army Institute of Research supervised the U-Pi-1 and U-Pi-2 military biological projects, during which an active collection of biomaterials from the population of Ukraine was carried out, the official said. The documents obtained by the Russian Defense Ministry confirm the participation of the Reed institute in the study of the antibiotic resistance of microorganisms isolated from the Ukrainian military during the hostilities in Donbas from 2014 to 2020.

"Why should the institute of the US army study the drug resistance of microorganisms isolated on the territory of Donbas? This is another evidence that the United States considered the territory of Ukraine as a springboard for the deployment of NATO military contingents," Kirillov told reporters.

Additionally the documents obtained during special op revealed that for several years the Walter Reed Army Institute of Research of the US Army trained Ukrainian personnel under the biological threat reduction program.

"The documents obtained during the special military operation indicate that for several years the Institute [Walter Reed Research Institute] participated in the training of Ukrainian personnel as part of the biological threat reduction program," Kirillov stated.

The Walter Reed Research Institute of the US Army is a basic part of the Pentagon's Electronic Integrated Disease Surveillance System (EIDSS).

The United States is setting long-term goals to fing military applications of biotechnology to outrun strategic rivals, the official emphasized.

"The document [the 2023 US Biomanufacturing Strategy] defines long-term goals for the development of biotechnologies and the search for their military applications," Kirollov told reporters.

He added that the goal declared in the strategy is to ensure technological sovereignty in the field of biomanufacturing and overtake strategic rivals.

Kirillov stressed that the United States has never clearly stated about its obligations in the field of the safety of its biological research.

"It should be noted that the United States has never clearly stated its obligations in the field of safety of research conducted in biolabs under its control," Kirillov told a briefing.

The official highlighted that the United States is improving methods of biological protection of its military personnel, while simultaneously studying pathogens of particularly dangerous diseases typical for specific areas.

"I will remind you that in October 2022, the United States unveiled a national strategy to counter biological threats. The document has a doctrinal nature and defines biological risk management as the US's vital priority," Kirillov told a briefing.

The official added that the United States has planned work to collect pathogens of especially dangerous infections in Central Asia and the South Caucasus under the guise of humanitarian cooperation,.

"Under the guise of solving purely peaceful tasks in the states of Central Asia and the Transcaucasus, [the United States] has planned work to select and genotype samples of pathogens of especially dangerous infections endemic to these regions: plague, anthrax, tularemia. At the same time, the US administration uses the already worked out scenario of alleged 'humanitarian' interaction," Kirilov told journalists.

He specified that for these operations, the US government resorts to using not military but civilian organizations, for example the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the Gryphon Scientific research company.

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