
Friday 21 July 2023

Putin: There are No Results of Ukrainian Counteroffensive

Putin: There are No Results of Ukrainian Counteroffensive

Putin: There are No Results of Ukrainian Counteroffensive

Russian President Vladimir Putin. File photo - Sputnik International, 1920, 21.07.2023 ©Sputnik / Ramil Sitdikov / Go to the mediabank

The Russian president said it's obvious that Western supporters of the Kiev regime are clearly disappointed with the results of Ukrainian long-anticipated counteroffensive.

Russian President Vladimir Putin has said there are no results of Ukraine’s counteroffensive.

Addressing a Russian Security Council meeting on Friday, Putin said that "as a result of suicidal attacks," the Ukrainian Armed Forces have suffered extensive losses, with "tens of thousands" of soldiers killed.

He stressed that despite the "constant raids and total mobilization" across Ukraine, the Kiev regime "is finding it increasingly difficult to drive new reinforcements to the front."

The Russian president stated that neither the supply of weapons nor the presence of foreign mercenaries and advisers helped Kiev.

"Neither the colossal resources that were pumped into the Kiev regime, nor the supply of Western weapons, tanks, artillery, armored vehicles and missiles helped. The delivery of thousands of foreign mercenaries and advisers who were most actively used in attempts to break through the front of our army did not help either,” Putin said.

According to him, the West already lacks “Ukrainian cannon fodder,” which is why the Western leaders are considering using Lithuanians and Poles in hostilities.

"Hatching their revanchist plans, Polish authorities don't tell their people the truth. The truth is that the Ukrainian cannon fodder is clearly not enough for the West, so they plan to use new consumables - the Poles themselves, Lithuanians, and the list goes on. All those who the West will not feel sorry for,” Putin noted.

He warned that "This is a very dangerous game, and the authors of such plans should think about the consequences."

He added that "The existing production capacities in the West do not allow it to quickly replenish the consumption of reserves of equipment and ammunition.” According to Putin, the West needs “Additional massive resources and time."

Putin also praised the command of the Russian special military operation in Ukraine for their professionalism. "Our soldiers and officers, as well as units and formations are doing their duty to the Motherland courageously, steadfastly, and heroically," the Russian head of state pointed out.

The Russian head of state stressed that “At the same time, the whole world sees the much-hyped 'invulnerable' Western military equipment on fire [on the battlefield]. And in terms of its performance characteristics, it often even yields to some pieces of Soviet-made military hardware.”

Kiev willing to sacrifice everything to ‘save its corrupt hide,’ says Putins

Ukraine is willing to go to any length to "save its corrupt hide," up to and including sacrificing the future of its own people as well as the country’s national interests, Russian President Vladimir Putin told a Security Council meeting on Friday.

"Today, we can see that the Kiev regime is ready to do whatever it takes to save its corrupt hide and stay in power for longer. They don’t give a damn about the people of Ukraine, the country’s sovereignty or national interests," the Russian leader emphasized.

According to Putin, Ukraine is ready to "trade everything, be it people or land." "Today, traitors are ready to `open the gates’ to their foreign patrons and sell Ukraine again," Putin added.

Watch Black Sea Fleet Rocketing Surface Targets During Drills

During the drills, Russian ships also trained to intercept hostile vessels and isolate areas forbidden for navigation.

Russia’s Ministry of Defense has published footage that shows the Black Sea Fleet firing cruise anti-ship missiles at training targets. The clip depicts “Ivanovets” destroying mock enemy ships in the northwestern part of the Black Sea.

The obliteration of the target was confirmed by drones and telemetry.

Earlier, the Defense Ministry issued a warning that several regions of the Black Sea should be considered dangerous for navigation and that all vessels heading to Ukrainian ports may be considered legitimate targets.

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