
Wednesday 19 July 2023

Watch Russian Armed Forces Destroy Ukrainian Command Post and Two Howitzers

Watch Russian Armed Forces Destroy Ukrainian Command Post and Two Howitzers

Watch Russian Armed Forces Destroy Ukrainian Command Post and Two Howitzers

The Russian Airborne Forces hit seven objects with the help of kamikaze drones in the course of the special operation.

A clip published by the Defense Ministry shows Russian loitering munition wiping out Ukrainian positions in the Artemovsk (Bahmut) area.

The Lancet kamikaze drones have proved their efficiency during the special military operation due to their high precision and low cost compared to average cruise missiles and UAV.

Despite the media hype, the counteroffensive launched by Kiev early in June has turned out to be a failure. All Ukrainian generals have achieved so far is high losses in troops and expensive Western military equipment.

Watch Russian Lancet Kamikaze Drone Destroy Ukrainian Air Defenses

Moscow's Armed Forces often use expendable UAVs for high-precision strikes, and Lancets prove to be one of the most effective kamikaze drones.

A clip published by the Defense Ministry shows Russian Airborne Forces taking out a Ukrainian Osa air defense system with a Lancet kamikaze drone.

Loitering munition (a.k.a. kamikaze drone) is a projectile that can loiter by definition – passively wait for its prey and immediately attack once the target is located. It is way smarter than your average cruise missile and cheaper than a regular UAV. However, it is called kamikaze for a reason – a drone has a built-in warhead that detonates after collision.

Kiev launched a counteroffensive effort early in June and despite the media hype, all Ukrainian generals have achieved so far is high losses in troops and expensive Western military equipment.

Watch Russian Artillery Knock Out Krab Howitzer in Special Op Zone

Kiev has been hyping its "counteroffensive" for a long time in order to fork out NATO countries, probably thinking military equipment will turn the tide. However, the push turned into a slaughterhouse for Ukrainian troops. And it became clear that Western equipment, including Krab howitzers and Leopard tanks, can easily become expensive scrap.

Russia’s Ministry of Defense has published footage that shows Russian artillerymen destroying a Poland-made Krab howitzer in the special military operation zone.

Artillery is often dubbed as the “God of War” for its decisive role in military conflicts throughout history. Captured Ukrainian militants often say that they were shocked by Russian cannonades that eliminated the landscape and left no place for them to hide.

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CTES Elog Bimbel - Daftar bimbel Tes SMAKBO, pub-0655609370809761, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

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