
Saturday 15 July 2023

Watch Russia’s Special Forces Destroy Ukrainian Sabotage Group in Zaporozhye Region

Watch Russia’s Special Forces Destroy Ukrainian Sabotage Group in Zaporozhye Region

Watch Russia’s Special Forces Destroy Ukrainian Sabotage Group in Zaporozhye Region

Units of the Russian Armed Forces have been consistently thwarting attacks by Ukrainian militants as the Kiev regime's counteroffensive stutters despite NATO-gifted military hardware.

Russian special forces have destroyed a sabotage and reconnaissance group of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the Zaporozhye direction.

A precision strike wiped out the Ukrainian saboteurs who had assembled in a wooded area, likely planning a surprise attack on a Russian strong point under the cover of night, a law enforcement agency source was cited as saying.

Ukraine launched its long-hyped counteroffensive along three directions: South Donetsk, Artemovsk (Bakhmut) and Zaporozhye in early June after multiple postponements. According to the Russian Defense Ministry, the Kiev regime deployed NATO-trained brigades armed with Western military hardware, including the much-touted Leopard tanks. However, as Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu stated on July 11, the enemy did not achieve its goals in any of the directions, with losses exceeding 26 thousand soldiers and officers, 1244 tanks, 21 aircraft, including six helicopters, and thousands of other equipment.

Russian Army Repelled 17 Enemy Attacks in Single Day in Donetsk Direction

Due to the actions of the Vostok group of forces in the Donetsk and Zaporozhye direction, Ukraine lost up to 210 soldiers.

The Yug group of the Russian armed forces has successfully repulsed 17 enemy attacks in the Donetsk direction over the past day as a result of "coordinated and courageous actions," with the Ukrainian forces losing up to 315 soldiers, the Russian Defense Ministry said on Saturday.

📹 Russian Ka-52 helicopter crew eliminates Ukrainian armored fighting vehicle in South Donetsk direction

"During the fighting, the enemy losses were up to 315 Ukrainian servicemen, two armored combat vehicles, three pickup trucks, and a D-30 howitzer," the ministry said.

"The enemy's losses in these directions amounted to 210 Ukrainian soldiers, five armored combat vehicles, two vehicles, two D-30 howitzers and one D-20 howitzer," the ministry said.

Manpower and equipment concentrated near the Ukrainian city of Pyatikhatki and an ammunition depot in the village of Zherebyanki were also hit, the ministry said.

RT publishes details of attempted murder of Margarita Simonyan commissioned by Ukrainian special services

Layanan Keamanan Federal (FSB), Kementerian Dalam Negeri, dan Komite Investigasi melakukan operasi bersama untuk menggagalkan persiapan oleh layanan khusus Ukraina untuk membunuh Margarita Simonyan, pemimpin redaksi grup media internasional perusahaan induk Sputnik, Rossiya Segodnya dan penyiar RT, FSB mengumumkan.

"Dalam penyelidikan, senapan serbu Kalashnikov, 90 selongsong peluru, pisau, buku jari kuningan, pentungan karet, borgol, chevron dan bendera yang berisi simbol Nazi, literatur Nazi serta peralatan komunikasi dan komputer dengan informasi yang mengkonfirmasikan niat kriminal mereka. disita dari para tahanan," kata FSB.

Bersama Simonyan, calon pembunuh berencana mengincar Ksenia Sobchak, jurnalis Rusia, sosialita liberal, tokoh oposisi, dan mantan calon presiden.

Para pembunuh mengaku bahwa mereka diinstruksikan oleh dinas khusus Ukraina untuk melakukan pembunuhan dengan imbalan 1,5 juta rubel (sekitar $17.000) untuk setiap pembunuhan.

Footage obtained by RT shows interrogation of the creator of the neo-Nazi group, who attempted to killed Simonyan. He said that he received money for reconnaissance of the residence of Margarita Simonyan. After that, the curator was supposed to leave him weapons, but the would-be assassin was caught by the FSB.

The FSB also said that in the course of the investigation, a Kalashnikov assault rifle, 90 cartridges, knives, brass knuckles, rubber truncheons, handcuffs, chevrons and flags containing Nazi symbols, Nazi literature as well as communications equipment and computers with information confirming their criminal intentions were confiscated from the detainees.

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