
Wednesday 26 July 2023

West 'Torpedoed' Ukraine Peace 'Because We Want War With Russia' - RFK Jr.

West 'Torpedoed' Ukraine Peace 'Because We Want War With Russia' - RFK Jr.

West 'Torpedoed' Ukraine Peace 'Because We Want War With Russia' - RFK Jr.

©AP Photo/Patrick Semansky

The former environmental lawyer, author, and activist continues to creep up in the polls for the Democratic nomination for president, with a recent Harris Poll giving him 16 percent support against incumbent Joe Biden, who enjoys the full backing of the Democratic establishment.

There is no chance of Russia losing the proxy war with NATO in Ukraine, the West fomented the conflict and a peace agreement is needed immediately to prevent further bloodshed, Democratic presidential hopeful Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has said.

"Russia's not gonna lose this war. Russia can't afford this – it'd be like us losing a war to Mexico. They are not gonna lose the war," Kennedy said, speaking at a televised town hall Tuesday night.

"Go look at what Russia did in Stalingrad in order to preserve its territorial integrity. Russia’s been invaded three times through the Ukraine. The last time, Hitler killed one out of every seven Russians. They’re 400 miles from Moscow. We already have Aegis missile systems within 12 minutes of Moscow. We wouldn’t tolerate that if the Russians did it [like] in 1962 when they put them in Cuba," the candidate added, referencing the Cuban Missile Crisis, during which time his late uncle, John F. Kennedy, was president.

US Sabotaged Peace

"The more disturbing thing," Kennedy said, "is that on two occasions the Russians tried to sign a peace agreement with [Ukrainian President Volodymyr] Zelensky," and both times the West sabotaged it.

The candidate pointed to the 2015 Minsk Agreements, which Zelensky expressed interest in before being talked out of it by the US in 2019, and the 2022 draft peace deal reached after talks in Belarus and Turkiye.

"In 2019, France Germany and Russia all agreed to the Minsk Accords. That year, Zelensky ran for president. He was a comedian. He had no political experience. Why did he win? Because he ran on one issue: signing the Minsk Accords. As soon has he got in there, Victoria Nuland and the White House told him he couldn’t do it," Kennedy recalled.

“Then,” in February 2022, he noted, Russia sent “40,000 troops in. That’s not enough to conquer the country. Clearly, [Putin] wanted somebody to come to the negotiating table.” Russian and Ukrainian negotiators met in Istanbul, hammering out a draft peace deal. After that, “Putin in good faith began withdrawing troops from Ukraine. What happened? We sent Boris Johnson over there to torpedo it. Because we don’t want peace, we want war with Russia,” RFK Jr. stressed.

Road to Perdition

The Democratic politician also pointed out that the current crisis has its origins in the end of the Cold War.

“We promised in 1992, the Russian leadership said… 'We’re gonna withdraw 400,000 troops from East Germany and we’re gonna allow you to reunite Germany under NATO,' which is a hostile army. That’s a huge concession for them. 'One commitment that we want,' is what the Russians said, 'is that you will not move NATO to the east.'" He said.

"James Baker, who was then secretary of state under [George H.W.] Bush, famously promised ‘We will not move NATO one inch to the east.’ Well since then, we’ve moved it 1,000 miles and 14 countries. Now when we started that plan in 1997, Bill Perry, who was the secretary of defense under the Clinton administration, said ‘If you move NATO to the east, I am resigning because you are forcing the Russians to come to war with us.’ George Kennan, who’s the most important diplomat in American history, the architect of the containment policy [after] World War II, said the same thing. You do not need to make an enemy out of Russia,” Kennedy said.

Since announcing his run for the presidency in April, RFK Jr. has been the single most outspoken critic of the Russia-NATO proxy war in Ukraine in the Democratic Party, and like former Republican President Donald Trump, has promised to bring the conflict to a close if elected president.

The 69-year-old candidate, who is currently polling at 16 percent, is a veteran environmental lawyer and the son of assassinated former US Attorney General and presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy. RFK Jr. has enjoyed a groundswell of support among Democrats, Republican, and independents amid his refusal to play party politics, but has been smeared by media and largely ignored by the Democratic establishment as an "anti-vaxxer" and "conspiracy theorist." Kennedy has rejected these claims and accused the establishment of trying to silence him.

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