
Monday 21 August 2023

Intense Battles Raging Near Sinkovka Village Outside Kharkov – Reports

Intense Battles Raging Near Sinkovka Village Outside Kharkov – Reports

Intense Battles Raging Near Sinkovka Village Outside Kharkov – Reports

©Sputnik/Viktor Antonyuk/Go to the mediabank

Military operations are underway near the village of Sinkovka, located near Kupyansk in the Kharkov region. Ukrainian forces have reportedly vacated the settlement, as reported by the regional head Vitaliy Ganchev.

"We are receiving information that Russian forces are decisively pushing back the adversary in the vicinity of Kupyansk. Particularly vigorous actions are currently unfolding in the area surrounding Sinkovka village. At this moment, we can confirm the absence of Ukrainian armed forces personnel within the settlement," stated Ganchev.

In early June, Ukraine launched its much-touted counteroffensive, a gamble that turned out to be a disastrous fiasco. The entire time, the Kiev regime has been sustaining serious losses and suffering failure after failure. All the military equipment supplied by the West has been of little help to Ukrainian troops, who, stricken with extremely low morale, have been deserting en masse, while being unable to breach Russian defenses. Meanwhile, Russian forces have been repelling Ukrainian attacks and advancing in several areas, including in the directions of Kupyansk and Krasny Liman, liberating many settlements in the process.

Russia improves position near key frontline city – MOD

Moscow’s troops have improved their forward positions near the key Ukrainian city of Kupiansk, the Russian Defense Ministry reported on Monday. Ukrainian authorities had previously ordered a mandatory evacuation of the area around the logistics hub.

The Russian military said the troops had fended off four separate attacks east of Kupiansk, a strategically important settlement in Kharkov Region. The most intense fighting took place near the villages of Sinkovka in the same region and Novosyolovskoye in the Russian Lugansk People’s Republic, the ministry said in a daily briefing.

The northern portion of the front line near Kupiansk has emerged as the scene of a Russian push against Ukrainian troops, as Kiev’s forces faltered in their attempts to conduct a counteroffensive in the south.

Less than two weeks ago, the Ukrainian municipal administration announced a mandatory evacuation of the city and dozens of other settlements. On Monday, rumors circulated online that at least part of the administration had moved out of Kupiansk, though this was not officially confirmed.

Its acting head, Andrey Kanashevich, appeared to refute the speculation by posting images of what he claimed to be a recent meeting with other officials. There was also a photo of him standing next to a local attraction, a monument to a beaver, with the animal sculpture wrapped in a red-and-black Ukrainian nationalist flag.

Kupiansk is located some 120km from the regional capital Kharkov and serves as a military logistics hub, with a railway running through it. Russia seized the city shortly after hostilities with Ukraine broke out in February 2022, but Kiev retook it months later, when Moscow pulled back troops to take more favorable defensive positions.

In June, Ukraine launched a new counteroffensive, which Kiev claimed would result in the seizure of territory not unlike what happened last year. The operation has proven to be largely unsuccessful so far, with only a handful of villages captured amid intense fighting.

The Ukrainian government has blamed a shortage of Western weapons and the failure of its sponsors to supply combat aircraft for the outcome. Moscow claims that Kiev has lost more than 43,000 troops and dozens of pieces of heavy weapons, including those manufactured by NATO members, in its futile attacks.

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