
Wednesday 23 August 2023

Moscow publishes footage of attack on Ukrainian military speedboat - video

Moscow publishes footage of attack on Ukrainian military speedboat - video

Moscow publishes footage of attack on Ukrainian military speedboat - video

The Russian Defense Ministry has published footage of an attack on a US-made speedboat operated by the Ukrainian military in the Black Sea. It was reportedly destroyed by a warplane earlier on Tuesday.

The video, which was apparently shot from the Russian warplane, showed the boat making sharp turns as the aircraft fired its cannon in short bursts.

The target was identified by the Russian military as a US-produced Willard Sea Force model. California-based Willard Marine produces several sizes of rigid inflatable patrol boats. The firm has sold a number of these to the Ukrainian Navy, according to local media reports.

The Russian military did not reveal the exact model of the boat, but said it was carrying a Ukrainian amphibious team when it was intercepted on Tuesday morning to the east of Snake Island.

The small land mass is located off the coast of Odessa Region, close to Romanian territorial waters. It changed hands twice last year and Kiev has attached symbolic significance to the island, which was previously the subject of a territorial dispute between Ukraine and Romania.

When Leaflets Fall: Russian Artillerymen Encourage Ukrainians to Surrender

Russian soldiers of the Central Military District fired 122-mm propaganda shells at Ukrainian positions in the Krasny Liman area using D-30 howitzers. Russian troops make special shells for this purpose, which are loaded with leaflet rolls instead of explosives.

Russia's Ministry of Defense has published a clip showing soldiers distributing leaflets to Ukrainian troops in the Krasny Liman area in a merciful attempt to encourage Ukrainian troops to surrender.

The shells contain more than 300 A5 leaflets calling on Ukrainian soldiers to voluntarily lay down their arms and save their lives.

The ammunition is distinguished from conventional projectiles by its red color and the inscription "Agit", and the fuse has a firing timer, which is adjusted depending on the distance to the target.

According to the data published by the ministry, the range of fire is over ten kilometers.

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CTES Elog Bimbel - Daftar bimbel Tes SMAKBO, pub-0655609370809761, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

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CTES Elog Bimbel - Daftar bimbel UTBK SNBT, pub-0655609370809761, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

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