
Friday 25 August 2023

Ukraine Uses Phosphorus Munitions in Zaporozhye Direction - Military Doctor

Ukraine Uses Phosphorus Munitions in Zaporozhye Direction - Military Doctor

Ukraine Uses Phosphorus Munitions in Zaporozhye Direction - Military Doctor

©Sputnik / Andrey Stenin / Go to the mediabank

Phosphorus ammunition is a type of weapon that contains phosphorus compounds that combust upon exposure to air. The use of phosphorus ammunition is controversial due to its potential to cause severe burns and damage to civilians and non-combatants.

The Ukrainian military has used phosphorus in the Zaporozhye direction, the head of the surgical department of the separate medical battalion of the 58th Army of the Russian Armed Forces told reporters.

"The use of phosphorus was detected in the area of Zherebyanka, Pyatikhatki. [...] Thank God, our anesthesiologists identified it in time, this lesion, and measures were quickly taken - evacuation, sanitation," a military doctor working on the front line said.

He added that when there is talk in the media about the desire of NATO countries to supply the Kiev regime with new weaponry, it usually begins to be used at the front immediately.

"That is, it is already here. It is starting to be used on this very day," he noted.

The use of phosphorus shells is prohibited by the Geneva Convention. The use of incendiary munitions, including those containing white phosphorus, is restricted by Protocol III of the 1980 UN Convention on Certain Conventional Weapons. In particular, it is prohibited where civilians may be harmed.

Such munitions cause severe burns and acute poisoning, as well as bone and marrow damage and tissue necrosis. White phosphorus is toxic - the lethal dose for humans is 0.05-0.15 grams.

Russian Navy Ships Strike Ukrainian Port Infrastructure

The Russian Armed Forces have launched sea-based cruise missile strikes against a port facility used by Ukrainian troops, the Russian Defense Ministry reported.

Russian Navy Ships Strike Ukrainian Port Infrastructure Facility

"The objective of the strike has been achieved. The target has been hit," reads the ministry's official summary.

Donetsk Direction

Units of the Yug Battlegroup repelled three attacks in the area of the villages of Zaliznyanskoye, Kleshcheyevka, and Staromikhailovka in the Donetsk People's Republic. Ukrainian losses included:

  • Up to 260 troops killed and wounded;

  • One tank, two armored infantry fighting vehicles (IFV), and two military cars;

  • One Krab self-propelled tracked howitzer, two D-20 howitzers.

Kupyansk Direction

Zapad battlegroup fighters, supported by air and artillery, repelled three breakthrough attempts by the Ukrainian 47th Mechanized Brigade and 68th Jaeger Brigade in the areas of Sinkovka in the Kharkov region and Sergeyevka in the Lugansk People's Republic. Ukrainian military losses in the span of 24 hours included up to 50 soldiers, two tanks, three IFVs, two pickup trucks, and a D-20 howitzer.

Zaporozhye Direction

Russian forces repelled five attacks by Ukrainian troops. The Kiev regime's forces suffered losses:

  • Over 110 soldiers;

  • Two Bradley IFVs, two Stryker armored fighting vehicles, and four military cars;

  • Three M777 howitzers, two FH-70 howitzers.

Southern Donetsk and Kherson Directions

Battlegroup Vostok repelled an attack near the settlement of Sladkoye in the Donetsk People's Republic. In addition, they hammered Ukrainian Marines of the 38th Brigade in the area of Urozhaynoye. As a result of these engagements, the Ukrainian Armed Forces suffered casualties:

  • Up to 125 soldiers;

  • Three military vehicles;

  • One Krab howitzer, two M777 howitzers, two Msta-B howitzers, one D-20 howitzer, a 2S1 Gvozdika self-propelled howitzer, and an AN/TPQ-36 Firefinder Weapon Locating System.

In the direction of Kherson, the Ukrainian Armed Forces suffered losses of up to 50 soldiers killed and wounded, three military vehicles, one M777 howitzer, and several Msta-B and D-30 howitzers.

Krasny Liman Direction

Units of the Tsentr battlegroup, during the course of operations, repelled an attack near the settlement of Kuzmino in the Donetsk People's Republic. In addition, they struck the positions of the 63rd and 67th Mechanized Brigades of the Ukrainian Armed Forces and the 5th Brigade of the Ukrainian National Guard, in the areas of the settlements of Chervonaya Dibrova in the Lugansk People's Republic, and Torskoye and Grigorovka in the Donetsk People's Republic.

Following the actions of the Russian forces, the losses of the Ukrainian Army amounted to:

  • Four armored vehicles, two pickup trucks.
  • Up to 125 soldiers;

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