
Monday 7 August 2023

Ukrainian POW - We Learned About Kiev’s Counteroffensive From TikTok

Ukrainian POW - We Learned About Kiev’s Counteroffensive From TikTok

Ukrainian POW - We Learned About Kiev’s Counteroffensive From TikTok

The Russian Defense Ministry earlier said that since the beginning of Kiev’s counteroffensive in early June, the Ukrainian Armed Forces have already lost more than 43,000 servicemen.

Ukrainian soldiers learned the truth about Kiev’s counteroffensive from the social network TikTok, Yaroslav Mironyuk, a captured serviceman, told Sputnik.

“The commanders didn't say a peep. Some said it had already begun, others said it hadn’t started yet,” Mironyuk noted.

He said that he was also in the dark about the goals of the advance, adding that he learned about what was going on from "what's on TV" and from watching TikTok videos.

According to Mironyuk, his unit was supposed to be replaced in the Staromayorsk area on the Southern Donetsk front three days after they were deployed there, but the rotation had never happened.

What’s more, he went on to say, they ran out of food on the very first day, which was followed by a shortage of water. When he and his comrades-in-arms heard the Russian Armed Forces shelling their positions, they decided to lay down their weapons and surrender, as per Mironyuk.

The remarks came a few days after Russian Defense Ministry spokesman Igor Konashenkov said that since the start of Kiev’s counteroffensive, the Ukrainian Armed Forces had lost more than 43,000 soldiers and over 4,900 pieces of various weaponry, including 26 aircraft, nine helicopters, and 747 field artillery guns and mortars.

This followed Western media reports citing unnamed Ukrainian and Western officials as saying that Kiev's forces had lost approximately one-fifth of their Western military equipment over the last two months, including enormous numbers of armored vehicles, as well as using up much of the stockpiles of munitions it was given.

Earlier, both Ukrainian and Western officials admitted that Kiev’s counteroffensive, which was launched by Ukraine's military on June 4, is going “slower than desired,” and is “behind schedule.”

Ukraine's Counteroffensive May 'Run Its Course in Next Few Weeks'

Kremlin Spokesman Dmitry Peskov earlier said that Kiev’s counteroffensive, which was launched on June 4, has been unsuccessful on all fronts as Russia continues its special military operation in Ukraine.

The next few weeks will see the Ukrainian counteroffensive “run its course”, former International Monetary Fund (IMF) economist and Bank of America strategist David Woo has told Russian media.

David Woo said that he was “really impressed” with the fact that "Russian military technology has literally been going through a revolution every three months" and "the Russians are constantly learning from their mistakes."

“The Russians are now fighting with weapons they didn’t have 18 months ago because they didn’t exist 18 months ago. And that to me is the most impressive thing, […] whereas the West is still walking around in the same circle, Russia’s getting better and better, and this war is gonna [sic] be won by technology in the end,” the former IMF economist argued.

He suggested that even though “the Ukrainians are good fighters," Russia will eventually “crush them”. According to Woo, “if Russia crushes Ukraine, that will be the end of American hegemony, as we know.”

Ukraine's much-hyped counteroffensive kicked off on June 4 after months of delays over a lack of military supplies from Western donors. Russian President Vladimir Putin underscored last month that Ukraine’s counteroffensive, which he said claimed the lives of “tens of thousands” of Ukrainian servicemen, had yielded no results.

"Neither the colossal resources that were pumped into the Kiev regime, nor the supply of Western weapons, tanks, artillery, armored vehicles and missiles helped. The delivery of thousands of foreign mercenaries and advisers who were most actively used in attempts to break through the front of our army did not help either,” Putin told a Russian Security Council meeting at the time.

Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov, for his part, said that "the Kiev regime has no successes” and “is in a very difficult situation.”

“The special military operation continues. It is obvious that the counteroffensive is not working out the way it was intended in Kiev," Peskov told reporters.

He was echoed by the Russian Defense Ministry, which, in turn, said that Ukrainian troops kept trying, but were failing to advance as they continue to suffer heavy losses in men and materiel. A number of Western media outlets also pointed to the unimpressive results of Kiev's counteroffensive, admitting that its progress was "slower than desired."

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