
Tuesday 22 August 2023

US Mercenary Leaves Puzzling Message Before His Demise in Ukrainian Fields

US Mercenary Leaves Puzzling Message Before His Demise in Ukrainian Fields

US Mercenary Leaves Puzzling Message Before His Demise in Ukrainian Fields

©Photo : Screenshot / Social Media

An American mercenary fighting in Ukraine left a message for his father before he died, promising to share details of a mission, a British newspaper reports.

According to the newspaper, 48-year-old Jeff Jones was killed in a mortar strike near Artemovsk (Bakhmut) on July 31.

According to his father, Howard, the mercenary maintained sporadic contact with him, but would go off the radar for a week at a time. On the day of his death, Jones sent his father a message saying that he had volunteered for a mission that "all the other groups were afraid to do."

"He said he would let us know when he got back. I sent him a message and never heard back," Jones Sr. said, adding that he received a call a few hours later informing him of his son's demise.

In late May, Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu estimated that the number of mercenaries fighting on the side of Kiev was around 2,500. Moscow has repeatedly stressed that armed activities against Russian military personnel will be stopped and foreign mercenary groups will be crushed on the battlefield.

Ukraine Loses Up to 240 Troops in South Donetsk Direction in Past Day

Ukraine has lost up to 240 soldiers both killed and injured in the South Donetsk direction over the past 24 hours, the Russian Defense Ministry said on Tuesday.

"Enemy losses [in the South Donetsk direction] amounted to up to 240 Ukrainian military personnel killed and wounded, two armored combat vehicles, the US-made M777 artillery system, and the UK-made FH-70 gun," the ministry stated.

Ukraine also lost 235 servicemen in the Dontesk direction and over 125 soldiers in the Zaporozhye direction over the given period, the statement read.

Additionally, Russian armed forces have repelled five attacks by Ukrainian troops in the Kupyansk direction, four in the Zaporozhye direction, three in the Donetsk direction and two in the Krasny Liman direction.

Ukrainian Squad Leader Kills Own Soldier Near Kupyansk

A Ukrainian squad leader has shot dead one of his own soldiers near Kupyansk. The soldier reportedly panicked during an encounter with a group of Russian fighters, a source familiar with the situation said.

"An entire unit of the Ukrainian Armed Forces was killed during the assault, but there is a twist. One Ukrainian soldier had wounds of a very specific nature - from behind and from the side. And he was lying facing his own rear," the agency's informant said.

The cell phone was in the "harness" - the load-bearing pockets of the soldier's body armor - and recorded the events as they unfolded. The footage showed a Ukrainian fighter running away as his fellow soldier opened fire in his direction.

"One of the deceased Ukrainians had a phone with him, which was placed in the ‘harness’ and recorded the execution of his comrade, who had panicked, right at the scene. According to the documents, the panicked soldier turned out to be a conscript whose morale had long since taken a negative turn," the agency's source added.

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