
Sunday 20 August 2023

US Seeks 'License' to Encircle Russia, China, With 'Offensive Strategic Bio-labs'

US Seeks 'License' to Encircle Russia, China, With 'Offensive Strategic Bio-labs'

US Seeks 'License' to Encircle Russia, China, With 'Offensive Strategic Bio-labs'


Documents uncovered during Moscow's special operation in Ukraine have revealed that the US was deploying an extensive biological research program there, spending more than $200 million on 46 biological laboratories researching highly dangerous pathogens. Russia, China, and some EU states are still waiting for Washington's answers on these biolabs.

The new Pentagon report claiming that America is facing “expanding biological threats” from its foreign adversaries is no more than an attempt "to seek license" for the US to continue developing offensive strategic bio-labs in countries that surround Russia, China, Iran, and North Korea, Scott Bennett, a former State Department counterterrorism analyst, told Sputnik.

"These labs will be used to develop bio weapons that target specific DNA and genetic vulnerabilities of people of Slavic, Asian, and Persian-Hindu descent. Of course the external cover explanation for the purpose of these labs will be as 'defensive' or 'proactive' countermeasures against the bio weapon development of other nations the American government defines as 'uncooperative', or 'unyielding', or 'hostile' to being an American vassal or slave state," Bennett said.

The "Biodefense Posture Review" - released on Thursday, claimed that its military faces an acute threat from foreign adversaries engaged in developing advanced biological weapons programs. The report, ordered by Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin back in 2021 following the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, urged the US to take measures to counteract such growing threats. It specifically singled out the “growing multi-domain threat posed by the People’s Republic of China (PRC)", saying the National Defense Strategy (NDS) needed to prioritize the “PRC challenge in the Indo-Pacific region,” and the “Russia challenge in Europe.” According to the US Defense Department, it was currently working to address these concerns by bolstering biodefense capabilities through increased collaboration across the military and the Defense Department’s civilian structures.

The report released by the US Department of Defense is a reaction to the recent revelations made by Russia’s Defense Ministry in connection with the continuing “bio weapon violations of international law and indeed crimes against humanity the United States Government and Military under the Biden Administration is currently doing,” said Scott Bennett, who is also a veteran of the 11th Psychological Operations Battalion of the US Army.

Seeking to deflect attention from these revelations, substantiated by Russia with solid evidence, Washington, is grabbing at an excuse to further continue "these extraordinarily dangerous—if not life ending—experiments in disease, suffering, and death….which seems to be the chief export of the United States," he added. About 30 biological laboratories funded by the US Defense Department have been discovered in Ukraine during Moscow’s ongoing special military operation in the country, the Russian Defense Ministry revealed last year. The Pentagon has been running these clandestine biolabs for years, researching highly dangerous pathogens and exporting biological samples in breach of the Biological Weapons Convention (BWC).

The United States is yet to offer any detailed explanations in connection with its military and biological activities in Ukraine.

The Pentagon report attempts to mislead the public by stating that any claims of American bio labs and their development of dangerous pathogens are “unproven”, but this is “patently false,” added the former US Army psychological warfare officer. "The voluminous amount of materials obtained from the US bio labs in Ukraine were presented to the United Nations by Russia for full exposure and analysis to all the world, however France, the United Kingdom, and the United States objected and stopped this investigation. Why? Seems someone has something to hide," Bennett emphasized.

As for the timing of the "Biodefense Posture Review", it comes as, despite a vast amount of NATO-provided weaponry, Ukraine remains unable to turn the tide of its flagging counteroffensive. The Ukraine counteroffensive largely never got off the ground. In the weeks leading up to it, significant forces attacked Russian positions but were consistently repelled, with vast amounts of Western equipment destroyed. After more than two months of heavy losses and with very little to show for it, US media recently reported on a “classified forecast” from Washington that predicted Ukraine is unlikely to meet its goals in the much-hyped counteroffensive.

On the other hand, Washington is also clearly setting the stage for the next spiral of escalation with Beijing.

“The report and the US Department of Defense is clearly identifying China as its intended target, no doubt due to America and NATO losing fantastically in Ukraine," the former USState Department counterterrorism analyst suggested.

He continued that the report indicated to him, as a former psychological operations officer, that "the Joe Biden Administration and his 'handlers' will no doubt be unleashing within the United States some 'false flag event', in the form of a bio weapon... dirty bomb... to generate the required fear and chaos and tyrannical martial law authority of the United States Government, specifically the FBI, the ATF, the US Marshalls, Homeland Security, the CIA, and the U.S. Military, to use against and control the American people.”

Meanwhile, despite the costly but stuttering counteroffensive, and the heavy losses suffered by Ukraine, Washington continues to spearhead NATO’s proxy war against Moscow.

z "It is increasingly clear that the Biden Administration needs a war to distract the American public from the International collapse of the American petroleum-dollar empire fiat currency system, and its 700 plus military bases around the world. They need to generate an enemy, and nothing is better than an invisible bio weapon... This report is the next stage of that internally coordinated self-implosion of the United States, which the Biden Administration has done through open borders, weaponization of the dollar and economic sanctions, and military interventionism... The bio weapons report by the US Department of Defense is simply a preparation for the next chapter, which is the blaming of a foreign adversary, for the very Pandora’s Box the United States created," Scott Bennett concluded.

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