
Sunday 17 September 2023

'Ground War' in Ukraine May Be Over - Pentagon Ex-Advisor

'Ground War' in Ukraine May Be Over - Pentagon Ex-Advisor

'Ground War' in Ukraine May Be Over - Pentagon Ex-Advisor

©Sputnik/Sergey Averin/Go to the mediabank

The ongoing conflict in Ukraine may be about to move to a new phase amid the severe losses sustained by the Kiev regime forces, warns former senior Pentagon adviser Col. Douglas Macgregor.

With thousands of Ukrainian losses during the ongoing “counteroffensive”, Kiev appears to be “desperate for manpower” and is trying to rectify this problem by “forcing people into uniform inside the country that are not really capable of fighting” and attempting to repatriate Ukrainians of military age from overseas, Macgregor said during an interview with Norwegian political scientist Glenn Diesen.

“So I think the Ukrainian ground war, for all intents and purposes, is either at a standstill or perhaps even over,” he remarked.

Macgregor did point out, however, that Kiev may instead resort to attacking Russia with long-range weapons acquired from Western sponsors, such as Storm Shadow and Taurus missiles, with the colonel suggesting that the recent Ukrainian attack on Sevastopol was an example of such a strike.

He noted that this course of actions does not bode well for Ukraine as it essentially helps convince Moscow that the Ukrainian conflict can only be resolved through military means

Macgregor also lamented that the US leadership mulls what other armaments “short of a nuclear weapon” they can use via the Ukrainians instead of attempting to negotiate a peaceful solution to the Ukrainian conflict with Russia.

“The Russians would love to sit down and talk to somebody who is willing to examine where we stand – no one will do it,” he said. “So this is why I call this phase of the war, it’s no longer the Ukrainian phase, it is now the Biden phase of the war. And the Biden phase of the war is long range strikes.”

He warned that such long range strikes into the Russian territory will not convince the Russians to acquiesce to the US’ demands, as the strategists in Washington apparently believe.

“If anything, it is going to persuade the Russians that they must attack and attack decisively to the west,” Macgregor stated.

Finding itself unable to defeat the Russian forces on the battlefield, the regime in Kiev has resorted to carrying out terror strikes against population centers and civilian infrastructure in Russia.

While so far these attacks were mostly conducted using drones and Soviet-era ordnance, as well as by sending teams of Ukrainian terrorists across the border, odds are high that Kiev may also start actively using for these purposes the long-range missiles provided by its NATO sponsors.

British Army Vet Turned Mercenary Reported Dead in Ukrainian Conflict

A body that may belong to a British mercenary who fought in the Ukrainian conflict on the side of the Kiev regime has been found after he was declared missing last month.

The remains of Daniel Burke, a 36-year old veteran of the of the British Paratrooper Regiment, have allegedly been discovered by authorities in Ukraine, UK media outlet have reported, citing the Greater Manchester Police (GMP).

According to the report, Burke’s body was found in Zaporozhye, some 44 kilometers away from the frontline, and the GMP currently seeks to “support the identification” of the deceased and to return his body home with the help of the Ukrainian authorities and the dead mercenary’s family.

Burke’s mother had reportedly told the outlet upon the news of her son’s corpse’s discovery that this is the moment she had been “dreading."

Burke, who served in the British Parachute Regiment between 2007 and 2009, spent eight months in prison in 2019 on terror charges stemming from his involvement in the Syrian conflict on the side of a Kurdish militant group. All charges against him were dropped in 2020, the media outlet noted.

In 2022, Burke traveled to Ukraine to fight on the side of the Kiev regime and was reported missing by his family in August this year.

The exact circumstances of Burke's death have not been revealed at this time.

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