
Tuesday 24 October 2023

LIVE UPDATES: At Least 2,000 Children Killed in Gaza Strip in 17 Days

LIVE UPDATES: At Least 2,000 Children Killed in Gaza Strip in 17 Days

LIVE UPDATES: At Least 2,000 Children Killed in Gaza Strip in 17 Days

At least 2,000 children have been killed in the Gaza Strip since the recent escalation of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict two weeks ago, humanitarian organization Save the Children said on Monday.

"At least 2,000 children have been killed in Gaza over the past 17 days … with constant airstrikes reducing thousands of buildings across the Gaza Strip to piles of smoking rubble," the organization said in a statement.

The statement added that 27 children were also killed in the West Bank. "We call on all parties to take immediate steps to protect the lives of children, and on the international community to support those efforts. Everything possible must be done to protect children from harm – and provide them with the support they need," Save the Children’s Country Director for Palestine Jason Lee said.

'No safe place in the Gaza strip any more’

Walking around on the streets of Gaza, in my neighbourhood, everything looks so empty... you can barely see people.

This area used to be a very densely populated area. This is the bakery, where you people would stand in a line to buy some bread.

This has been the situation for so long in Gaza. Thousands of families have been instantly displaced, it’s just full of rubble and debris everywhere.

You can hear the sound of drones and Israeli jets in the sky. Everyone says, everyone feels that there is no safe place in the Strip to be in any more.

Hamas says at least 140 Palestinians killed in Israeli air raids on Gaza

Hamas officials have said that Israeli air raids on the besieged territory during the night killed at least 140 Palestinians.

A statement from the government’s media office in Gaza said “more than 140 people were martyred and hundreds wounded in massacres committed by the occupation (Israeli) raids”.

As we reported earlier, more than 5,000 Palestinians have been killed in Israeli air raids in Gaza since October 7.

Wounded Palestinians receive treatment at the al-Shifa Hospital in Gaza City [Abed Khaled/AP Photo]

Israel has attacked 400 targets, including mosques: Israeli spokesperson

An Israeli army spokesperson said that Israel has attacked more than 400 “targets”, including mosques, in the Gaza Strip in the past day.

Daniel Hagari said the mosques were being used by Hamas as meeting places, in a post on X on Tuesday morning.

Hagari also said that Israel had attacked Hamas’s “operational headquarters” and that it had killed three Hamas deputy commanders.

He specified several Gaza neighbourhoods that Israeli warplanes had attacked, including Jabalia. Thirty people, mostly women and children, were killed when Gaza’s Jabalia refugee camp was bombed, the civil defence unit there told Al Jazeera on Sunday.

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