
Thursday 12 October 2023

Putin arrives in Kyrgyzstan

Putin arrives in Kyrgyzstan

Putin arrives in Kyrgyzstan

©Pavel Bednyakov/POOL/TASS

Russian President Vladimir Putin arrived in Kyrgyzstan. The current visit is the first foreign visit for the Russian leader this year.

Putin has a busy program in Bishkek. On Thursday, the working day will begin with an official meeting between the Russian President and his Kyrgyz counterpart Sadyr Japarov at the Ala-Archa state residence. There they will hold negotiations, after a number of bilateral documents will be signed. The leaders will also make statements to the press.

Later on Thursday, Putin will take part in an event dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the Russian military air base in Kant. Also on Thursday, the Russian President is scheduled to hold talks with Azerbaijani leader Ilham Aliyev

Lavrov Holds Press Conference in Kyrgyzstan's Bishkek

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov arrived in Kyrgyzstan's capital Bishkek to attend a meeting of the CIS Council of Foreign Ministers (CMFA).

©Sputnik/Valeriy Sharifulin/Go to the mediabank

Sputnik goes live as Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov holds a press conference following the CIS (Commonwealth of Independent States) ministerial meeting in Bishkek.

The talks focused on expanding and strengthening cooperation among member states in trade, economic, cultural and humanitarian spheres.

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