
Friday 6 October 2023

Ukraine Lost Over 1,745 Military in Donetsk Direction in Past Week - MoD

Ukraine Lost Over 1,745 Military in Donetsk Direction in Past Week - MoD

Ukraine Lost Over 1,745 Military in Donetsk Direction in Past Week - MoD

©Sputnik/Evgeny Biyatov/Go to the mediabank

Ukraine has lost more than 1,745 military both killed and injured over the past week in the Donetsk direction, the Russian Defense Ministry said on Friday.

From September 29 to October 6, the Russian armed forces have repelled 34 attacks by Ukrainian troops in the Donetsk direction, 11 attacks in the South Donetsk direction, four attacks in the Kupyansk direction, and two in the Zaporozhye direction, the ministry said.

"Over the past week, in this (Donetsk) direction, units of the Southern group repelled 34 attacks by the Ukrainian armed forces. As a result of the fighting, the enemy lost more than 1,745 Ukrainian military personnel killed and wounded, 18 tanks and other armored combat vehicles, 27 vehicles, 13 field artillery guns, and the Grad MLRS combat vehicle," the ministry said in a statement.

Ukraine has also lost more than 755 military in the South Donetsk direction, over 430 military in the Krasny Liman direction, more than 405 military in the Kupyansk direction, over 320 military in the Zaporozhye direction, and up to 235 military in the Kherson direction over the past week, the statement read.

Watch Russian Special Forces Wipe Out Ukrainian Armored Vehicles

Russia’s Osman special forces wreak havoc on Ukrainian troops day and night, using a wide range of homegrown military equipment, including unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs).

The Russian Defense Ministry has published footage of its Osman special forces units launching drone strikes on Ukrainian positions non-stop, eliminating NATO-supplied armored vehicles in the Zaporozhye direction.

The Osman fighters have successfully wiped out Leopards and Bradleys, sent to Kiev by the West, using anti-tank guided missiles and UAVs, reducing Ukraine's offensive capabilities.

Watch Russian Artillery Hit Positions of Ukrainian Assault Brigade

The latest Ukrainian counteroffensive began in June, mostly in the Donetsk and Zaporozhye regions. Three months later, Russian President Vladimir Putin said that the Ukrainian counteroffensive had failed. Russia's Defense Ministry has released footage showing Southern Military District artillery crews hitting positions of the Ukrainian 10th Mountain Assault Brigade near Spornoye in the Donetsk region.

President Vladimir Putin said on Thursday that Ukraine has lost over 90,000 fighters since the start of its counteroffensive on June 4. At the same time, Kiev lost a substancial amount of military equipment, sent to Ukraine by Western countries.

Russian Air Defense Downed, Suppressed 320 Ukrainian Drones in Past Week

Russian air defense systems have destroyed and suppressed as many as 320 Ukrainian drones using electronic warfare means from September 29 to October 6, the Russian Ministry of Defense reported on Friday.

"(A total of) 320 Ukrainian unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) were destroyed and suppressed by electronic warfare systems," the ministry said in a statement.

The Russian armed forces have also launched 14 strikes at the Ukrainian military infrastructure using long-range precision weapons and UAVs over the given period, the ministry added.

The naval aviation of Russia's Black Sea Fleet destroyed two watercraft and 13 Ukrainian saboteurs in the Black Sea during an attempt to land on the coast of Crimea, the ministry stated.

"On October 4, 2023, naval aviation of the Black Sea Fleet destroyed two watercraft and 13 saboteurs of the Ukrainian armed forces in the Black Sea during an attempt to land troops on the coast of Crimea,” the ministry said.

Special operation, October 6. Main:

  • Over the week, the Armed Forces of Ukraine lost about 3,890 soldiers killed and wounded, the Ministry of Defense reported in its weekly report.

  • Russian troops carried out 14 group attacks on Ukrainian military infrastructure over the course of a week, destroying, among other things, the Punisher and Fury UAV assembly workshop, HIMARS, Storm Shadow and Scalp storage warehouses.

  • Shoigu visited the Chkalov aircraft plant in Novosibirsk, where he checked the progress of the state defense order and set the task of increasing the pace of production and repair of the Su-34 aircraft.

  • Russian artillerymen hit a car with high-ranking officers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in Kherson.

  • Aviation of the Russian group of troops "West" carried out 19 strikes on enemy positions in the Kupyansk direction, Kyiv lost up to a company of manpower and two tanks.

  • A Ka-29 helicopter of the Black Sea Fleet destroyed a naval drone of the Ukrainian Armed Forces en route to Crimea.

  • Stockholm named the condition for the possible transfer of JAS 39 Gripen fighter jets to Ukraine - first, Sweden must join NATO.

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