
Wednesday 18 October 2023

Ukraine Uses ATACMS Missiles With Cluster Munitions to Attack Russian Cities

Ukraine Uses ATACMS Missiles With Cluster Munitions to Attack Russian Cities

Ukraine Uses ATACMS Missiles With Cluster Munitions to Attack Russian Cities

Ukrainian forces used ATACMS missiles with cluster warheads to attack the suburbs of the city of Berdyansk in Russia’s Zaporozhye region, Russian officials say.

Vladimir Rogov, senior official of the Zaporozhye regional administration, has announced today that M74 cluster submunitions were discovered at the site of a Ukrainian missile strike in Berdyansk suburbs.

He also suggested that Ukrainian forces also used a “cheaper” type of munitions, the Ground-Launched Small Diameter Bomb (GLSDB), in this attack.

The fact that this strike took place while the talks between Washington and Kiev about providing the ATACMS missiles to Ukraine are yet to be concluded reveals that “all these talks are just for show,” Rogov wrote in a social media post on Tuesday.

Meanwhile, Kiev regime head Volodymyr Zelensky has confirmed the use of ATACMS missiles by Ukrainian forces, writing online that these weapons have “performed very accurately.”

He also thanked US President Joe Biden and insisted that Kiev’s agreements with the POTUS are “being implemented.”

Early on Tuesday, Ukrainian forces used ATACMS missiles to attack at targets at the Russian cities of Berdyansk and Lugansk.

The United States is yet to formally announce the transfer of these long-range missiles to the regime in Kiev.

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