
Wednesday 4 October 2023

US House vote live news - Speaker McCarthy faces removal by Republicans

US House vote live news - Speaker McCarthy faces removal by Republicans

US House vote live news - Speaker McCarthy faces removal by Republicans

U.S. House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) walks back to the Speaker's office after a motion to vacate the chair of Speaker of the House and end McCarthy's continued leadership passed by a vote of 216-210, at the US Capitol in Washington [Jonathan Ernst/Reuters]

House Republicans has been stepping out from a closed-door meeting where McCarthy was said to have received a standing ovation from his fellow party members. This shows the Republican Party provided support for McCarthy.

House Republicans has been at out of a closed-door meeting where McCarthy was said to have received a standing ovation from his fellow party members.

He got a lot of support. One of them, Rep. Darrell Issa, said that “there is only one person ready to lead our party.” “It is understood by more than 95 percent of members,” he added.

He got a lot of support. One of them, Rep. Darrell Issa, said that “there is only one person ready to lead our party.” “It is understood by more than 95 percent of members,” he added.

It has already been a busy morning in the US capital, with McCarthy meeting members of his party behind closed doors.

During the meeting, McCarthy expressed a desire to get on with the proceedings, several attendees told US media.

“I’m confident I’ll hold on,” McCarthy told reporters.

Earlier in the day, McCarthy vowed not to trade concessions in exchange for help from Democrats to keep him in his role.

“[Democrats] haven’t asked for anything,” McCarthy said on CNBC before the party meeting. “I’m not going to provide anything.”

House Speaker Kevin McCarthy said he will bring Rep. Matt Gaetz's motion to oust him as speaker up for a vote Tuesday.

"I am going to bring up the motion to vacate today during the first series and move through this," McCarthy told reporters after meeting behind closed doors with the Republican conference.

Gaetz, a Republican hard-liner, has criticized how McCarthy handled spending and budget fights, especially the short-term funding deal reached over the weekend to avert a government shutdown.

McCarthy, who received a standing ovation during the GOP conference meeting, defended working with Democrats to keep government funded, sources said

Reuters, AFP via Getty ImagesRep. Matt Gaetz, left, and Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy, right.
Reuters, AFP via Getty Images

McCarthy also told members he's disappointed he didn't have another option, and insisted they can continue to work to bring up individual spending bills to keep the government funded past Nov. 17.

"At the end of the day, if you throw a speaker out that has 99% of their conference that kept government open and paid the troops, I think we're in a really bad place for how we're going to run Congress," McCarthy told reporters.

At least five Republicans have signaled they want McCarthy out, and if they did vote against him, McCarthy would need Democrats to step in to save him. McCarthy said Tuesday he wasn't expecting Democrats to back him up.

"If five Republicans go with Democrats, then I'm out," McCarthy said.

ABC News Senior Congressional Correspondent Rachel Scott told McCarthy: "That looks likely."

"Probably so," he responded.

Nancy Mace says House would be in chaos if this didn't happen

South Carolina's Nancy Mace surprised some political watchers today when she voted to oust McCarthy.

Speaking with reporters, the Republican explained she was frustrated her work on federal rape kit legislation could not proceed amid the legislative chaos of this session.

Mace said she was angry “as a fiscal conservative, I'm angry as a woman. I am deeply frustrated".

“That is the consequence of that behaviour," she said. "And I want the American people to trust the Speaker. When the Speaker makes a promise to either side of the aisle, they ought to keep it."

"The House was going to be in chaos if this did not happen," Mace continued. "I am looking for a Speaker who will tell the truth to the American people who will be honest and trustworthy with Congress, with both parties."

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