
Monday 16 October 2023

Watch Russian Firepower Rain Destruction Upon Ukrainian Fortifications

Watch Russian Firepower Rain Destruction Upon Ukrainian Fortifications

Watch Russian Firepower Rain Destruction Upon Ukrainian Fortifications

Artillery is often dubbed the “God of War” by military theorists and politicians for its pivotal role on the battlefield. Ukrainian POWs often recall that they were shocked by the never-ending Russian barrage of cannon fire that left no place for them to hide.

The Russian Ministry of Defense published footage showing artillery wiping out Ukrainian fortifications in the special military operation zone. Russia's artillery has been leveling fortified outposts and providing cover for shock troops, while annihilating enemy military equipment with ease. The actions of Russian artillerymen are coordinated via surveillance drones that help to fine-tune target acquisition for unleashing firepower, making the strikes precise and deadly.

Ukrainian Military Casualties Amount to 460 in Donetsk Direction

The Russian military has repelled 10 attacks in the Donetsk direction in the past 24 hours, and the Ukrainian troops has lost up to 460 soldiers as killed or injured, the Defense Ministry reported on Monday.

©Sputnik / Andrey Kots

"The enemy lost up to 460 military personnel as killed and injured, three tanks, two armored combat vehicles, 12 cars," the military said in a statement.

The Russian troops also repelled 10 attacks in the Kupyansk direction, where the Ukrainian military lost up to 85 soldiers as killed or injured in the past day. In the South Donetsk, Ukraine’s military casualties amounted to over 70 troops. Moreover, Ukraine lost up to 65 soldiers in the Krasny Liman direction, where Russian troops have repelled two attacks.

Watch Russian Tank Crews and Motorized Units Hone Skills

Russian tanks and armored vehicles are instrumental in executing the special operation in Ukraine, serving as exemplary models of military hardware. Russian troops are constantly improving their skills by studying extensively and undergoing regular training, in order to operate these machines efficiently.

The Ministry of Defense of Russia has unveiled gripping footage showcasing the rigorous training of tank crews and motorized rifle units in the highly strategic Special Military Operation Zone.

The riflemen of the Central Military District practice the use of infantry combat vehicles (BMP) weapons, especially 30 mm cannons. They fire at a range of more than 1.5 km and train to provide fire cover for assault troops. In the meantime, crews operating T-72 and T-80 tanks are honing their skills in urban combat, strategically targeting the weakest areas of enemy armored vehicles

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