
Saturday 14 October 2023

Watch Russian Spetsnaz Show Off Huge Haul of NATO Rations Meant for Ukraine

Watch Russian Spetsnaz Show Off Huge Haul of NATO Rations Meant for Ukraine

Watch Russian Spetsnaz Show Off Huge Haul of NATO Rations Meant for Ukraine

©Sputnik/Screengrab/Russell Bentley

Russian forces fighting in the proxy war against NATO in Ukraine are used to seeing, hearing from and being fired at by foreign mercs, and coming into contact with alliance weaponry ranging from small arms to heavy battle tanks. But once in a blue moon, the ‘surprises’ they receive from Kiev's Western sponsors are of a more pleasant variety.

Russian Spetsnaz troops in the ruins of the liberated city of Artemovsk (Bakhmut) have decided to show off the diverse range of foods sent to Ukraine by NATO countries.

Footage shows soldiers in a makeshift storage facility filled with “mountains of food” left by Ukrainian forces during their retreat from the city, including vast stocks of baked beans from Turkiye, Starbucks coffee, Italian canned pork, rice packaged in Poland and even British chicken broth.

“We’ve been coming here for six months, like to a supermarket. Thank you to the Europeans, the Poles, the Dutch, the Germans, the Italians…Guys, keep up the good work! You provide the Ukrainian Armed Forces with tasty food,” the soldier behind the camera quipped.

The US and its allies have sent close to $175 billion in military, economic and humanitarian aid to Ukraine, including thousands of tons of military field rations and other food that can be stored over long periods and doesn't require much work to prepare.

It's unclear how long this 'Manna from Heaven' will continue, however, with Biden White House National Security Council spokesman John Kirby warning this week that the US aid won't be "indefinite," and that Washington is "coming near to the end of the rope" as it shifts its focus to Israel.

Ukrainian Military Casualties Reach Nearly 1,600 in Donetsk in Past Week

The Russian forces repelled 17 attacks in the Donetsk direction in the past week, where the Ukrainian troops lost nearly 1,600 soldiers as killed and injured, the Russian Defense Ministry stated on Friday.

“Over the past week, in this direction, the enemy lost more than 1,580 military personnel as killed and wounded, four tanks, 30 armored combat vehicles, 22 cars, 14 field artillery guns, as well as a Grad MLRS combat vehicle,” the ministry reported.

The Russian forces also repelled eight attacks in the South Donetsk direction in the past seven days, where Kiev lost over 1,285 soldiers as killed in injured. In the Zaporozhye direction, the Russian troops repelled four attacks, in which Ukraine lost over 385 soldiers.

In the Kupyansk direction, the Russian forces repelled 46 Ukrainian attacks in the past week, and Kiev lost over 830 soldiers as killed or injured. Moreover, 22 attacks have been repelled in the Krasny Liman direction, where Ukraine’s military casualties reached over 895.

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