
Wednesday 22 November 2023

‘A genocidal war’: Surgeon says Israel strategically destroying Gaza health

3‘A genocidal war’: Surgeon says Israel trategically destroying Gaza health

‘A genocidal war’: Surgeon says Israel strategically destroying Gaza health

Dr. Ghassan Abu Sittah, a surgeon who worked at both the Al-Shifa and Al-Alhi Baptist hospitals in Gaza, tells Al Jazeera that he believes the destruction of the health sector is part of an Israeli military strategy to wipe out the Palestinian population in Gaza.

Dr. Abu Sittah’s observations shed light on the dire situation in Gaza’s health sector, where the destruction is not just a consequence of conflict, but a deliberate strategy with devastating consequences for the Palestinian population.

Dr. Abu Sittah’s claims point to the larger issue of the impact of military strategies on civilian populations, raising questions about the ethics and legality of such tactics in conflict zones.

Indonesian Hospital in Gaza shelled as premature babies go to Egypt

As the Indonesian Hospital in northern Gaza becomes another war zone, medics are moving patients out of the line of fire to Nasser Hospital in the south. But a doctor there says he fears the facility may soon become a target itself.

At least 12 people were killed Monday at the Indonesian Hospital, according to a medical worker there and the Hamas-run Gazan health ministry. Both blamed Israel, saying its forces shelled the facility's second floor. Israel denied this, saying its troops returned fire on militants who targeted them from inside.

'God help us,' says Gaza doctor as wounded Palestinians flee one hospital for the next

This comes less than a week after Israeli forces raided Gaza's Al-Shifa hospital, claiming it houses a Hamas command centre, something the militant group denies. 

A man carries a badly injured child to Nasser Hospital. A doctor there says some of the children who were brought to the hospital were already dead on arrival. (AFP/Getty Images)

Tareq Al-Daghma is a pediatric ICU doctor at the Nasser Hospital in Khan Younis, in southern Gaza, which has received about 200 patients from the Indonesian Hospital over the last two days, but they have neither the staff nor the supplies to care for them.

Our ICU was intended for pediatrics … not traumatology or surgical or multiple casualties. But we were obliged to do this work since we have no other options. We need the multidisciplinary team to overlook these patients, because these patients come with severe injuries, severe burns, fractures, all sorts of injuries.

We are short of doctors, as well, and nurses and supplies, and it's getting really bad.

We don't have clean water. We don't have enough food for our staff, who are exhausted. And sometimes we work continuously for more than 24 hours without rest.

We are facing very difficult situations in which we sometimes put a DNR [order] — this is meaning "do not resuscitate" — [on] patients with serious and severe injuries that we think ... won't survive.

There are reports of a strike, potentially an Israeli strike, on a residential apartment building in Khan Younis.... And you're saying you've received just more than 20 people [from its aftermath].

We have no fuel for the cars. People were bringing them on foot — it's about two kilometres away — or sometimes on a cart, or carried by donkeys and animals and horses.

The ambulances brought many children who already were dead. We looked for patients that ... can be saved, really, but they came in very critical condition. We did some resuscitation for them in the emergency room and, unfortunately, we could not save any of these children.

They were found on the streets. Imagine that. The bombing of their apartments ... they flew from the windows, and they found them on the streets. 

I don't really have any vacant beds in the ICU.

Sometimes we put them in a regular room. We are out of ventilators. We are out of staff, especially nurses. There are many, many patients who are lying in the corridors ... critical patients.

We've also heard of doctors losing their lives. Have you lost any colleagues or friends?

In the beginning of the war, there was a doctor friend of mine. I don't know why they bombed his apartment. He died along [with] his whole family, around eight of them. He was called Aziz Al-Farra. He's a pharmacist. He was a really good friend and nice person, very charismatic personality.

The only surviving member of his family was a child called Hamza. I was still in grief and pain [from] hearing the news, and I was shocked again [when] they told me that in the emergency room, there is one child who's still alive, his eldest son, around 11 years old.

He had a brain hemorrhage. He has a fractured hip. He had abdominal penetrating wounds. We were fighting [for] him ... for around seven days, and then he ultimately died.

I told his cousin, the only surviving member of his family: Maybe it's God's wish, maybe it's the best thing that he would not live with this trauma and pain.

We're hearing that there might be some release of hostages by Hamas, that they might let some people go, and there might be some sort of pause [in the fighting]. When you hear that, does that make you hopeful?

Everybody here is not really hopeful about this ceasefire. Because … everybody's saying that they now think the IDF, the Israeli army, that they will come to the south of Gaza, and maybe our hospital will be the next target.

In the Indonesian Hospital, I have a colleague who died, a doctor, a physician, because they bombarded the hospital.

Nobody's hopeful that this war is going to stop here. Everybody's trying to flee out of the country.

They made Gaza unbearable and unable to be a habitable city. They demolished everything. We have no no electricity, no clean water, no food.

I'm the head of pediatric department and I'm supervising [the] ICU. I have an Egyptian nationality. I could have left a long time ago as a foreign nationality.

I live … east of Khan Younis, but from Day 1, we were told to evacuate. I don't know, maybe my house is demolished by now.

I had to go to the downtown city of Khan Younis to my wife's family place, and just after two days, we were bombarded. And, thankfully, me and my daughter — my only daughter, my only family member that I have here — we were lucky to be alive.

She's 18 years old. We are living now in the hospital. We have no other choice.

My wife was living before the war in Egypt. And I have another son studying in Egypt. So we are trying to survive.

I hope you convey our message. We need your prayers. We need your help. We need everybody to know that the Israeli army is not targeting Hamas. They are making genocidal massacres.

We don't see anyone taking action against this, any Arab countries as well. Which is astonishing and surprising, really. Nobody in the world cares for us. I don't know. Maybe they don't consider us as humans, or I don't know.

We are not all like Hamas. We are other humans. God help us.

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