
Sunday 12 November 2023

Watch Russian Artillerymen Hit Ukrainian Positions With Msta-B Howitzers

Watch Russian Artillerymen Hit Ukrainian Positions With Msta-B Howitzers

Watch Russian Artillerymen Hit Ukrainian Positions With Msta-B Howitzers

Since the beginning of the special military operation, the Russian Armed Forces have skillfully used artillery to accomplish the tasks assigned to them.

The Russian Defense Ministry has released footage showing Russian artillerymen with Msta-B howitzers hitting the positions of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in the Zaporozhye region during a special military operation.

The Msta-B howitzer is a powerful artillery weapon used by the Russian military. It is 152mm caliber and capable of firing a variety of projectiles, including high-explosive, smoke and illumination rounds. The Msta-B has a range of up to 24 kilometers and is highly mobile, able to move quickly across all types of terrain.

Kiev Military Leadership Abandons Soldiers – Captured Ukrainian Marines

Ukrainian soldiers captured on the Dnepr river have claimed their commanders were nowhere to be found as their unit was landing there.

Ukrainian commanders gave their soldiers the wrong coordinates and quit the combat mission on the left bank of the Dnepr, captured Ukrainian Marines have told Sputnik.

"They picked us out and then put us on the boats to cross the river. They said we had to cross the road where our guys were waiting for us, and we had to evacuate the wounded. So, we crossed the road and ended up in an ambush. The boats just took off. They dispatch the soldiers and then immediately set sail," said one of the captives, Yaroslav Nikiforov.

The Russian Ministry of Defense (MoD) earlier reported on a mission carried out by a unit from the Dnepr battlegroup. The Russian unit, led by Senior Lieutenant Zolto Arsalanov in the Kherson region, destroyed troops belonging to Ukraine’s 36th Marine Brigade that attempted to gain a foothold on the left bank of the Dnepr.

The Russian Ministry of Defense (MoD) earlier reported on a mission carried out by a unit from the Dnepr battlegroup. The Russian unit, led by Senior Lieutenant Zolto Arsalanov in the Kherson region, destroyed troops belonging to Ukraine’s 36th Marine Brigade that attempted to gain a foothold on the left bank of the Dnepr.

Arsalanov, who was wounded in the battle, and the military personnel of the unit, were presented with state awards by Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation and General of the Army Sergei Shoigu for the courage and heroism shown during the successfully conducted operation which resulted in 11 Ukrainian marines being captured.

Maxim Solovyov, another Ukrainian serviceman, shared that their officers were in the rear as the landing was taking place. There were no concrete tasks for the soldiers; the commanders simply gave out the drop-off location as the soldiers were on their way across the river.

"I got to the left bank on a motor boat. We were captured because of the wrong locations they gave us. The officer was not around when we were crossing the river," captured Mikhail Zolin said in a video shared by Moscow's MoD. Zolin added that the unit he used to serve in had a single grenade launcher and a few rifles. However, the weapons often ran short of munitions.

All the Ukrainian soldiers in captivity claim that the training process before being sent to the front is very brief, lasting about a month. For the most part, the training involves digging up trenches and taking theory classes. There are about two firing practices, though not all new fighters manage to partake in it.

Germany to Double Military Aid for Ukraine to $8.6Bln in 2024 - Reports

Western allies began pouring weapons and ammunition into Ukraine shortly after Russia launched its military operation in the country in February 2022. Germany is one of the most active European countries to support Ukraine.

Germany’s governing coalition plans to double military assistance to Ukraine to $8.6 billion next year, Bloomberg reported, citing sources.

The German parliament’s Budget Committee will approve the extra $4 billion in military funding for Kiev at a meeting next week, which would increase German defense spending to 2.1% of GDP in 2024, the agency reported, citing information it obtained from the Defense Ministry.

Earlier, the top European diplomat, Josep Borrell, said that US aid to Ukraine might be cut and that EU countries should be politically ready to take up the slack.

On 10 October, German Defense Minister Boris Pistorius announced a $1.1 billion military aid package for Ukraine, including Patriot SAMs and the IRIS-T missile system.

In 2022, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz announced the €100 billion ($107 billion) fund, which includes the procurement of F-35 fighter jets to replace aging Tornado jets, Israel's Arrow air defense system, and Chinook heavy-lift helicopters.

The US and its allies increased their military aid to Kiev shortly after Russia launched its special military operation in Ukraine. Moscow has repeatedly warned that supplying arms to the Kiev regime will only prolong the conflict.

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