
Tuesday 14 November 2023

Watch Russian Drones Obliterate Ukrainian Troops, Armored Vehicle in Artyomovsk Area

Watch Russian Drones Obliterate Ukrainian Troops, Armored Vehicle in Artyomovsk Area

Watch Russian Drones Obliterate Ukrainian Troops, Armored Vehicle in Artyomovsk Area

Russian drone crews have once again demonstrated their tactical prowess in the Artyomovsk (Bakhmut) area, skillfully seeking out and eliminating Ukrainian servicemen and an armored vehicle.

The Russian Defense Miniustry has published footage of Russian kamikaze drones wreaking havoc on Ukrainian manpower and military equipment in the Artyomovsk (Bakhmut) area.

The unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV), integral to Russia’s military strategy, have been pivotal in changing the course of warfare, compelling the Kiev regime to lose battle after battle.

Russian troops have employed drones en masse, targeting all sorts of enemy weaponry, military facilities, and personnel. The effectiveness of Russian UAVs, particularly in identifying and neutralizing key targets, is a testament to Russia's innovative approach to modern warfare. The sophisticated use of technology showcases Russia's commitment to conducting highly efficient military operations, further cementing its position as a formidable force in the realm of contemporary combat.

Watch Russian Recon Rub Out Ukrainian Troops in Forests Near Kupyansk

The Russian military has effectively incorporated drones into its special military operation, employing them to carry out precise, surgical strikes while minimizing risks to its soldiers.

The Defense Ministry has released a video of Russian reconnaissance drones eliminating Ukrainian militants in the forests of the Kupyansk region.

The clip shows wooded terrain recorded from a reconnaissance drone, as it conducts recon using thermal imaging mode. Subsequently, Ukrainian military personnel are clearly visible among the trees. Once detected, they were eliminated with an ammunition drop from the UAV.

Watch Russian Forces Unleash Guided Missile & Blow Away Ukrainian Troops

A guided missile comes equipped with a guidance system that effectively controls its flight path and enables it to precisely target a specific object. It can be operated either remotely or autonomously and is specifically designed to transport and deliver a designated payload, such as explosives, to its intended target.

The Russian Defense Ministry recently released a video showcasing the obliteration of a cluster of Ukrainian militants near Kleshcheyevka in the Donetsk People's Republic. The footage depicts Battlegroup Yug unleashing a guided missile that lands a successful strike, resulting in the elimination of an infantry unit from Ukraine's 22nd Separate Mechanized Brigade.

The Ukrainian Army has been unsuccessfully trying to carry out an offensive since June 4. Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu said on October 30 that Kiev had suffered losses amounting to over 90,000 dead or wounded soldiers, in addition to about 600 crippled tanks and 1,900 disabled armored vehicles of various classes. According to the Russian defense chief, Ukraine has not achieved any tactically significant breakthroughs.

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