
Saturday 6 January 2024

Watch Russian Ka-52 Helicopters Rule the Skies Amid Ukrainian Conflict

Watch Russian Ka-52 Helicopters Rule the Skies Amid Ukrainian Conflict

Watch Russian Ka-52 Helicopters Rule the Skies Amid Ukrainian Conflict

Kiev's forces have been dealt a stinging blow in the Donetsk sector by one of the deadliest weapons at Russia’s disposal.

Russia's Kamov Ka-52 attack helicopters continue to confirm their already formidable reputation as these birds keep bringing pain to Ukrainian forces.

According to the Russian Ministry of Defense, one such Ka-52M 'copter recently managed to take out a Ukrainian command post and score hits against Ukrainian armored vehicles in Donetsk.

A short video released by the ministry online shows what such sorties look like.

Watch Russian Su-25 Fighter Jet Strafe Ukrainian Positions With Unguided Missiles

Since the beginning of its special military operation, Russia quickly achieved air superiority due to the superior technical capabilities of its air force and the outstanding skills of Russian pilots.

The Russian Ministry of Defense has released footage showing a Su-25 fighter strafing Ukrainian positions with unguided missiles.

After destroying the targets, the crews performed evasive maneuvers, fired false heat targets to confuse enemy air defenses, and returned safely to home base.

The MoD noted that the pilots performed pitch-up maneuvers at extremely low altitudes while firing missiles. All targets were successfully destroyed, the ministry added.

Watch Russian Howitzer Crews at Work in Ukrainian Conflict

Neither snow nor rain can deter artillery units of the Russian Armed Forces from meting out deadly punishment to anyone foolish enough to threaten them.

Ukrainian forces in Southern Donetsk don’t have it easy as they keep getting pounded by the artillery of Russia’s Vostok battlegroup.

After surveillance drones scouted out enemy targets, target coordinates were then relayed to the crews of D-30 towed howitzers who proceeded to strike with deadly precision at their armor, troop formations or artillery pieces at distances of up to 15km.

This short video shared online by Russia’s Ministry of Defense shows how this happens.

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