
Sunday 4 February 2024

Strikes Against Syria and Iraq Prove US War on Terror is a Sham - World reacts to the US attack

Strikes Against Syria and Iraq Prove US War on Terror is a Sham - World reacts to the US attack

Strikes Against Syria and Iraq Prove US War on Terror is a Sham - World reacts to the US attack

©Photo : Handout, Popular Mobilization Forces Media Office

Russia called for an urgent meeting of the United Nations Security Council on Saturday in the wake of what Moscow characterized as a “new blatant act” of US “aggression against sovereign states.”

Dozens of people in Syria and Iraq were killed Saturday morning after the United States fired ‘precision munitions’ into the two countries against 85 targets ranging from command and control and intelligence centers to logistics bases used by anti-ISIS militias. This response from a trio of experts about the strikes' implications for the region.

The strikes, carried out against what the Pentagon characterized as Iranian Revolutionary Guard Quds Force units and “affiliated militia” forces in Syria and Iraq, came after a months-long regional escalation of militia attacks against illegal US bases in Syria and outposts in Iraq, in response to Washington’s support for Israel’s war in Gaza. The Pentagon warned of potential strikes against targets inside Iraq and Syria last week after a militia drone attack against Tower 22, a US military outpost in Jordan just across the border from an illegal US base in southern Syria, which killed three American troops and injured 47 others.

Local media estimated that at least 23 people were killed in Syria and 16 in Iraq in Saturday’s attacks, with Damascus and Baghdad blasting Washington for its flagrant violation of the two countries’ sovereignty. Syria’s Foreign Ministry said it was “not surprised” to see American forces attack targets in the country’s east, “where our forces are fighting against the remnants of the ISIS terrorist organization, while the United States is working to revive ISIS terrorist activity.”

Syria’s Ministry of Culture slammed Washington’s aggression as a blatant violation of the Hague Convention, noting that the US strikes included an attack which hit the Citadel of al-Rahba, a regional ancient architectural marvel whose history goes back to the 9th century AD.

Along with the IRGC, Saturday’s strikes targeted the Popular Mobilization Forces, a militia coalition officially affiliated with the Iraqi government which played a key role in defeating ISIS in fierce battles between 2014 and 2017.

Sham War on Terror

Pointing to the PMF’s history of anti-terrorist operations, retired US Army Lieutenant Colonel Earl Rasmussen said that the US military’s strikes are further proof that Washington’s operations in the Middle East are “not really against ISIS.”

“They say they are, but they’re really not. If you look at them, they’ve supported ISIS indirectly. They’ve protected them. Al-Qaeda* as well. They can’t tell the American public that, but look at the weapons they’re using, the extremist groups, look at the conflict in Syria for many years,” the veteran officer said.

“Look at the Mujahideen in Afghanistan as well,” Rasmussen recalled, referring to the militia and terrorist group used by the CIA as a proxy against the Soviets in Afghanistan in the 1980s.

“We’ve kind of nurtured extreme groups for years. And actually, you can even look at western Ukraine – the ultra-right neo-fascist groups there, Banderites essentially. We’ve nurtured them since after World War II. Many different classified CIA projects helped that. I think we use ISIS and al-Qaida to help maintain instability in the region and our potential influence or justification for us to have a presence there to ‘provide stability’. But in actuality, it just doesn't provide stability.

And probably the key source of the instability there is our presence, our illegal presence in Syria and Iraq and the often, frequent escapades of Israel bombing adjacent countries as well as the treatment that they've put the Palestinians through over decades,” he stressed.

Saturday’s strikes signal a “very dangerous escalation” in the region, according to Rasmussen, who pointed out that it could easily grow into a crisis involving Iran, Russia and China.

“Depending on how long they’re going to do the strikes, how often, and how many facilities they're going to bomb – it could escalate. The world is not what it was in 1991 and 2001. It's different now. These militia groups are more coordinated, they're better armed, they're better trained. Iran is not the country it used to be. They've got hypersonic missiles...They’re trying to develop trade and economic growth in this region. This could escalate really bad, and I'm hoping there are some adults in the room in Washington, DC, but I don't think so. I haven't seen any so far,” Rasmussen lamented.

The observer also pointed out the hypocrisy of US efforts to label the PMF as “Iranian-backed militias,” saying that Washington is in no position to accuse others of being foreign-backed.

“These militias are pretty much independent. Okay, they get weapons and things from Iran. Yeah, alright, well who has weapons from the United States? I mean, look around the world. And ISIS has got our weapons and stuff, and Al-Qaeda. We're providing weapons to Israel. So does that mean we're - well, actually, we pretty much are participating in the genocide in Gaza,” Rasmussen summed up.


“The attacks are a violation of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Iraq and Syria, international law, and a clear violation of the United Nations Charter,” said Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesperson Nasser Kanaani.

“In addition to an all-out support of the US for four months of relentless and barbaric attacks by the Zionist regime against the residents of Gaza and the West Bank, and military attacks on Yemen and violating the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the country, last night’s attacks on Syria and Iraq were another adventurous action and another strategic error by the US government which will have no result but to intensify tensions and instability in the region.”

“The attacks merely support the goals of the Zionist regime. Such attacks increasingly involve the US government in the region and overshadow the crimes of the Zionist regime in Gaza.”


Russia has requested an emergency meeting of the United Nations Security Council following the US strikes on Iraq and Syria, and it is expected to be held on February 5 at 4:00 p.m. New York Time, Russia’s First Deputy Permanent Representative to the UN Dmitry Polyansky said.

"We have just asked to convene an emergency meeting of the UN Security Council due the threats to peace and security sparked by the US strikes on Iraq and Syria. This month’s Guyanese presidency is planning to schedule it for February 5 at 4:00 p.m. New York Time," he wrote on his Telegram channel.

Earlier in the day, Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said that Russia strongly condemns "the new blatant act of US-UK aggression against sovereign countries." The diplomat said, "Obviously, the airstrikes are deliberately aimed at fueling the conflict further."

The US has launched a string of strikes on pro-Iranian militias deployed in certain border areas of Iraq and Syria. The US Central Command (CENTCOM) said that the airstrikes, which hit more than 85 targets, targeted the Quds Force of Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC, elite units of the Iranian armed forces) and related groups.

Yahya Rasool, a spokesman for the commander-in-chief of the Iraqi armed forces, said earlier that the US Air Force's bombing of Iraq's border areas is a violation of the country's sovereignty and will have unintended consequences for Iraq's security and stability throughout the region.


“This aggressive strike will put security in Iraq and the region on the brink of the abyss,” the Iraqi government said in a statement, and denied Washington’s claims of coordinating the air raids with Baghdad as “false” and “aimed at misleading international public opinion”.

The presence of the US-led military coalition in the region “has become a reason for threatening security and stability in Iraq and a justification for involving Iraq in regional and international conflicts”, read the statement from Prime Minister Mohammed Shia al-Sudani’s office.

“Iraq reiterates its refusal to let the country be an arena for settling scores,” said government spokesperson Basim Alwadi.

Yahya Rasool, the Iraqi military spokesperson, said the attacks “constitute a violation of Iraqi sovereignty, undermine the efforts of the Iraqi government, and pose a threat that could lead Iraq and the region into dire consequences”.

“The outcomes will have severe implications on the security and stability in Iraq and the surrounding region,” Rasool added.


The Ministry of Foreign Affairs said the strikes served to “inflame the conflict in the Middle East in an extremely dangerous way” and added to Washington’s “record of violations against Syria’s sovereignty, territorial integrity, and the safety of its people, proving once again that it is the main source of global instability”.

The military said, “The area targeted by the American attacks in eastern Syria is the same area where the Syrian Arab Army is fighting the remnants of the Daesh [ISIL] terrorist organisation, and this confirms that the United States and its military forces are involved and allied with this organisation, and are working to revive it as a field arm for it both in Syria and Iraq by all dirty means.”

“The aggression of the American occupation forces at dawn today has no justification other than an attempt to weaken the ability of the Syrian Arab

Army and its allies in the field of fighting terrorism, but the army.”


“We condemn in the strongest terms the American aggression against Iraq and Syria, and consider it a dangerous escalation, an infringement on the sovereignty of the two Arab countries, and a threat to their security and the stability of the region, in service of the occupation’s expansionist agenda and covering up its horrific crimes against our Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip,” read a statement from Hamas.

“The administration of US President Biden bears responsibility for the consequences of this brutal aggression against both Iraq and Syria, which adds fuel to the fire, and we affirm that the region will not witness stability or peace except by stopping the Zionist aggression, crimes of genocide and ethnic cleansing against our people in the Gaza Strip, and ending the Zionist-Nazi occupation.”


“Hezbollah strongly condemns the blatant American aggression against Iraq and Syria. What the United States of America has done is a blatant violation of the sovereignty of the two countries, an attack on their security and territorial integrity, and a shameless violation of all international and humanitarian laws,” the Lebanese group said in a statement.


The Houthis will "meet escalation with escalation" after the U.S. and U.K. airstrikes on Yemen, according to Mohammed Al-Bukhaiti, a member of the Houthi’s Ansar Allah political bureau.

"Our military operations against the Zionist entity will continue until the aggression against Gaza stops, no matter what sacrifices it costs us," Al-Bukhaiti said on X. "We will meet escalation with escalation, and victory comes only from God."

Clear Attempt to Reassert US Dominance

Saturday’s aggression constituted a “demonstration strike,” with its intention being an attempt by the US “to assert military and security dominance in the Middle East,” Dr. Imad Salamey said, an associate professor of political science and international affairs at the Lebanese American University, and he adding that unfortunately, he doesn’t expect the crisis to deescalate anytime soon as US forces in the region hunker down.

“While the Iraqi parliament is calling for a US withdrawal, it's premature to expect immediate action,” the academic said. “In fact, considering the current developments, a US military buildup might be more likely in the near future rather than an imminent withdrawal. The situation remains unstable and evolving while the Biden administration needs to demonstrate ‘victory’ rather than defeat as the presidential elections draw near.”

Dr. Muhannad Alazzeh, a former Jordanian Senator and international legal and human rights commissioner, agrees, saying the “whole context” of the attacks relates to domestic considerations in Washington, specifically to Biden seeking “to avoid the Republicans’ rage since they accuse him of ‘being weak and hesitant’ toward Iran in particular when they compare him to his predecessor.”

US Has to Understand Concept of Blowback

The Biden administration’s Middle East policy, and attempts to pretend that militia attacks against US forces in Iraq and Syria, and by the Houthis in the Red Sea, have ‘nothing to do with Israel’s war against Gaza’, reflect “either arrogance or ignorance” on Washington’s part, Dr. Alazzeh said.

“America shall understand and make Israel understand as well that they might be able to set fire In Gaza, West bank or any country individually but they absolutely can’t prevent its spreading to other countries, and this is exactly what’s happening now gradually,” Dr. Alazzeh stressed.

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