
Wednesday 20 March 2024

iPhones won’t work in case of World War III – Russian MP

iPhones won’t work in case of World War III – Russian MP

iPhones won’t work in case of World War III – Russian MP

©Getty Images/Tomas Ragina

Western smartphones could stop working in Russia if the Ukraine conflict turns into a global war, Anton Gorelkin, deputy head of the Russian State Duma’s Information Policy Committee, warned in an interview posted to the YouTube channel Telega Reality.

According to the MP, if the conflict “moves to another stage,” everyone will “up the stakes,” including the tech companies.

“I’m talking about something that some experts call World War III. In this scenario, I fully expect that Apple will disable all iPhones in the Russian Federation, and Google will disable non-jailbroken Android phones,” he stated.

He warned that in such a case the Russian authorities and tech experts could retaliate with similar actions regarding Western tech companies, although he did not specify what these actions could be. Gorelkin also admitted that Russia currently has no alternatives to replace Western smartphones or the software they use. He predicted, however, that things may change in 5-10 years, as Russia’s IT sphere is rapidly developing, especially since the exit of a number of foreign companies from the country’s market.

Gorelkin is not the first person to suggest the possibility that Western gadgets will stop working in Russia. Various experts warned that such a scenario was technically possible for all devices that require software updates from companies abroad, or have options that allow owners to remotely find and block a phone that has gone missing. However, so far Western tech companies have stopped short at removing undesirable applications from their app stores and disabling the use of the payment services Apple Pay and Google Pay on phones belonging to Russian users.

Russian President Vladimir Putin recently weighed in on the possibility of the Ukraine conflict turning into a global war. During a question-and-answer session at his campaign headquarters in Moscow on Sunday night, he commented on recent statements from members of the US-led military bloc on the possibility of NATO troops being deployed in Ukraine. Putin said that such a move would be seen as a direct confrontation between NATO and Russia, which “would be one step shy of a full-scale World War III.”

Ukraine Losing Ground on Battlefield Due to US Inaction - White House

Ukraine is losing ground on the battlefield due to the inaction of the US Congress, White House spokeswoman Karine Jean-Pierre said on Tuesday.

"Because of the inaction of Congress over the last couple of months, Ukraine is actually losing ground on the battlefield," Jean-Pierre said during a press briefing. "It is due to our inaction."

Congress has been deadlocked for months over a foreign aid supplemental bill that would provide funding for Ukraine, Israel, and Taiwan. While the Senate approved a $95 billion version of the bill last month, Speaker Mike Johnson has refused to bring it to the House floor for a vote.

Russia has consistently warned against the continued arms deliveries to Ukraine, saying that they only prolong the conflict. Moscow also sees the Ukraine conflict as a hybrid war led by the United States.

President Putin earlier said that throughout the special op zone the initiative on the battlefield belongs entirely to the Russian armed forces. He also added that each day Russian troops are moving further through the area, demonstrating more than just active defense along the lines of contact.

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