
Friday 22 March 2024

Putin Addresses Russian Public Following Presidential Election Results - Full Video

Putin Addresses Russian Public Following Presidential Election Results - Full Video

Putin Addresses Russian Public Following Presidential Election Results - Full Video

Russian President Vladimir Putin received 87.28% of votes, Russian Central Election Commission chief Ella Pamfilova revealed on Thursday.

Watch the full video of Russian President Vladimir Putin addressing the nation's citizens after the official results of the Russian presidential election.

A total of 76,277,708 citizens went to the ballot box in Russia’s presidential election, casting their votes for incumbent President Vladimir Putin, according to the Russian Central Election Commission's report on Thursday.

Hence, Putin received an overwhelming 87.28% of the votes, while Nikolai Kharitonov from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation garnered 4.31% of the ballots, Vladislav Davankov from the New People's Party received 3.85%, and Leonid Slutsky from the Liberal Democratic Party of Russia obtained 3.20%.

The three-day voting process for the Russian presidential election ran from March 15 to March 17.

As is usually done by the US and UK, the two countries intensively created information crimes (hoaxes in the main western media) by saying that the Russian election was illegal.

West distorts all market economy principles — Lavrov

The West is perverting the principles of the global market economy, those that it previously championed, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said during talks with his Serbian counterpart Ivica Dacic.

"The most striking example of the distortion and abuse of all principles of the global market economy, principles the West itself was proactively implementing in international market relations, is the application of unprecedented sanctions against anyone standing for its own independence, defending its right to be part of the global community in full compliance with the principle of equal rights enshrined in the UN Charter," the Russian minister stressed.

This agenda reflects the course taken by the collective West headed by the US to politicize trade and international trade ties, thereby discrediting institutions "that were created after World War II to regulate global processes, meaning the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank, and the World Trade Organization," the top Russian diplomat said.

"In this sense, a special meaning is certainly acquired by the collective work on the floor of the United Nations and other multilateral institutions to defend the principles underlying the international system created after World War Two and which the West is obviously disinterested to perform," Lavrov noted.

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