
Thursday 28 March 2024

Russian Pacific Fleet Warships Arrive in Red Sea

Russian Pacific Fleet Warships Arrive in Red Sea

Russian Pacific Fleet Warships Arrive in Red Sea

©Sputnik/Vitaliy Ankov/Go to the mediabank

Russia's Pacific Fleet is part of the Russian Navy based in Vladivostok, Russian Far East, and consists of various naval ships, submarines, and aircraft that ensure maritime security, conduct joint exercises, and maintain readiness for potential missions.

A detachment of Pacific Fleet warships has crossed the Bab-el-Mandeb Strait and entered the Red Sea as part of a long march, the Pacific Fleet reported.

"A detachment of Pacific Fleet warships, including the Varyag missile cruiser and Marshal Shaposhnikov frigate, has crossed the Bab-el-Mandeb Strait and entered the Red Sea," authorities stated.

Earlier in March, the Varyag missile cruiser and Marshal Shaposhnikov frigate held the Sea Security Belt-2024 joint international naval exercise with Iranian and Chinese naval vessels. This week, Pacific Fleet ships conducted anti-piracy and unmanned boat destruction drills in the Gulf of Aden in the Arabian Sea.

Putin slams allegations about Russia’s plans to invade Europe as utter nonsense

Russian President Vladimir Putin has slammed allegations that Russia is planning to fight against Europe as utter nonsense.

©POOL/Go to the mediabank

"As for the allegations that we are planning to invade Europe after Ukraine, this is utter nonsense meant solely to intimidate their population to make them pay more money," he said at a meeting with military pilots in the Tver Region.

He noted that this narrative unfolds "amid the slumping economy and deteriorating living standards." "This is absolutely clear and is acknowledged by everyone. This is not propaganda. This is what is really happening. They need to justify themselves, so they are intimidating their population with a potential Russian threat while seeking to expand their dictation onto the entire world," Putin stressed.

"This is utter nonsense - the possibility of attacking some other countries, Poland, the Baltic States, the Czechs are being frightened. It is just nonsense and another way to deceive their population and to extract additional expenses from people, to make them bear this burden on their shoulders, and that is it," Putin said.

Russian president stressed that he has no doubt that the Russian Armed Forces will fulfill their assigned tasks.

The head of state had a conversation with military pilots during the working trip. One of the pilots told Putin the Russian Armed Forces would fulfill any assigned task.

“On behalf of all servicemen, let me express my deepest gratitude and respect to you and reassure you that you can count on the personnel of the Armed Forces. We will fulfill any task you set, we will not let you down,” the pilot said.

“I have no doubt,” Putin replied.

Representatives of all the peoples of Russia show their best on the battlefield, the president said.

"Representatives of all confessions and all peoples of Russia show their best on the battlefield today," the president said.

Russia Never Moved to NATO Borders, But They Moved Closer

It was not Russia that moved to the borders of NATO countries, it is them who are getting closer, and Russia is just protecting its people, the president said.

"They came right up to our borders. Did we move toward their borders, those countries that were part of the NATO bloc? We did not touch anyone - and they were moving toward us. Did we go across the ocean to the borders of the United States? No, they are approaching us, and they have come very close. What are we doing? We are only protecting our people on our historical territories," Putin said.

Russia, in the course of the special military operation in Ukraine, is protecting people on its historical territories, and it would not have happened if a security system in Europe had been created after the collapse of the Soviet Union, the president clarified.

"What we do in the course of the special military operation is that we are protecting our people who live on our historical territories," Putin said.

"If after the collapse of the Soviet Union, as Russia had proposed, completely new security relations in Europe had been built, nothing like today would have happened. They would have just been taking into account our security interests, which we have been talking about year after year, in fact, decade after decade. They totally disregard it," Putin added.

Russia is a multiethnic and multifaith country, everyone should be treated with respect, the president stressed.

“At the same time, we must never forget that we are a multiethnic, multifaith country. We must always treat with respect - and this is what we do - our brothers, representatives of other faiths: Muslims, Jews, everyone,” Putin told the pilots.

Russia Has No Unfriendly States, It Has Unfriendly Elites of Those Countries - Putin

Russia does not have unfriendly countries, there are unfriendly elites of these countries, Russian President Vladimir Putin said on Wednesday.

"There are many achievements, even in those countries that we call unfriendly today. Although we do not have unfriendly countries, we have unfriendly elites in these countries," Putin said at a meeting with cultural workers in Russia's Tver Region.

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