
Friday 8 March 2024

Russian Valkyrie - How Blue-Eyed Ballet Dancer Turned Into Military Commander

Russian Valkyrie - How Blue-Eyed Ballet Dancer Turned Into Military Commander

Russian Valkyrie - How Blue-Eyed Ballet Dancer Turned Into Military Commander

©Photo : Valkyrie

A Russian ballet dancer-turned-female warrior sat down with Sputnik to tell her story about life and her fight in the special military operation in Ukraine.

Valkyrie had no combat experience when she came to the conflict zone: she is a ballet dancer by profession. One could have hardly imagined that this beautiful slim blue-eyed woman would one day put on a military uniform and take up an assault rifle.

"Yes, I am a theater dancer by profession," she told Sputnik. "But it really helps to endure physical stress. Because at the Academy of Russian Ballet you go through a sort of military training – it's an 'army for girls', which shapes you as a person. So yes, this experience helps, oddly enough."

She is no tenderling: her call sign originates from her bike-riding hobby.

"I am a member of the international women's motorcycle club 'Night Valkyries'," she explained. "I came here with my 'road' name."

Valkyrie initially started to assist Russian volunteer battalions as a humanitarian worker. One day she was contacted by Mikhail Turkanov, call sign Pitbull, a commander of the Russian Espanola brigade, who invited her to join their ranks.

Russian female soldier call sign Valkyrie
©Photo : Valkyrie

"We started talking, and he said: 'Come and try it.' I realized that such a chance could come once in a lifetime, because defending the Motherland is an honor. This is an honor that is not given to everyone. I grabbed this opportunity and joined [the brigade]."

According to Sputnik's interlocutor, there's a rule that when men and women are standing shoulder to shoulder in the combat zone female soldiers have no privileges, they fight on a par with men.

Russian female soldier call sign Valkyrie
©Photo : Valkyrie

"When women fight alongside men, there are no difficulties at all, because on the battlefield we are all fighters," the female soldier said.

"They do not see us as women. At the front line, you also stop perceiving yourself as a girl. No, you are a fighter. You are given certain tasks that you must accomplish."

At the same time Espanola warriors completely understand that women have their own daily necessities, Sputnik's interlocutor continued.

"One issue we had to deal with was that it’s problematic to wash your hair in winter while in the trenches. It would seem that one can easily cope with wet wipes and a dry shower gel. But washing your hair was a real disaster. Thanks to humanitarian workers who donated dry shampoos and dry shower gels to the army. This is important beyond words."

At the same time Espanola warriors completely understand that women have their own daily necessities, Sputnik's interlocutor continued.

"One issue we had to deal with was that it’s problematic to wash your hair in winter while in the trenches. It would seem that one can easily cope with wet wipes and a dry shower gel. But washing your hair was a real disaster. Thanks to humanitarian workers who donated dry shampoos and dry shower gels to the army. This is important beyond words."

These daily necessities completely pale in comparison with the joy of seeing your comrades-in-arms returning safe and sound from the battlefield, she emphasized.

"This is the greatest joy one can ever have," she said. "Sometimes it seems that you are worn out and completely exhausted. And then you see that the guys are alive, everything is fine, the combat mission has been completed. You will never experience this amazing feeling in your civilian life. This is exactly the feeling of completing your combat mission without losses."

Valkyrie initially joined Espanola as a member of the assault group, but soon she was elevated to deputy company commander.

She said that she never sought a senior position in the first place. However, her commander allows his subordinates to learn from him and passes on his experience. "He is always with us at the training grounds, always with us both in training and on the front line."

Russian female soldier call sign Valkyrie
©Photo : Valkyrie

Once, when he was seriously wounded, he decided to make Valkyrie one of his deputies.

"He said that I have some organizational skills. The fighters of our assault company and the commander himself could say whether I handled it well. Espanola's motto is: 'Never retreat and never give up.' They promoted me, and so far it seems to be working."

She wasn't scared to lead an assault group, but she feared to let her companions in arms and her commander down.

"I didn’t even know how to start leading the soldiers of our assault company. But precisely because I had an example of our commander to follow, it was an honor. Therefore, despite the difficulties, I tried to do that."

When the special military operation is over, the soldier wants to educate youths in patriotism, sports, and survival skills.

"I don't want the younger generation to be sort of pampered flowers on the lawn. Let them develop in sports, let them develop as true patriots. I will look for those talents who want to go to the top."

However, before the gardens must come the fighting: "I want to say to our Western readers that we love our Motherland and we will defend it. Victory will be ours, the enemy will be defeated," Valkyrie concluded.

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